THE EFFECT OF FERTILIZATION IN POPULUS EURAMERICANA CV. Ⅰ-214 FOREST LAND Efect of Root-zone Hypoxia on NO3 --N, NH4+-N and Protein Contents ofMuskmelon Seedlings Studies on the Distribution of 14C Assimilation Products in Vitis amurensis Rupr. Effects of Culture Medium Factors on Lycopene Synthesis in Carrot SuspensionCells ‘Eli 1’—A Early-season Maturity Pear Variety The Effects of 6-BA on the Fruit Development and Transportation of Carbonand Nitrogen Assimilates in Grape The Effects of 6-BA on the Fruit Development and Transportation of Carbonand Nitrogen Assimilates in Grape Function and Expression Specificity Analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana Gene AT2G14260 Comparative Genomics Analysis and Constructing EST Markers Linkage Map of Powdery Mildew Resistance Gene pm42 in Wheat Effects of Straw Recycling of Winter Covering Crop on Methane and Nitrous Oxide Emissions in Paddy Field Identification of a High-Yield Introgression Locus from Synthetic Hexaploid Wheat in Chuanmai 42
Genetic Mapping of a Bacterial Blight Resistance Gene Xa14 in Rice
Specific Loci in Genome of Wheat Milestone Parent Bima 4 and Their Transmission in Derivatives Obtainment of Transformed Maize with Dehydration-Responsive Transcription Factor CBF4 Gene Molecular Identification and Expression Analysis of  GhCYP51G1 Gene,a Homologue of Obtusifoliol-14α-demethylase Gene, from Upland Cotton(Gossypium hirsutum L.) Extraction cDNA Fragments Specially Expressed in Lines M14 in Sugar Beet by mRNA Differential Display Effects of Different Nitrogen-form Proportions on the Growth of Schisandra chinensis Seedlings Adaptive Evolution in the Chloroplast Gene rps4 in Ferns Comparison of 5 Species C4 Enzymes Activities, Pigments Contents and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters in Leaf and Branch Chlorenchyma of 3 Species C3 Woody Plants Chemical constituents in leaves of Ilex ficoidea Chemical constituents from pericarps of Aquilaria sinensis and their biological activities Chemical constituents from flower buds of She Medicine Magnolia liliflora EMISSIONS OF CH4 AND N2O FROM A WETLAND IN THE SANJIANG PLAIN Chemical constituents of Nelumbinis Plumula Research on chemical constituents from Re-Du-Ning Injection (Ⅲ) Study on flavonoid glycosides from Gentiana veitchiorum Effects of icariin and icaritin on proliferation of breast cancer T47D cells Chemical constituents from Coreopsis lanceolata Regulations of berberine on gene expression of BMP4 transcriptional pathways to improve visceral white adipose tissues insulin resistance in type 2 diabetic hamsters Study on preventive and therapeutic effects of Astragali Radix on denervated tibial muscle atrophy in rats Cloning and expression analysis of cinnamate 4-hydroxylase (C4H) reductase gene from Aquilaria sinensis Adjustment effects of Herba Epimedii, Fructus Ligustrilucidion NO/ET, HPA axis in asthmatic rats Preparation and evaluation of oridonin derivatives Chemical constituents of Peperomia dindygulensis Spatiotemporal variations of natural wetland CH4 emissions over China under future climate change. Vertical distribution characteristics of N2O emission in tea garden and its adjacent woodland. Effects of exogenous 24-epibrassinolide on leaf morphology and photosynthetic characteristics of tomato seedlings under low light stress. Effects of land-use conversion from double rice cropping to vegetables on CO2 and CH4 fluxes in southern China. Accuracy evaluation of the TRMM satellite-based precipitation data over the mid-high latitudes. Characteristics of ammonium N and nitrate N accumulation in dryland soil in relation with wheat yield. Effects of microchemical substances in anaerobic fermented liquid from rice straw and cyanobacteria on Fusaruim oxysporum f. sp. niveum growth Ascorbic Acid Accumulation and Related Enzyme Activities in Leaves of Non-heading Chinese Cabbage Cloning and Expression of Genes Related with Cytoplasmic Male Sterility Callus Induction and Plantlet Regeneration from Mature Embryos of Several Creeping Bentgrasses (Agrostis stolonifera) STUDY ON SOIL HUMUS AND FERTILITY CHARACTERISTIC IN THE 29 YEAR-OLD PLANTATIONS OF CHINESE FIR ON DIFFERENT ROTATIONS THE EFFECT ON THE CONTROLLED BURNING TO THE SoIL HUMUS AND FERTILITY IN DIFFERENT FOREST STANDS Isozyme Analysis on Lines of F4 Hybrid between Agropyron Mongolicum and A. Cristatum cv. Fairway Study on Weed Control of Four Perennial Grasses by Using 2,4-D Butylate in Mixture Sown Grassland at an Alpine Region Characteristics of N2O and CH4 Fluxes and Their Seasonal Variations From Inner Mongolia Grassland Effect of Crossing Pattern on the Genetic Variation of the Progenies and the Yield of Selected Lines in Soybean In Vitro Enzymological Studies on Anabolism of 2,4-diaminobutyric Acid in Lathyrus sylvestris Annonaceous Acetogenins from Annona muricata Amides from the Fruits of Phellodendron chinense The Chemical Constituents from Podocarpus nagi (II) Study on the Structure of a New Triterpene Saponin B from Polygala japoniea Houtt The Chemical Principles from the Female lnftorescences of Typha angustata Research progress on hypolipidemic constituentsin Alismatis Rhizoma and their pharmacology and clinical application A new nor-triterpenoid from root tubers of Knoxia valerianoides Chemical constituents from root tubers of Rehmannia glutinosa Analysis on crude and wine-processed Siegesbeckia pubescens by UPLC-Q-TOF/MS An overview of the updated classification system and species diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi Effects of lead concentration and algal density on life table demography of Moina macrocopa Behaviours of Cs-137 and Cs-134 in artificial marine microhabitat A preliminary study on C3 and C4 plants in the Northeast stepps and their ecological distribution Introduction of large ear wheat variety Xianyang84(Jia)79 31 Metabolism of zinc from ZnMet by goats C4 plants and their relations with desertification in Hunshandake desert grassland The short-term responses of soil available nitrogen of Dinghushan forests to simulated N deposition in subtropical China Modeling methane emission from rice paddies: model and modification Study on the active components of oviposition repellency of Mikania micrantha H.B.K. against citrus red mite, Panonychus citri McGregor Modeling methane emission from rice paddies: Model validation The studies about the photosynthetic response of the four desert plants Effects of NH4+-N/ NO3--N ratios on kinetics of nitrate uptake by two typical lettuce genotypes in hydroponics The molecular basis of ammonium transporters in plants Influence of NO3-∶ NH4+ ratio on growth and chlorophyll content in pakchoi Effects of medium pH and N forms on aerenchyma formation in roots of different rice genotypes Effects of ammonium uptake on the changes of plasma membrane potential of rice roots Effect of the amount of C3 or C4 plants in diets on the quality and main chemical components of beef Studies of chemical control of Pedicularis verticilata with 2,4-D butyl ester and the effect on grassland vegetation Cloning of a 4CL gene fragment and construction of a RNAi expression vector of Pennisetum purpureum