Studies on the nasal epithelium toxicity of adjuvants and recombination hirudin (rHV2) nasal spary Study on molecular evidence of revision of taxonomic placement of Peucedanum decursivum Effects of disturbance intensity on seed germination, seedling establishment and growth of Ageratina adenophora Module biomass structure and seed germination traits of the exotic invasive plant Gaura parviflora Study on Comprehensive Benefits of Applying Drip Irrigationin Sandy Land Shelterbelt Genetic Variation and Comprehensive Assessment in Wood Properties of 15 Fmilies of Pinus elliottii Utility and Prospect of Opuntia ficus-indica The Changes of Nutrient Content and It’s Effect on Forest Growth on the Soil Degraded by Successive Crop of Japanese Larch Application and thinking of metabonomics in some scientific problems of traditional Chinese medicine Application of information entropy theory in optimization of extraction technology for Lonicerae Flos and Gardeniae Fructus in Reduning Oral Preparation Changes in Alien Invasive Plants in Jigong Mountain National Nature Reserve of Henan Province from 1994 - 2014 Inheritance of Perpetual Blooming in Rosa chinensis‘Old Blush’ Functional genomics of Salvia militiorrhiza Ⅳ. Analysis of ethylene responsive element binding protein gene Functional genomics of Salvia militiorrhiza Ⅳ——Analysis of ethylene responsive element binding protein gene Effect of Capparis spinosaon fibroblast proliferation and type Ⅰ collagen production in progressive systemic sclerosis The ecological risk assessment of Taihu Lake watershed Heterosis analysis of F2 kernels nutrition in shsu double recessive sweet corn Module biomass structure traits of the alien invasive Bidens frondosa population Sarcostemma R.Br., a newly recorded genus of Asclepiadaceae from Guangxi Separation and Purification of Antihypertensive Peptides Derived from Pepper Seed Protein Cloning and Functional Validation of Promoter of Ethylene-responsive Element-binding Protein Gene in Maize RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PLANT COMMUNITY SECONDARY SUCCESSION AND SOIL FERTILITY IN TIANTONG,ZHEJIANG PROVINCE Benefit Assessment of Agroforestry Ecosystems in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area Genetic Analysis of Resistance to the Brown Planthopper and Whitebacked Planthopper in the Restorer Lines of Indica Rice Effect of Soil Moisture on Yield and Quality of Rice Breeding for PGMS Line by Using eui Gene from Recessive Tall Rice 02428h Cloning and Expression of a Pathogen-induced ERF Gene in Thinopyrum intermedium Inclusive Composite Interval Mapping of Quantitative Trait Genes Isolation and Regulative Region Analysis of Promoter of Stress-Related Gene GmDREB3 from Soybean Distribution of Al3+ in Subcellular Structure of Root Tips Cells and Aluminum Tolerance in soybean Arabidopsis bZIP1 Transcription Factor Binding to the ABRE Cis-Element Regulates Abscisic Acid Signal Transduction Effect of Successive Backcrossing on Eliminating Somaclonal Variation Caused by Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation in Rice Fuzzy Evaluation on the Fire Control Efficiency of Forest Fire Separating Network Comparison and Comprehensive Evaluation of Wood Physical and Mechanical Properties of Fifteen Young Timber Tree Species for Hardware Tool Handle Rainfall-Runoff Response in Self-Similar River Networks ——a Study of a Recursive Replacement Algorithm of Function Understory Vegetation Biomass in Successive Rotations of Different Aged Cunninghamia lanceolata Forests Clinical analysis of hepatic veno-occlusive disease induced by Sedum aizoon
Diversity analysis of fruit traits and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of persimmon germplasm resources in Guangxi Newly recorded invasive plants in Guangxi Effects of alcoholic extracts from Acorus tatarinowii on defensive enzymes of tomato Studies on Percutaneous Absorption of Berberine from Ruyijinhuang Adhesive Tape OsDREB4 Genes in Rice Encode AP2-Containing Proteins that Bind Specifically to the Dehydration-Responsive Element Cloning of Salt Tolerance-Related cDNAs from the Mangrove Plant Sesuvium portulacastrum L. Application of Non-invasive Microsensing System to Simultaneously Measure Both H+ and O2 Fluxes Around the Pollen Tube Antidepressive effects of petroleum ether extract from Ranae Oviductu and its possible mechanism Antihypertensive effect and vascular regulation mechanism of rhynchophylline on spontaneously hypertensive rats VARIATIONS OF CHEMICAL PROPERTIES,BIOCHEMICAL,MICROOGANISM ACTIVITIES AND FUNCTION IN SOIL OF SUCCESSIVE ROTATION OF CHINESE FIR AND THEIR INFLUENCES ON GROWING Analysis and Answers to Frequently Asked Questions in Quantitative Trait Locus Mapping Genetic Analysis and Molecular Mapping of Stripe Rust Resistance Gene in Wheat Cultivar Xiaoyan 9323 Responsiveness of Sweet Sorghum in Yield and Quality Related Traits to Environmental Factors Responses of Mikania micrantha to parasitization of Cuscuta campestris in total soluble protein content and activities of antioxidant enzymes Study on growth and photosynthesis traits of the invasive species Coreopsis lanceolata and its co occuring species in contrasting light conditions The Tridimensional Morphology of Rice Embryo Development with Special Reference to the Scutellum and the Coleoptile Absorption mechamism of dehydroandrographolide in human Caco-2 cell monolayer model In vivo gastrointestinal absorption kinetics of schizonepetin in rats Studies on Antitussive, Expectorant and Anti-inflammatory Effects of Rhizoma Cynanchi Stauntonii Studies on Antitussive , Expettorant and Anti-astkinatic Effects ofCynanchum glaucescens (Decne. ) Hand. -Mazz. Karyotype of Chromolaena odorata and Ageratina adenophora Psychopharmacological Studies on the Effects of Ginsenosides from Ginseng Root or Ginseng Stem and Leaf on Group-housed and Isolated Mice Studies on Chinese Medicinal Herbs Shanziwan Root and Rhizome ( Ligulariae)?Ⅲ.A Comparison of Expectorant and Antitussive Actions Between Ziwan Root Effect of tann in from Cornus off icinalis on immune function of adjuvant arthritis rats Effects of curcumin on gut microbiota of interval sleep deprivation rats Study on forming technique of Maxing Antitussive and Antiasthmatic Grannule The Variation of DNA Methylation During Successive Transfer Culture of Chrysanthemum(Dendranthema ×grandiflorum Effects of Short-term High Temperature Stress on Antioxidant System in Poinsettia Research advances in the calculating method of nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) in cultivated lands. Dilemma of null hypothesis in ecological hypothesis’s experiment test. The administration and management system for comprehensive development of hilly red soil areas--A case study from the experimental region in Qianyan,Jiangxi Province Reconsideration on the developing county-scale economy in exploiting West China Appraisal on the comprehensive effect of forest park-A case study from Wenzhou Chashan Forest Park Stereo-planting pattern of wheat,cotton,pepper and corn and its beneficial an alysis The recent development of technique of contour hedgerows Present managing situations and intensive management of man-made forest in China Comprehensive evaluation of flowering-podding period drought resistance of soybean Leptocybe invasa, a New Invasive Forest Pest Making Galls on Twigs and Leaves of Eucalyptus Trees in China (Hymenoptera:Eulophidae) Preparation of Modified Cornstarch Adhesive for Bonding Wood Assessment of the Wetland Spermatophyta Diversity in Hangzhou, China with Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method Different Forms Aluminum Contents in the Soil of the 1 st and 2 nd Generation Pinus massoniana Plantations Correlation between the Growth of Dominant Trees and Surface Soil Physiochemical Properties of Conifer and Broad-Leaved Mixed Forest at Different Succession Stages Regulation of DTA-6 by Abscission Cellulase and GmAC Gene Expression in Flowers and Pods of Soybean