The activities of polyphenol oxidase in Populus simonii×P. pyramidalis ‘Opera 8277’ leaves in response to insect herbivory and volatiles exposure Concentration and distribution of phenolic compounds in Populus euphratica in Ejina oasis and their correlation with soil water contents The charactertics of root suckers of Populus euphratica Oliv. in three habitats of Ejina oasis A NEW FORMA OF POPULUS LINN. FROM NORTHEAST CHINA A study on the spatial distribution and quantitive characteristic of Populus euphratica and Populus pruinosa flowers Populus nigra×Populus deltoids “108” Transformed the Chimeric Genes of Spider Insecticidal and Bt Total DNA Extraction and RAPD System Optimization of Endangered Plant Populus euphratica and P.pruinosa Characteristics of Chlorophyll Fluorescent Parameters and Daily Dynamics of Photosynthesis in Female and Male Populus cathayana Cutting Seedlings Effects of Trichoderma asperellum on the Physical and Chemical Properties and Nutrient Components of the Pot Coil Culturing Tissue-cultured Populus davidiana×P.bolleana Seedlings Identification of a Rust Fungus on Populus alba Collected in Jilin, China and Its Spermogonial and Aecial Stages STUDIES ON EPIDERMAL FEATURES OF LEAVES IN THE CHINESE SECTIO POPULUS Populus×euramericara cv. ‘74/76’ Nutrient Content and Soil Fertility Affected by Application of Humic Acid with Inorganic Fertilizers Identification of SSR Loci from Transcription Factor Genes Expressed under Abiotic Stresses in Populus Transformation of an Antimicrobial Peptide Gene LJAMP2 into Populus tomentosa and Resistance of the Transgenic Poplar to Canker Disease In Vitro Germination and Cytology Analysis of Populus simonii×P. nigra Pollen Primary Study on Decomposition of Lignin of Poplar ‘I-107’by Trametes trogii WT-1 Different Propagation Velocity of Stress Wave in Poplar and Larch Logs Variation of Leaf Area in Individual Tree for Poplar Shelterbelts Isolation, Expression and Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Analysis of Sucrose Synthase Gene (PtSUS 1 ) from Populus tomentosa Effects of Stand Density on Growth of Populus×euramericana’Neva’ Plantations Responses of Poplar (Populus×euramericana cv. THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE BARK FORMATION WITH SEASONAL CHANGES IN POPULUS DAKANENSIS Purification and Identification of Populus ussuriensis Genomic DNA Fossil leaves of Populus from the Middle Miocene of Yunnan, SW China Growth, Gas Exchange, Abscisic Acid, and Calmodulin Response to Salt Stress in Three Poplars Physiological Response of Populus euphratica to Artificial Water-recharge of the Lower Reaches of Tarim River Structure Characteristics Associated with Salt Tolerance of Populus euphratica Transcriptional Regulation of Secondary Growth and Wood Formation Physioecological characteristics of four dominant plant species in Kerqin sandy land Physical properties of wood quality of farm shelterbelts Litter decomposition processes in the pure birch (Betula platyphlla) forest and the birch and po;lar (Populus davidiana) mixed forest The absorption and accumulation of heavy metals pollutants in plant along highway in western Inner Mongolia Soil respiration of desert riparian forests in the lower reaches of Tarim River as affected by air temperature at 10cn above the ground surface and soil water Genotypic differences between Populus euphratica and P. popularis in antioxidative ability and salt tolerance under NaCl stress A Study on Biomass and Productivity of Populus × xiaohei Plantationon Sandy Land in North China Studies on Photosynthetic Characteristics of South-and North-typed Populus deltoides Younglings The Impact of Poplar Diameter Characteristics on Disease Index of Canker Study on Difference and Primarily Mechanism of Nitrogen UseEfficiency (NUE) in Populus nigra Seedlings Genotypes Effects of Cadmium Stress on Leaf Photosynthesis and Dry Matter Allocation of Populus×euramericana (Dode)Guineir cv.‘Neva’ Absorption and Accumulation of Heavy Metal from Soil by Leaves of Populus×euramericana cv. ‘Neva’Plantation Clonal Structure and Clonal Diversity of Populus alba along the Erqis River Annua l Change of So il Nutr ients in Tr iplo id Popu lus tom en tosaPlan ta tion and Its Correla tion with Tree Growth A Study on Biomass and Productivity of Populus×euramericana cv. ‘San Martino‘ (I-72/58) Plantation on Beach Land of Yangtze River Stem Sap Flow of Individual Plant of Populus euphratica and Its Conversion to Forest Water Consumption Silvicultural Management Techniques for Timber Production of Populus tomentosa Study on Blue-Staining Chinese White Poplar Bleached Technique Transformation of Populus deltoides with Anti-PLDγ Gene and Chitinase Gene Regeneration of Transgenic Poplar(Populus alba×P.glandulosa) Expressing Levansucrase from Bacillus subtilis QTL Analysis of Leaf Morphology and Spring Bud Flush in (Populus tomentosa×P. bolleanaP. tomentosa A Study on Foliar Carbon Isotope Composition(δ13C) and Water Use Efficiency of Different Populus deltoides Clones under Water Stress Study on the Improvement of Properties of Wood-fiberglass Panel Salt-tolerance of Populus euphratica and P. pruinosa Seeds during Germination Genetic Analysis of Shrinkage of New Triploid Clones of Populus tomentosa THE COMPETITION-DENSITY EFFECT IN POPULUS × EURAMERICANA CV.‘SAN MARTION‘ PLANTATIONS THE ANATOMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF POPULUS DELTOIDES(LUX) UNDER STRESS OF VARIOUS SOIL SALINITIES COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT INTERCROPPING WAYS OF POPLAR PLANTATION IN SAND LAND OF THE YELLOW RIVER ORIGINAL COURSE Expression of Zinc Finger Protein Gene in Populus alba×P.berolinensis in the Infection Process by Cytospora chrysosperma Cloning and Prokaryotic Expression of PsnAP1-1 and PsnAP1-2Genes in Poplar(Populus simonii×Populus nigra) The study on genetic diversity of Populus szechuanica var. tibetica population from different altitude The growth state of Populus euphratica Oliv. and its leaf ecological characteristics in the lower reaches of Heihe River Changes of Abscisic Acid and Gibberellin Contents during the Release of Dormancy in Winter Buds of Populus tomentosa Carr. Studies on the Pollen Morphology of Family Salicaceae in Gansu Salt tolerance of transgenic poplar by the introduction of AtNHX1 gene Rhizospheria bacteria of Poplus euphratica improve resistance of wood plants to heavy metals. Exploration of a quantitative methodology to characterize the retention of PM2.5 and other atmospheric particulate matter by plant leaves: Taking Populus tomentosa  as an example. Growth Characteristic and Insect-Resistance of Transgenic Populus alba Populus hopeiensis Heavy metals distribution in roadside tree trunks under a heavy urban transportation condition The hydraulic acclimation of old and dwarf Populus simonii trees growing on sandy soil in northern Shaanxi Province, China POLLEN CHROMOSOME DOUBLING UNDER HIGH TEMPERATURE IN Populus alba L. EFFECTS OF KANAMYCIN ON THE GROWTH AND DETERMINATION OF POPLA AND BLACUST A Numerical Taxonomic Study on Morphological Characters of Populus tomentosa and Its Relative Species Thinning Trial and Its Benefit Analysis of Populus בBeijingensis’ Study on the Salt-Resistance of Populus euphratica under Water-Culture Study on the Cold Resistance of 9 Provenances of Populus ussuriensis Kom EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE INTERGENERIC CROSS BETWEEN POPULUS SIMONII AND SALIX MATSUDANA THE SELECTION BREEDING OF EXCELLENT CLONES OF POPULUS TOMENTOSA——AN EVALUATION OF PRODUCTIVITY, GENETIC STABILITY AND ADAPTABILITY EFFECTS OF STAND DENSITY ON CROWN ARCHITECTURE AND DISTRIBUTION OF LIGHT ENERGY IN POPULUS DELTOIDES CV. ‘LUX’ I-69/55 PLANTATION RESEARCH ON GROWTH RESPONSE OF 0POPULUS DELTOIDES CV. “LUX” TO SITE PREPARATION AND FERTILIZATION RESPONSE OF ADVENTITIOUS BUDS FORMATION AND CLONE SELECTION IN VITRO FOR POPUWS TOMENTOSA DEVELOPMENT OF POLLEN AND EMBRYO SAC IN POPULUS EUPHRATICA OLIV.