Obtaining Transgenic Plants of Chinese Cabbage Resistant to Pieris rapae L.with Modified CpTI Gene (sck) Differences of S-glycoprotein Content in the Styles among Pear Cultivars Differing in Self incompatible Strength Effects of Culture Medium Factors on Lycopene Synthesis in Carrot SuspensionCells Studies on Accumulation and Allocation of Carbohydrate in Zizania latifolia Studies on Accumulation and Allocation of Carbohydrate in Zizania latifolia Assimilates Distribution in Young Peach Plants during Water Stress and afterRemoving Water Stress Supplemental Nitrogen Effects on Growth, Nutrient Content and Quality of Aloe vera Seedlings under Salt Stress Recent Advances in the Transcriptional Regulation of Anthocyanin Biosynthesis Chemical constituents from aerial parts of Anabasis aphylla in vivo and In vitro anti-lung cancer activity of Sancaofang components and their compatibility Chemical constituents in whole herb of Euphorbia lunulata Organic acids derived from Picris davurica and their anti-oxidative activity Chemical constituents of Astragalus membranaceus var. mongholicus Molecular Cloning、Correlation Analysis and expression studies of 4CL Gene in Ziziphus jujuba Mill.‘Wuhexiaozao’ Protective effect of β-asarone on PC12 cells injury induced by Aβ1-42 astrocytic activation Attenuation mechanism of gamboges during processing based on inflammatory toxicity and AQP3, AQP4 protein and mRNA expressions in rat gastric and duodenal tissues Optimization of reaction conditions and methodological investigation on microtox-based fast testing system for traditional Chinese medicine injection Structure activity relationship of annonaceous acetogenins against multidrug resistant human lung cancer cell line A549/Taxol in vitro Relationship between hepatic drug-metabolizing enzymes CYP450 and traditional Chinese medicine-induced hepatotoxicity Identification of multidrug resistance gene MDR1 associated microRNA of salvianolic acid A reversal in lung cancer Protective effects of notoginsenoside R1 against amyloid-β(1-42) induced mitochondrial apopototic death in SH-SY5Y cells Effects of the Active Components of Some Chinese Herbs on Drug Metabolizing-enzymes Studies on Chemical Constituents from Tibetan Medicine Wangla(Rhizome of Coeloglossum viride var. bracteatum) Study on constituents in rhizome of Astilbe chinensis Effect of ligustrazine on injury of vascular endothelial cells ECV-304 incluced by hypoxia and lack of glucose Modulation of the activities and mRNA expression of cytochrome P450 isoenzymes in rat liver by Panax gingseng and coadministration with Veratrum nigrum Influence of Shenmai injection on blood serum tumor necrosis factor and bone marrow CD34+ cell‘s apoptosis of chronic aplastic anemia patient Studies on the chemical constitutents in herb of Verbena officinalis EFFECT OF RAKE EARTH ELEMENTS ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF PHOTOSYNTHATE IN SUGAR BEET MECHANISM OF ABSORPTION OF ~(14)C-PENDIMETHALINE AND ~(14)C-IMAZAQUIN BY DODDER SEEDLINGS TRANSPORTATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF ~(14)C-ASSIMILATE FROM FUNCTIONAL LEAVES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF GRAINS OF MAIZE DEGRADATION OF ~(14)C-LINDANE IN SOILS OF PLANTING GINSENG RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN GRAIN YIELD AND ~(32)P, ~(14)C DISTRIBUTION IN TILLER AND PANICLE OF F_1 HYBRID RICE EFFECT OF CHOLINE ON CARBON ASSIMILATION AND PHOSPHORUS UPTAKE BY GINSENG COMPARATIVE VERIFICATION OF THE DETECTION METHODS OF BHC IN RICE BY ISOTOPE TRACER TECHNIQUE NITROGENASE ACTIVITY AND NH_4~+-DEREPRESSION OF BLUE-GREEN ALGAE Anabaena 7120 UNDER INFLUENCE OF SODIUM CHLORIDE ABSORPTION OF CESIUM-134 BY AQUATIC PLANTS LABELLING OF ~(14)C-M- ISP AND ITS ABSORPTION, TRANSLOCATION AND DISTRIBUTION IN PEANUT AND SOYBEAN SEEDLING STUDIES ON THE EFFECT OF RICE NODAL ROOTS OVER THE GROUND ON LATE GROWTH OF RICE BY ~(32)P AND 14C THE MESUREMENT OF PHOTOSYNTHETIC RATE OF PANAX GINSENG WITH ~(14)C TRACER METHOD SYNTHESIS OF FUNGICIDE (~(14)C-TRIAZOLE)-TRIADIMEFON Simultaneous Determination of 4 Flavonoids in Extracts of Phyllostachys pubescens Leaves by HPLC SNP Analysis of 4CL Gene in Larix olgensis Henry Populations Cloning of miR417 Gene from Halostachys caspica and Its Effects on the Rates of Seed Germination and Seedling Survival Cloning and Expression Analysis of miR408 Precursor Sequences from Salvia miltiorrhiza Tropospheric Ozone Distribution and Injury on Leaves of Sensitive Woody Plants in Nanchang City, China Detection of 45S rDNA and Telomere Sequences and Karyotype Analysis of Sagittaria trifolia L. Expression Pattern of FMOGS-OX4, a Biosynthetic Gene Involved in Aliphatic Glucosinolate Side-chain Modification Cloning and Expression of Dihydroflavonol 4-Reductase in Actinidia chinensis var. rufopulpa A Preliminary Study on NH4+-N Uptake Kinetics of Potamogeton malaianus under Different Nutrient Conditions The Application of the Image Deconvolution Technique to the Study of the Maize 45S rDNA Transcription Pattern Cloning and Function Analysis of SiLEA14 from Saussurea involucrata Kar.et Kir. DECOMPOSITION AMD TRANSFORMATION OF 14C-TRACED STRAW IN SOILS Effect of metabolin from Streptomyces padanus JAU4234 against Rhizoctonia solani Screening and identification of actinomycetes on Verticillium dahliae from soil Synthesis of (2′-bromo-4′,5′-dimethoxy-phenyl)-(2,3-dibromo-4,5-dimethoxy-phenyl)-methane as PTP1B inhibitor Effect of Panax notoginseng on genes expression of CYP and GST in lung tissues of rats Experiment research of Jiajian Yunvjian granules on hyperthyroidism graves Experiment Research of Jiajian Yunujian Granules on Hyperthyroidism Graves Preparation and release in vitro of Sarcandrae extract from injectable thermosensitive in situ gel Preparation and release in vitro of injectable thermosensitive in situ gel of Glabrous Sarcandra herb extract WT inhibit human hepatocellular carcinoma BEL-7402 cells growth by modulating Akt and ERK1/2 phosphorylation Studies on expectorant compounds in volatile oil from root and rhizome of Aster tataricus GC-MS analysis of essential oil from rhizomes of Ligusticum chuanxiong cultivated in GAP Base for Chinese Medicinal Materials of China Chemical constituents in barks of wild Phyllanthus emblica Chemical constituents of Andrographis paniculata (II) A new dammatane-type triterpene from root barks of Ailanthus altissima Stilbenoids from rhizomes of Dioscorea bulbifera Chemical constituents from seeds of Helianthus annuus Chemical constituents from Melilotus officinalis Chemical constituents with anti-oxidative activity from fruits of Illicium micranthum Chemical constituents from rhizomes of Paeonia sinjiangensis Regulation of saponins from Pulsatilla chinensis on energy metabolism of Bel-7402 xenograft in nude mice Anthraquinone compounds from rhizome of Smilax scobinicaulis Stimultaneous determination of five flavonoids in Callicarpa nudiflora by UPLC Effect of active fraction from Huanglian Jiedu Decoction on activation of astrocytes and expression of Cx43 in cerebral ischemic penumbra Chemical constituents from Gastrodia elata (II) Chemical constituents of Evodia lepta in Pattra medicine Synthesis and cytotoxic activities of ardipusilloside I derivatives Chemical constituents in endophytic fungus Verticillium sp. KY-18 isolated from Dendrobium officinale