Prevention and treatment of Hedysari Radix polysaccharide on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic fibrosis and bone loss A new isocoumarin isolated from endophytic fungus Arthrinium sp. A092 derived from medicinal plant Uvaria microcarpa Inhibition of butanol extract from Paris polyphylla var. yunnanensis against Candida albicans biofilm formation Research on compatibility mechanism of Mongolian medicine Sendeng-4 based on metabonomic methods Cloning and preliminary expression analysis on HDS gene in Dendrobium officinale Chemical constituents in stems of Ilex cornuta Studies on constituents from rhizome of Arundo donax Impacts of 4-Hydroxybenzoic Acid on Characteristics of Photosynthesis and Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Different Strawberry Cultivars Identification of Interaction Sites in K-domains of Flowering Signal Integrator SOC1 and AGL24 in Brassica juncea Effects of Rhizosphere Nitrate and Ammonium on the Level of Cytokininsand Leaf Growth of Malus hupenensis Rehd. Effects of Rhizosphere Nitrate and Ammonium on the Level of Cytokininsand Leaf Growth of Malus hupenensis Rehd. Cloning and Sequence Analysis of a Mutation-type Cinnamate-4-hydroxyla seGene from Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala DC. Role of 4-Hexylresorcinol (4-HR) in Color Related Physiological Parameters in Fresh-cut Peach Role of 4-Hexylresorcinol (4-HR) in Color Related Physiological Parameters in Fresh-cut Peach Insect Resistance Selectivity of Transgenic Hybrid Poplar 741 Estimation of Carbon Emission from Forest Fires in Jilin Province from 1969 to 2004 Comparison on genetic characteristics and chemical constituents of Pulsatilla chinensis from different habitats Chemical constituents from barks of Ailanthus altissima Chemical constituents in roots of Pandanus tectorius Studies on chemical constituents of Lasiosphaera fenzlii Chemical constituents in Carpesium divaricatum Chemical constituents from whole herb of Paederia scandens var. tomentosa Chemical constituents from barks of Ailanthus altissima Comparison on genetic characteristics and chemical constituents of Pulsatilla chinensis from different habitats Studies on chemical constituents in stems of Kadsura coccinea Chemical constituents from roots of Fagopyrum tataricum Chemical constituents from whole herb of Hedyotis scandens Studies on chemical constituents in stems of Kadsura coccinea Chemical constituents from roots of Fagopyrum tataricum Chemical constituents from whole herb of Hedyotis scandens Secondary metabolites of endophytic Guignardia mangiferae from Smilax glabra and their antitumor activities A new triterpene in rhizome of Alisma orientale Preparation of sustained-release injection of Venenum Bufonis and its local anesthetic activity Chemical constituents from twigs and leaves of Fordia cauliflora Chemical constituents from Solanum nienkui (I) Chemical constituents of Clerodendrum lindleyi and their free radical scavenging activities Advances in studies on functions of plant cytochrome P450 in triterpenoid saponin biosynthesis Studies on chemical constituents from Aidi Injection Advances in studies on functions of plant cytochrome P450 in triterpenoid saponin biosynthesis Chemical constituents from Opuntia dillenii Chemical constituents in Blumea aromatics of Zhuang medicine Chemical constituents in Blumea aromatica of Zhuang medicine Chemical constituents from aerial parts of Eupatorium odoratum Chemical constituents from Pentaceaster chinensis and their antibacterial activity Resource chemical constituents from sarcocarp of Ziziphus jujuba var. spinosa Antitumor constituents from seeds of Caesalpinia minax Chemical constituents from aerial parts of Eupatorium odoratum Inhibition of extract from scorpion venom on experimental metastasis of Lewis and DU-145 tumor cells Diagnosis and Genetic Analysis of Resistance to Cauliflower Mosaic Virus inBrassica Crops Which Was Transformed with CaMV Gene VI ‘Yuhua 2’A Mid-season Peach Variety Ultracytochemical Localization of ATP􀀁ase Activity in The Cells of Jas􀀁minum Sambac L. Seedlings and Its Relation to Chilling Tolerance Synthesis of Cytoplasm Hybrid of Non􀀁heading Chinese Cabbagethrough Asymmetric Electric Fusion of Protoplast Cell The Effect of NH4+-N on Anatomical Structure of Alfalfa Conducting Tissue The Stable Photosynthetic Characteristics of a PEPC Transgenic rice Germplasm The Effects of Uniconazole Waterless Seed Dressing on Photosynthesis and 14C Assimilate Distribution in Wheat Influence of Nitrogen Forms on Oat Growth and Phosphorus Uptake Analysis of Genetic Background and Agronomic Traits in Improved Restoring Lines Shuhui 527 with Resistance to Bacterial Blight Characteristics of Transgenic Rice Overexpressing Maize Photosynthetic Enzymes for Breeding Two-line Hybrid Rice Analysis on codon using features and expression prediction of 4CL gene in Dryopteris fragrans Research progress in interaction between chemical components of Glycyrrhizae Radix and cytochrome P450 enzyme Chemical constituents from aerial parts of Triosteum pinnatifidum A new alkaloid from Corydalis Rhizoma Study on chemical constituents of Artemisia integrifolia Chemical constituents from stems and leaves of Cirsium henryi A new diterpenoid from Isodon nervosus Saurusine B: A new lignan from Saururus chinensis Effect of astragaloside IV on tumor cellular uptake and antitumor efficacy by ginsenoside compound K A new tetrahydrofuranoid lignan from Genkwa Flos Non-alkoloids components from Phellodendri Cortex Cloning and bioinformatics analysis of cytochrome P450 reductase gene in Poria cocos Alkaloids from stems of Nauclea officinalis Chemical constituents isolated from fruits of Cnidium monnieri and their effects on proliferation of UMR106 cells Studies on anti-tumor chemical constituents in exocarps of Juglans mandshurica A new 2-arylbenzofuran from twigs of Cassia alata and its cytotoxicity Chemical constituents from pods of Glycine max Chemical constituents in ethyl acetate extract from Rabdosia flexicaulis Cloning and expression analysis of 1-hydroxy-2-methyl-2-(E)-butenyl-4-diph-osphatereductase gene in Dendrobium officinale Diterpenoids from Aquilariae Lignum Resinatum (Ⅲ) Studies on chemical constituents in n-butanol extracts from epicarp of green fruit of Juglans mandshurica Chemical constituents from Dianthus superbus