RAPD analysis of 14+15 subunit gene in wheat Molecular cytogenetics studies on wheat-Thinopyron intermedium derivative line resistance to stripe rust The effects of nitrogen topdressing stage on photosynthesis, translocation and distribution of14C assimilate and NR activity of wheat HPLC fingerprint on roots of Polygonum multiflorum from different habitats Chemical constituents of Melastoma dodecandrum(Ⅱ) Fertilization and Development of Embryo in Different Interploidal Crosses of Dianthus caryophyllus Cloning and Expression Analysis of 14-3-3 Protein Gene of Spinach under Nitrate Stress The analysis to dried soil layer of artificial Robinnia pseudoscacia forestry land in the Yanan Experimental Area Effect of close-relative single crosses on flowering coordination during seed corn production Plant functional type effects on methane uptake by soils in typical grasslands of Inner Mongolia Effects of 3,4-dihydroxy acetophenone stress on changes in the content of endogenous plant hormones during seed germination in Picea schrenkiana ssp. tianschanica Comparisons of three models for vegetation canopy bi-directional reflectance distribution function Main factors affecting soil-borne methane oxidation and measurements for reducing CH4 flux Greenhuse gases and their ecological effects Resistance of high quality wheat variety ‘Xiaoyan 54’to environmental stress and diseases in south of Henan Province Temporal-spatial variations of ammonia and nitrate under application of inorganic and organic fertilizers in purple soil of winter wheat Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on paddy soil nitrogen content during rice season. Characteristics of the mineralization and transformation of autotrophic microbes-assimilated carbon in upland and paddy soils. Study on extraction of herbicidal substances from Streptomyces sp. 4903 with macroporous resins Effect of compound contamination of arsenate and perchlorate on food utilization of Spodoptera litura Identification of Polyphasic Taxonomy for a Chelatococcus sp. HB-4 Regulatory Mechanisms of C4 Photosynthesis Preparation and Analysis on Biological Characteristics of Monoclonal Antibodies Against CP4-EPSPS for Sandwich ELISA Cloning and Prokaryotic Expression of Capra hircus Klf4,and Purification of His-Klf4 Fusion Protein Cloning, Expression and Function Preliminary Research of RPS14 in Arabidopsis thaliana Japanese Encephalitis and Its Vaccines Methane emission from late rice fields in Hunan red soil under different long-
term fertilizing systems
Effect of different application time of DCD on methane and nitrous oxide emissions during rice growth period Plasticity responses of 4 tree species in subalpine-coniferous-forest to different light regimes Effect of N, P and K fertilizer application and optimum rate for yield of millet Ammonia volatilization loss in Huang Huai winter wheat cultivation areas under irrigated and rainfed conditions Hazard Analysis of Anoplophora chinensis and Early Comprehensive Selection of Betula alnoides Provenances in Northern Guangdong Province Cloning and Expression Analysis of the C4H Gene Involved in theLignin Biosynthesis in Phyllostachys edulis Study on the  effects of N, P, K fertilizer in Sesame Studies on yellow rust resistance of T.aestivum Th.intermedium alien disomic addition lines Separation of SYP-Z048 Z-, E- isomers and evaluation on their inhibitory activities to fungi THE SYNERGISM OF DPC AND KH_2PO_4 IN THE REGULATION OF ANATOMICAL STRUCTURE OF COTTON SEEDLING STEM Establishment of Resistance Evaluation System of Banana to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense Tropical Race 4 Establishment of Resistance Evaluation System of Banana to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense Tropical Race 4 Relationship Between Pteris fauriei and Pteris biaurita Based on rps4-trnS Region Sequences Analysis Construction of Brucella rOmp3148-74-BLS Expression Vector and Its Transformation into Alfalfa Effects of 24-Epibrassinolide on Physiological Characteristics of Soybean Seedlings Under Cd Stress PREPARATION OF C-14 LABELED FLUMORPH BARKED REGENERATION MECHANISM OF Phellodendron chinense var.glabriusculum SCHNEID BY USING ~(14)C-TRACER METHOD Impact of climate change on bioclimatic types in a mountain area-a case from Sichuan Province, China Structure changes of bacteria community in 24 solar terms at No.10 spring Urumqi Fraction changes of oxidation organic carbon in paddy soil and its correlation with CH4 emission fluxes Modeling of CH4 emission from rice paddies and CO emission from biomass burning and their effects on tropospheric oxidizing capacity in China Effects of nitrogen fertilization on growth characteristics and absorption,distribution and utilization of NH415NO3 of five apple rootstocks Studies on the Constituents and Distribution of Fatty Acids in Seed Oils from Pinaceae of China Seasonal variations of soil CH4 uptake rate in Castanopsis carlesii forest in mid-subtropical China. Bioactivity of the metabolites from endophytic actinomycete Fq24 against Tetranychus cinnabarinus.  Effects of simulated nitrogen deposition on soil available nitrogen forms and their contents in typical temperate forest stands. Effects of winter cover crop on methane and nitrous oxide emission from paddy field. Effect of 2,4-D on the antioxidative enzyme activities and lipid peroxidation in Opium Poppy (Papaver somniferum L.) Atmospheric N wet deposition in Hangzhou region under rice\|wheat\|vegetable cropping system Numerical simulation of the long distance atmospheric transport of wheat stripe orust spores: a case study Variation of carbon isotopic concentrations in tree leaves as an indication of urban air quality Advance in relationship between biomass and density of plant communities Effects of six plant secondary metabolites on activities of detoxification enzymes in Spodoptera litura Allelic Variation in 4-coumarate:CoA ligase(4CL) Associated with Wood Properties of Larix olgensis Effects of 24-Epibrassinolide on Antioxidant System and Expression of Drought-tolerance Relative Genes in Pepper Seedlings under Drought Stress In vitro Microspore Embryogenesis and Chromosome Doubling of Kale Analysis of Mitochondrial DNA Fragment Related to Cytoplasmic Male Sterile in 301A Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) Cloning and Sequence Analysis of a Cold-regulated Gene BnCOR14 from Brassica napus Absorbability and Transport Effect of BAU-9403 in Wheat Populus×euramericara cv. ‘74/76’ Nutrient Content and Soil Fertility Affected by Application of Humic Acid with Inorganic Fertilizers Four Hybrid Varieties of Taxodium Variation of Leaf Area in Individual Tree for Poplar Shelterbelts Effects of Foliage Spray of KH2PO4 and Socrose Solution on Changes of Pigments and Net Photosynthetic Rate in Leaves of Red-leaf Peach in Early Summer Responses of Poplar (Populus×euramericana cv. Transcriptome Characterization for Camellia Sect. Oleifera Based on the 592 499 ESTs Establishment of Agrobacterium tumefaciens-Mediated Transformation System of Paecilomyces lilacinus EFFECTS OF THE RARE EARTH ELEMENT Ce ON THE GROWTH OF WAXY CORN SEEDLING UNDER SIMULATED ACID RAIN MOLECULAR CHARACTERIZATION AND EXPRESSION PATTERN OF RALF-LIKE GENE BcMF14p FROM Brassica campestris var.purpurea DETECTION METHOD OF COMPLEMENT ANALOGUES OF COELOMIC FLUID IN Apostichopus japonicus BY CHEMILUMINESCENT IMMUNOASSAY LEACHING AND MOVEMENT OF [A ring-U-~(14)C] PYRIBAMBENZ-PROPYL IN SOIL SYNTHESIS OF ~(14)C-LABELING OMTHOATE ABSORPTION, DISTRIBUTION,DYNAMICS OF~ (14) C CHLORPYRIFOS IN SEVERAL KINDS OF ANIMALS AND PLANTS IN FRESH WATER ECOSYSTEM RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DISTRIBUTION AND REDISTRIBUTION OF THE ASSIMILATES AND GRAIN YIELD IN BARLEY