Molecular cytogenetics studies in Reichardia tingetana: Physical mapping of heterochromatin, telomere repeats, and 5S and 45S rDNA by 4′, 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole and fluorescence in situ hybridization Physical mapping of repetitive sequences and genome analysis in six Elymus species by in situ hybridization Evaluation of ten plant barcodes in Bryophyta (Mosses) Phylogeny of Ptychostomum (Bryaceae, Musci) inferred from sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and chloroplast rps4 Ammonia volatilization in gleyed paddy field soils of Taihu Lake region Active oxygen metabolism and accommodation of Chamaecrista spp. under chilling stress in seedling period Spatial variations of soil ammonia and nitrate under application of inorganic and organic fertilizers in purple soil—Summer corn season Cloning and sequence analysis of chloromuconate cycloisomerase gene Toxic Effects of NNK on NCTC 1469 Cells Expression, Purification and Bioactivity of Recombinant Human Interleukin-1α Expressed in Pichia pastoris Cloning and Characterization of HbSnRK2.4 in Tibetan Hulless Barley(Hordeum vulgareL. var. nudum HK.f.) The Role of miR-143 in the Adipocyte Differentiation and Lipid Metabolism RNA Interference of Antifreeze Protein Gene in Tenebrio molitor Mediated by Bacterially Expressed dsRNA Construction of Interference Vector of EsSox21b-like Gene from Chinese Mitten Crab(Eriocheir sinensis)and Preparation of dsRNA by Prokaryotic Expression Expression,Purification and DNA Binding Activity of Human Transcription Factor hASH4 Cloning and Bioinformatics Analysis of DFR Gene from Brown Cotton(Gossypium hirsutum L.)Fiber Expression, Purification and Characterization of Populus tomentosa PtoeIF5A4 in Prokaryote Integrative Expression of Stichopus japonicus Lysozyme Gene in Bacillus subtilis The Study of the Structure of Perchlorate(ClO4-)-degrading Bacterial Communities Under Autotrophic Conditions Identification and Antagonistic Activity of Endophytic Bacterial Strain NG14 Isolated from the Fruits of Paracel Islands Noni(Morinda citrifolia L.) Cloning and Protein Sequence Analysis of CHS Gene Family in Fusarium oxysporumf.sp. cubense Race 4 Optimization of Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation of Cryptococcus neoformans vps41 Δ and Construction of a Insertional mutagenesis Library Molecular Cloning and Analysis of the 3 ' UTR of Porcine Kobuvirus 441 by 3 ' RACE PROKARYOTIC EXPRESSION AND PARTIAL CHARACTERIZATION OF
TRANSPORTATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF 14C-RESERVES ON DIFFERENT GENOTYPE WHEAT VARIETIES AFTER ANTHESIS Bound residues of [C ring-U-14C]ZJ0273 in soils and dynamics distribution in humus EFFECT OF Deinococcus radiodurans ON UPTAKE OF ~(134)Cs BY Brassica oleracea SORPTION AND DESORPTOIN OF [A ring-U-~(14)C] ZJ0273 IN SOILS METHOD FOR PRODUCTION OF PLANT LABELING WITH ~(14)C ISOTOPE THE EFFECTS OF FILM-MULCHING ON THE TRANSLOCATION AND DISTRIBUTION IN ~(14)C-ASSIMILATES AFTER ANTHESIS IN WINTER WHEAT (Triticum aestivum L.) ON DRYLAND CH4 and CO2 Concentration in Soils of the Major Grasslands of the Xilin River Basin of Inner Mongolia Inorganic Carbon Utilization in Some Marine Phytoplankton Species Effects of CO2 Enrichment on CH4 Emission From Rice Paddies The Dynamics of Soil Nh4+-N and NO3--N in a Pine Forest of Dinghushan, as Assessed by Ion Exchange Resin Bag Method Effect of Na2SO4 Stress on Membrane-lipid Peroxidation and Scavenging System of Activated Oxygen in Four Grasses with Different Salt Resistance Effects of elevated temperature and CO2 concentration doubling on soil total soluble nitrogen in subalpine coniferous forest of western Sichuan, China Effects of water management in winter and of plastic film mulching during rice cultivation on CH4 emission from paddy field in a hilly region of Central Sichuan Effects of 1, 2, 4-trichlorobenzene on physiological characteristics during grain filling stage and grain yield of rice of different genotypes Effects of alpine meadow degradation on soil insect diversity in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Chemical characteristics of PM2.5 in Beijing Changes in soil nitrogen characteristics during grassland desertification in Northwest Sichuan Temperature effects on the formation of DNA damage in Nicotiana tabacum leaf discs induced by UV-B Irriadiation Effects of Hg2+, Pb2+ Cd2+ and Cu2+ on the growth and purification capacity of nitrogen and phosphorus of Rhodopseudomonas palustris Cloning of Bna-miR1140 Gene Promoter in Rape and Preliminary Identification of Its Expression Pattern The CH4 uptake flux by soils of main forest ecosystems in Dinghushan Histology of stomach of Anodonta woodiana elliptica and effect of heavy metal copper on its structure Cloning and Function of Gene for Cytochrome P450 from a Chlorogenic Acid-producing Endophytic Bacterium Characteristics of ML00253764 Rescuing the MC4R Deficient Mutants cDNA Cloning, Sequence Analysis and Tissue Expression of Gene MSH4 and MSH5 in Goats Preparation and Application of cRNA Probe Labeled with Digoxingenin for Gene F64 of Rice Field Eel Expression of microRNA-483 and microRNA-486 in the Cloned and fat-1-transgenic Bovine Isolation, Identification and Decolonization Characteristics of a New Methyl Red Degrading Bacterial Strain Paracoccus sp.L-4 Greenhouse gases exchange of integrated paddy field and their comprehensive global warming potentials Effects of exogenous nitrogen input on the CH4 and N2O fluxes in freshwater marshes Changes of CH4 and CO2 emissions from soils under flooded condition after exposed to FACE (free-air CO2 enrichment) for three years Effects of marsh reclamation on methane and nitrous oxide emissions Genotypic differences between Populus euphratica and P. popularis in antioxidative ability and salt tolerance under NaCl stress Variations of the concentration of dimethyl sulfur compounds during three algal blooms in a mesocosm experiment Photosynthetic characteristics of C4 desert species Haloxylon ammodendron and Calligonum mongolicum under different moisture conditions Estimates of methane emission from Chinese rice paddies by linking a model to GIS database Modeling methane emission from rice paddies: model sensitivity analysis Acidity and Inorganic Nitrogen Concentrations in Soil Solution in Short-term Response to N Addition in Subtropical Forests A Method for Extracting Embryo Proteins in Litchi chinensis Sonn. PURIFICATION AND IMPROVEMENT ON DUAL-PURPOSE GENIC MALE STERILE RICE PEIAI 64S BY ANTHER CULTURE Physiological and Growth Responses of C3 and C4 Plants to Reduced Temperature when Grown at Low CO2 of the Last Ice Age New Isoflavonoid Glycosides from the Rhizomes of Iris leptophylla Lingelsh. Biotransformation of 4-Hydroxybenzen Derivatives by Hairy Root Cultures of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb. Growth and Major Nutrient Concentrations in Brassica campestris Supplied with Different NH4+/NO3- Ratios Two Divergent Members of 4-Coumarate: Coenzyme ALigase from Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge: Degradation of the Large Subunit of Ribulose-1, 5-Bisphosphate Carboxylase/Oxygenase in Wheat Leaves Supplemental Cytogeographical Studies on the Scilla sinensis (Louriro) Merrill Complex in China A New Stilbene from Cercis chinensis Bunge Expression Analysis of Dihydroflavonol 4-Reductase Genes Involved in Anthocyanin Biosynthesis in Purple Grains of Wheat Chemical Constituents of the Roots of Anemone altaica Fisch. Ex C. A. Mey. Crystallization of MoFe Protein (DnifH Av1) from a nifH Deleted Strain of Azotobacter vinelandii A Limited Photosynthetic C4-Microcycle and Its Physiological Function in Transgenic Rice Plant Expressing the Maize PEPC Gene Investigation of N2O and CH4 Emissions from Plants Roles of 14-3-3 Proteins in Regulating Plant Development Quantification of Leaf Anatomical Structure and Its Application in a C4 Plant, Sorghum Research Advances on Plant Science in China in 2014