Determination of 2,3,5,4-tetrahydroxystilbene-2-O-β-D-glucopyranoside and anthraquinon simultaneously in Polygonum multifloriof different growing stage and gathering periods by HPLC Thinking of current situation about decreasing, abolishing and substitution of Chinese medicine species in Shanghanlun Experimental study on cytochrome P450 enzymes after receiving ferment powder caterpillar fungus Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Rice Seedling Inoculated with Sturdy-seeding Agent in Low-phosphorus Soil AS-PCR Marker of HMW-GS 1Bx14 Related to Baking Quality Influence of 0.05 g/L 2,4-D on facultative apomixis in Apluda mutica Characteristic in photosynthesis,transpiration and water use efficiency of Haloxylon ammodendron and Calligonum mongolicum of desert species Malesterility induced by pyridazine compound 9403 in wheat Survey and Analysis of Microsatellites from DNA Sequences in Camellia Species Using 454 Pyrosequencing Resistance of R-94 Bt-transgenic Poplar to Hegesidemus habrus(Heteroptera:Tingidae) and Two Leaf-miner Species EFFECT OF SALT STRESS ON PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND GROWTH OF FOUR TREE SPECIES SEEDLINGS Preparation and Identification of Polyclonal Antibody Against CD47 Derived from Camel Cloning and Bioinformatics Analysis of the CDS of Yak AQP4 Gene Long-term Partitioning of Ammonium and Nitrate Among Different Components in an Alpine Meadow Ecosystem Cloning of Banana Bunchy Top Virus Chinese Zhangzhou Isolate DNA 4 and the Promoter Activity of Its Non-coding Region A p34cdc2-like Protein Is Localized in Both Nuclei and Cytoplasm of Physarum polycephalum The Expression of Mycobacterium tuberculosis MPT64 Protein in Transgenic Carrots Studies on Petunia hybrida Transformed with Flower-meristem-identity Gene AP1 Studies on the Resistance Mediated by Three Mutants of TMV 54K Protein Gene Iridoid Glycosides from Pedicularis dolichocymba Hand.-Mazz. NaCl and TDZ are Two Key Factors for the Improvement of In Vitro Regeneration Rate of Salicornia europaea L. Regulation of Eukaryotic Initiation Factor 4E and Its Isoform: Implications for Antiviral Strategy in Plants Anthocyanin Accumulation Mediated by Blue Light and Cytokinin in Arabidopsis Seedlings Genetic Interactions Reveal that Specific Defects of Chloroplast Translation are Associated with the Suppression of var2-Mediated Leaf Variegation Studies on Bisflavonóids of the leaves of Cephalotaxus fortunei Hook fvar alpina Native to China Studies on Cell Suspension Culture and Plant Regeneration in Rice Partial Purification of the Plasma Membrane H+ ATPase from Wheat Roots Oliveriflavone, a New Biflavonoid from Cephalotaxus oliveri Mast. Cloning, E. coli Expression and Molecular Analysis of Amorpha-4,11-Diene Synthase from a High-Yield Strain of Artemisia annua L. Isolation and Identification of Saponins from Aralia decaisneana Hance A Putative Calcium-Permeable Cyclic Nucleotide-Gated Channel, CNGC18, Regulates Polarized Pollen Tube Growth Effect of hydroquinone and dicyandiamide on N2O and CH4 emissions from lowland rice soil N2O emission from rice wheat ecosystem in Southeast China CH4 and N2O fluxes from late-rice fields in Guangzhou region and their affecting factors Relationship bwtween CH4 and N2O emissions from rice field and its microbiological mechanism and impacting factors Degradation of 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene (1,2,4-TCB) in soil Relationship between chemical compositions of "8455" wheat plant and population dynamics of Schizaphis graminum and Macrosiphum avenae Biodegradation of 14C-aldicarb in upland soils The exchange between four types of vegetation system of Baishazhou in Dongting Lake and carbon of atmosphere Comparison of Gas Exchange Traits of Different Plant Species in Hunshandak Sand Area(in English) OsSIDP366, a DUF1644 gene, positively regulates responses to drought and salt stresses in rice Phylogenetic position of the monotypic genus Metapolypo- dium Ching endemic to Asia: evidence from chloroplast DNA sequences of rbcL gene and rps4-trnS region Effects of chlorobenzene stress on seedling growth and cell division of Vicia faba Effects of amino acid-N and ammonium-N on wheat seedlings under sterile culture Dry deposition flux of air sulphur at a typical red soil area-with Jiangxi Red Soil Station as example Dry deposition flux of air sulphur at a typical red soil area-with Jiangxi Red Soil Station as example Transportation and transformation of 14C-phenanthrene in closed chamber (nutrient solution-lava-plant-air) system THE EFFECT OF ACETYCHOLINE ON ~(14)C-ASSIMILATES TRANSLOCATION OF Isatis tinctoria L. UPTAKE AND ACCUMULATION OF ~(134)Cs BY SIX PLANT VARIETIES FROM THE AMARANTHACEAE GROWN IN NUTRIENT SOLUTION LABELING OF HERBICIDE FEMESAFEN REGULATING EFFECT OF DENSITY AND TOP-DRESSING TIME OF NITROGEN FERTILIZER ON ~(14 ) C-ASSIMILATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF ASSIMILATE OF LARGE-SPIKE CULTIVAR OF WHEAT STUDIES ON ~ (14 ) C-EXTRACTABLE RESIDUE, ~ (14 ) C-BOUND RESIDUE AND MINERALIZATION OF ~ 14 C-LABELED CHLORSULFURON IN SOILS EFFECT OF REWATERING AFTER WATER STRESS ON PARTITIONING OF ~( 14) C-LABELLED PHOTOASSIMILATE IN MATURE APPLE TREE STUDIES ON BOUND RESIDUE OF ~(14)C-METSULFURON-METHYL IN SOILS AND ITS DISTRIBUTION PATTERN IN HUMUS MOBILZATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF CARBON ASSIMILATES OF WHEAT UNDER WATER DEFICITS BEHAVIORS OF ~(14)C-BUTACHLOR, ~(14)C-CHLORPYRIFOS AND ~(14)C-DDT IN Rana japonica japonica GUENTHER KINETICS RESEARCH ON TRANSPORTATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF PHOTOSYNTHATE IN VARIOUS SPECIES OF COTTON LEAVES PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND ~(14)C-ASSIMILATE DISTRIBUTION AS INFLUENCED BY CPPU TREATMENT ON OVARY IN Lagenaria leucantha DEVELOPMENT OF eui-T(P)GMS-LINE PEIAI64eS(1)OF RICE YIELD CONSTITUTE AND EFFECTIVE DISTRIBUTION OF ASSIMILATIVE PRODUCTS OF AMERICAN GINSENG TURNOVER OF ~(14)C-GLUCOSE IN SOILS AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH SOIL CHARACTERS ~(14)C ASSIMILATE DISTRIBUTION AND ACCUMULATION OF HYBRID SPRING WHEAT DURING FORE\|ANTHESIS PHOTOSYNTHETIC CHARACTERISTICS AND DISTRIBUTION OF 14C\=ASSIMILATES IN THE WINTER WHEAT OF LATE GROWING PERIOD\=IN DRY LAND ABSORPTION OF NITROGEN BY GINSENG AND EFFECT OF NITROGEN ON 14 C ASSIMILATE DISTRIBUTION EFFECT OF GRAFT PROMOTING AGENT ON HEALING PROCESS OF GRAFT UNION,ABSORPTION,TRANSPORTATION OF 32 P AND 14 C TRANSLOCATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF 14 C PHOTOSYNTHATE IN LYCHEE (Litchi chinensis Sonn. cv. Nuomici) BY SPIRAL GIRDLING SYNTHESIS OF ( 14 C 4 PYRIMIDINYL) BENSULFURON METHYL SYNERGISTIC MECHANISM OF COMBINATIVE APPLICATION OF BENSULFURON AND UREA EXCRETIVE TENDENCY OF ZINC FROM 65 Zn MET IN FECES AND URINE OF GOATS EFFECT OF HIGH TEMPERATURE ON TRANSPORTATION OF ASSIMILATEFROM WHEAT FLAG LEAF DURING GRAIN FILLING STAGE DISTRIBUTION AND TRANSPORTATION OF 14CASSIMILATE LABELEDAT PRELIMINARY HEADING STAGE IN WINTER WHEAT DISTRIBUTION OF ASSIMILATES DERIVED FROM CANOPY LEAVES AT DIFFERENT MILKY STAGE OF INTERGENERIC HIGH YIELDING HYBRID RICE SCREENING AND BREEDING OF RICE-BLAST RESISTANT MUTANT VARIETY BEHAVIOR OF CESIUM - 134 IN THE TEA TREE STUDY ON REAATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE DEVOLOPMENT OF KERNELOF MAIZE AND DISTRIBUTION OF 14C-ASSIMILATE FROM FROM FUNCTIONAL LEAVES EFFECTS OF N‘-(2,4-DIMETHYLPHENYL)-N-METHYLFORMAMIDINE HYROCHLORIDE ON COMMUNITY STRUCTURE IN POND MESOCOSMS 2, 4-epibrassinolide‘s Effects on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Fruit Qualities of Netted Melon Effects of 2, 4-epibrassinolide on Growth and Antioxidant Enzymes System in Pepper Roots Under Chilling Stress Breeding of ‘Huayu 40’ through EMS Mutagenesis Evolution of the 4-coumarate:coenzyme A ligase (4CL) gene family: Conserved evolutionary pattern and two new gene classes in gymnosperms