OsRwp34,a New Rice Gene Which Expresses a Toxic Product to E.coli Growth Extraction and Purification of Puroindoline from Wheat Flour Response of Protective Enzymes in Calli of Barnyard Grass to Oxidizing Stress Induced by α-terthienyl Response of Protective Enzyme in Callus of Barnyard Grass under Oxidizing Stress Induced by Polyacetylene Compound Study on Constituents of Dysosma tsayuensis Ying EFFECT OF 4-PU AND 6-BA ON THE RETARDING OF DETACHED RADISH COTYLEDON SENESCENCE AND LIPID PEROXIDATION NITROGEN USE EFFICIENCY IN C3 AND C4 PLANTS Effect of Polyporus umbellatus polysaccharides on activation of murine bone marrow dendritic cells via Toll-like receptor 4 Chemical constituents in fruit of Melia azedarach Biotransformation optimization of swertiamarin by Aspergillus niger Chemical constituents in fruit of Melia azedarach (Ⅱ) Biotransformation optimization of swertiamarin by Aspergillus niger Inhibition of secoisolariciresinol diglucoside on lung cancer cell line A549 and its mechanism Chemical constituents of Solanum torvum Effect of tetrandrine on cytokines in LPS-stimulated RAW264.7 cell Effect of Haobie Yangyin Ruanjian Decoction on rats with hepatic fibrosis induced by CCl4 composited factor Chemical constituents of Dracocephalum heterophyllum and antibacterial activity Chemical constituents of Paederia scandens Influence of different NH4+/NO3- ratios on nitrogen metabolism of cotton Concentration change and migration characteristics of nitrogen in the paddy field of Ningxia Yellow River Irrigation Area Effects of NH4+-N/NO3--N ratio on pak-choi nitrogen metabolism and enzyme activity under weak-light Isolation, identification and inoculation effect of nitrogen-fixing bacteria Sphingomonas GD542 from maize rhizosphere Factors needed to be re-considered during in-situ remediation practices of Pb-polluted soils with P Distribution characteristics of soil carbon during forage greening in different alpine grasslands of Eastern Qilian Mountains Effect of N, P and K fertilizer combination and application rate on yield of Astragalus sinicus L. CH4 emissions from the reed wetland BEHAVIOR OF RADIOACTIVE CERIUM IN A SIMULATED AQUATIC ECOSYSTEM Effects of NO-3-N/NH+4-N ratios on Chardonnay grape seedling growth and nitrogen nutrition Effects of NH+4-N /NO-3-N ratio on secondary metabolism and disease resistance of Chrysanthemum morifolium Sequence Analysis of the cDNA Fragments Differentially Expressed in theOvaries of Cymbidium hybridium after Pollination Effect of Endo-β-1, 4-mannanase in Tomato Development Events Effect of Endo-β-1, 4-mannanase in Tomato Development Events Molecular Clon ing and Sequence Analysis of GLDH Gene cDNA from Brassica campestris ssp. chinensis Molecular Clon ing and Sequence Analysis of GLDH Gene cDNA from Brassica campestris ssp. chinensis Supplemental Nitrogen Effects on Growth, Nutrient Content and Quality of Aloe vera Seedlings under Salt Stress Cloning and Functional Identification of Promoter Region of GhWRKY64Induced by Multi-stresses in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) Effect of Cropping Systems on Microbial Diversity in Black Loessial Soil Tested by 454 Sequencing Technology Cloning and Expression Analysis of LPAT4 Gene from Brassica napus Photosynthetic Characteristics of Spike and Distribution of 14C-Assimilates Accumulated Before Anthesis in Wheat under Water Deficit Condition Seed-Setting Mode of Monosomic Addition Line M14 of Sugar Beet Beta corolliflora Molecular Cloning and Expression Analysis of CaM-Like Protein Genes (BoCML49) from Cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata) Cloning and Prokaryotic Expression of CDC48, and Its Expression during Somatic Embryogenesis in Dimocarpus longan Lour. TRANSLOCATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF  ̄14C-PHOTOSYNTHATE IN ASPARAGUS BEAN [Vigna unguiculata W. ssp.sesquipedals(L.) Verd] AGRONOMIC CHARACTERS OF 86134-32-3,THE NEW MUTANT OF Chamaecrista rotundifolia CV. MINYIN INDUCED BY IRRADIATION Degradation of Phytosteril Into Androstenedione by Mycobacterium SP-UV-8 RNAi and Expression Analysis of a Gene OsCSLD4,Which Controls Plant Narrow and Rolled Leaf in Rice Ca2+ INFLUX AND EFFLUX IN ANIMAL CELLS IN THE PRESENCE OF Panax notoginseng EXTRACTS: INVESTIGATED BY USING 45Ca AS A RADIOACTIVE TRACER INFLUENCE OF TRIBENURON-METHYL AND 2,4-D ON SOIL MICROBIAL BIOMASS C(CARBON), N(NITROGEN) OF POTTED WHEAT DISTRIBUTION OF C3 AND C4 PHOTOSYNTHETIC PATHWAYS OF PLANTS ON THE STEPPE OF NORTHEASTERN CHINA Determination of plasma concentration of five phenolic acid by LC-MS/MS and study of pharmacokinetics in rats after Mailuoning injection Evaluation on biological activity of a novel compound, ZJ-2725 Molecular mapping of high-temperature adult-plant stripe rust resistance gene Yrxy54-1 with RGAP markers Essential disease factors and control index of rice sheath blight in the southern Shaanxi Antifungal metabolites from a marine bacterium PY-sw-1 and effects on pathogenic fungi Advances in the studies on physiological mechanism of safener Effects of Different Treatments on Frequency of Wheat Haploid Embryo Production through Wheat× Maize Cloning and Expression Vector Construction of AP2/ERF-B4 Transcription Factor Gene from Brassica napus L.cv Huyou15 Studies on Cloning and Real-time Expression of Endo-1,4-β-glucanase Gene in Persimmon Fruit Studies on Cloning and Real-time Expression of Endo-1,4-β-glucanase Gene in Persimmon Fruit Effects of Nitric Oxide on Postharvest Ripening and Le-ETR4 Expression of Tomato Fruit Effects of Subculture Media on Embryogenic Callus Growth and Regenera- tion of Zoysia matrella Cloning and Analysis of the Promoter of SlIAA14 in Tomato Cloning and Analysis of the Promoter of SlIAA14 in Tomato Studies on the Characteristics of Distribution of 14C-assimilates in Peachunder Protected Culture Studies on the Characteristics of Distribution of 14C-assimilates in Peachunder Protected Culture Molecular-cytological Identification of Triploid Bermudagrass Chromosome Number Variation Cloning and Characterization of a β-1, 4-endoglucanase Gene from Burrowing Nematode Radopholus similes Relationship Between Ascorbic Acid Content and the Enzyme ActivitiesInvolved in AsA Metabolism of Potato Studies on Transformation of Cauliflower with Disease Resistance-related Transcription Factor Gene(Pti4) Effects of Subculture Media on Embryogenic Callus Growth and Regenera- tion of Zoysia matrella Analysis of polymorphism of eIF4E in pepper germplasm resources(Capsicum spp.)of China Differential Expression Analysis of Two Male Fertility-related Genes Identification of QTL for 100-kernel Weight Based on Introgression Line in Maize Cloning and Function characterization of Wheat Transcription Factor TaWRKY74-c and TaWRKY74-d Genes Based on Bioinformatics Analysis Breeding and Innovative Use of Jidou 4 Cloning and tissue expression analysis of HvC4H gene in hulless barley Isolation and expression analysis of Ntc4h and Nt4cl encoding the key enzymes of phenylalanine metabolism pathway in tobacco Chemical constituents from stems of Clausena lansium Chemical constituents from ethyl acetate extract of Sappan Lignum Flavonoids from roots and rhizomes of Rhodiola crenulata