The short-term responses of soil CO2 emission and CH4 uptake to simulated N deposition in nursery and forests of Dinghushan in subtropical China Pilot study of removing nitrogen from sewage in under ground-ditch-pattern soil treatment system Environmental regulations of C3 and C4 plants Researches on the insect-resistant effect of transgenic hybrid poplar 741 with two insect-resistant genes Distribution and fate of nitrogen fertilizer in various soil nitrogen pool at wheat seedling stage Effects of different nitrogen forms on rice seedlings under sterilized culture at high temperature Accumulation of available sulfur in soil profile and affecting factors in a long-term fertilizer experiment of dry land farming Effect of different structure of fertilizer on the migration of nitrogen in red rice soil The role of Ca2+ in the systemic resistance of cucumber young leaf induced by phosphate nutrition NITROGEN FIXATION OF PARA-NODULES OF ORGAN CULTURED CARROT ROOTS WITH 15N2 REDUCTION METHOD MECHANISM OF ADSORPTION OF Mn2+ ONTO A SYNTHETIC BIRNESSITE EEFECT OF BORON ON GROWTH NODULATION AND NITROGEN FIXATION OF SOYBEAN NODULATING MUTANTS AND ITS PARENT CV. BRAGG——I. GROWTH, MINERAL COMPOSITION AND TOTAL AMOUNT OF NITROGEN FIXATION Responses of the functional traits in Cleistogenes squarrosa to nitrogen addition and drought Immunofluorescent Localization of 4-Coumarate Coenzyme A Ligase of Nicotiana tobacum Effects of Different Treatments on Frequency of Wheat Haploid Embryo Production through Wheat × Maize Isolation and Expression Analysis of Two cDNAs Encoding C4H Homologues from Gossypium arboreum Chemical Constituents of the Anemone tomentosa Root Chemical Constituents from the Bark of Cercidiphyllum japonicum The C4 Plants in Inner Mongolia and Their Eco-geographical Characteristics The Synthesis of Insect specific Neurotoxin Gene tox 34 and Acquirement of Transgenic tobacco Isolation and Characterization of β-1,4- Endoxylanase from Trichoderma pseudokonigi Chemical Constituents of the Root of Pimpinella thellungiana Resistance of Maize Calli to Herbicide Basta and Its Relevant Effect by Some Amino Acids ffects of Some Inhibitors on Potassium-and IAA-Induced Adventitious Root Formation of Excised Cucumber Cotyledon Effect of Seedling Transplantation on the14CO2 Assimilation and the Apportionment of 14C ssimilations Within the Cotton Plant Interplanted in Standing Wheat Redox System of Plasma Membrane with Glutathione as an Electron Donor Analysis of N-Terminal Sequence of a 41 kD Protein from a Photoperiod-Sensitive Genic Male-Sterile Mutant of Rice 2,4-epibrassinolide protection aginest root growth inhibition and oxidative damage of Medicago sativa L. seedling under NaCl stress Distribution characteristics of nitrous oxide, methane and carbon dioxide along soil profile in typical vegetable fields Influence of drip irrigation under plastic film mulching on concentrations of CO2 and CH4 in soil Effect of azolla on CH4 and N2O emissions in Fuzhou Plain paddy fields Expression, Purification and Identification of Zta-P54 Fusion Protein in Escherichia coli of Epstein-Barr Virus The Construction of Prokaryotic Expression Vector for Human Gene IL-24 and Expression and Purification of Its Protein The Expression of Transcription Factor GATA4 Gene in Takifugu rubripes Effect of environmental factors and algae density on the growth and nutrient uptake in Porphyra yezoensis Genetic variation of Empoasca vitis (Göthe) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) among different geographical populations based on mtDNA CO I complete sequence A STUDY ON THE COMPOSITION OF FATTY ACID IN STELLINGIA OIL AND VEGETABLE TALLOW FROM THE SEED OF SAPIUM SEBIFERUM EFFECTIVENESS UNDER CONDITION OF NPK LEVELS ON DISTRIBUTION OF 32P, 14C AND GRAIN YIELD OF ODOROUS RICE AND DARK PERICARP RICE (ENDICA RICE) Short-term Effects of Earthworm and Evodia lepta on Soil N2O and CH4 Fluxes in a Subtropical Plantation Transcriptional Regulation Involved in Anthocyanin Biosynthesis in Plants Over-expressing FBL1 Receptor Led to Root Formation and Growth of Populus alba×P. glandulosa cl.‘84K‘ A Study on Distribution of Root System of Populus×euramericana cv. ‘74/76’ Plantation with Ground Drip Irrigation Cloning and Expression Patterns of GLDH from Lycium barbarum Isolation of 4-coumarate CoA Ligase Gene from Pennisetum purpureum cv.Huanan and Lignin Content Analysis of Transgenic Tobacco Plants Isolation and Expression Analysis of Cinnamic Acid 4-hydroxylase Gene under Different Temperatures in Cryptotaenia japonica Hassk Identification of pathogen causing black-stem on Cinnamomum kotoense Growth promoting and root colonization ability of Serratia plymuthica A21-4 and its effect on induced resistance in pepper against Phytophthora blight Functional analysis of FoAP1 in Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense infecting the host Musa paradisiaca On Shade Tolerance of 741 Poplar Tree Population Mortality, Recruitment and Growth During a 15-Year Period of Secondary Succession in Tropical Montane Rainforests at Jianfengling, Hainan Island, China Preliminary Results of a Study on CH4 Flux in Xilin River Basin Steppe Under Different Grazing Intensities Chemical Components from the Root of Scrophularia ningpoensis Distribution of 14C-assimilates in boll-leaf system at full-blooming stage of three cotton genotypes with different boll weight Distribution of RXLR effectors Avr3a, Avr4 and IPI-O in Phytophthora infestans isolates in China Isolation and identification of endophytes infecting Stipa purpurea, a dominant grass in meadows of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Effects of different nitrogen forms on nutrient uptake, yield formation and quality of cabbage Study on the Difference in Expression Profiles of microRNA Among Leaf Organs of Triploid and Diploid Populus×euramericana cl.‘Zhonglin46’ Cloning and SNP Analysis of 4CL Gene in Larix kaempferi Hybrids and Their Parent Lines A New triterpenoid in the fruits of Phellodendron chinense Schneid The Chemical Constituents in Dacrydium pierrei Isolation and Characterization of Phosphatase from Thylakoid Membranes of Spinach Chloroplasts Correlation Between Appearance of Embryogenic Cells and the IAA Levels in Rice Somatic Cell Culture Effects of organic manures on CO2 and CH4 fluxes of farmland Spatial and temporal differentiation of mountainous soil organic matter δ 13C in Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve. CH4 and N2O emission from a winter-time flooded paddy field in a hilly area of Southwest China Effects of urease and nitrification inhibitors on alleviating the oxidation and leaching of soil urea‘s hydrolyzed product ammonium Influence of temperature on insect-resistance of transgenic hybrid poplar 741. Bioactivity of volatile oils from Myoporum bontioides on Plutella xylostella Seasonal variations of soil microbial biomass,respiration rate and CH4 emission in black earth rice fields CH4 and N2O emissions from phaeozem rice field and their mitigative measures Effects of surfactants on degradation of phenanthrene by Mycobacterium ssp The reference condition for eutrophication Indictor in the Yangtze River Estuary and adjacent waters——Causal Variables Influences of long-term enclosure on the restoration of plant and AM fungal communities on grassland under different grazing intensities Methane and nitrous oxide fluxes in temperate secondary forest and larch plantation in Northeastern China Effects of nitrogen management on NH3 volatilization and nitrogen use efficiency under no-tillage paddy fields The effect of soil oxygen availability on greenhouse gases emission in a double rice field Early responses of soil CH4 uptake to increased atmospheric nitrogen deposition in a cold-temperate coniferous forest Effects of different winter covering crops cultivation on methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emission fluxes from double-cropping paddy field Purification and identification of rice soluble glycoproteins Effects of different plant hormones In-vitro differentiation of peanut