EFFECTS OF SOIL NITROGEN LEVELS ON MORPHOLOGY, BIOMASS ALLOCATION AND PHOTOSYNTHESIS IN AGERATINA ADENOPHORA AND CHROMOLEANA ODORATA CHANGES IN BELOWGROUND CARBON ALLOCATION IN A CHINESE FIR CHRONOSEQUENCE IN FUJIAN PROVINCE, CHINA EFFECTS OF NITROGEN ADDITIONS ON A LEYMUS CHINENSIS POPULATION IN TYPICAL STEPPE OF INNER MONGOLIA INTERACIVE EFFECTS OF DOUBLED ATMOSPHERIC CO2 CONCENTRATIONS AND SOIL DROUGHT ON WHOLE PLANT CARBON ALLOCATION IN TWO DOMINANT DESERT SHRUBS THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN REPRODUCTIVE ALLOCATION, FRUIT SET AND INDIVIDUAL SIZE OF CAMELLIA ROSTHORNIANA IN DIFFERENT COMMUNITIES EFFECTS OF SIMULATED NITROGEN DEPOSITION ON BIOMASS PRODUCTION AND ALLOCATION IN SCHIMA SUPERBA AND CRYPTOCARYA CONCINNA SEEDLINGS IN SUBTROPICAL CHINA SIZE_DEPENDENT REPRODUCTIVE OUTPUT AND LIFE_HISTORY STRATEGIES IN FOUR EPHEMERAL SPECIES OF TRIGONELLA Biomass and Nutrient Allocation of Lilium pumilum PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND NITROGEN UTILIZATION IN LEAVES OF CINNAMOMUM BURMANNI GROWN UNDER ELEVATED ATMOSPHERIC NH3 CONCENTRATIONS AND SUPPLIED WITH DIFFERENT FORMS OF SOIL N THE EFFECT OF LIGHT INTENSITY ON BIOMASS ALLOCATION, LEAF MORPHOLOGY AND RELATIVE GROWTH RATE OF TWO INVASIVE PLANTS A Preliminary Study on the Reproductive Features of Veratrum Nigrum L. Along an Altitudinal Gradient Simulation Studies on Carbon and Nitrogen Accumulation and its Allocation Pattern in Forest Ecosystems of Heshan in Low Subtropical China Size-dependent Reproductive Allocation of Ligularia virgaurea in Different Habitats A Comparative Study on Reproductive Allocation of Mutual Species in Moderate-temperate and Warm-temperate Steppe Biomass Allocation and Resource Use of Tilia Amurensis Rupr. Juvenile Under Different Planting Mating System Evolution, Resource Allocation, and Genetic Diversity in Plants Effect of sowing date on yield and phytomass allocation of silage maize in Hunshandak Sandy Land Researches on the reproductive ecology of endangered plant populations Effects of long-term submergence on resource allocation of Saccharum spontaneum Linn. in Three Gorges reservoir Effects of irrigation on plant growth and nitrogen use characteristics of Calligonum caput-medusae Schrenk seedlings A new approach to assess the water footprint of hydropower:a case study of the Miyun reservoir in China Characteristics of carbon storage and sequestration of Robinia pseudoacacia forest land converted by farmland in the Hilly Loess Plateau Region Effects of Stocking Intensity on Grass Reproductive Allocation and Grain Weight on the Artificial Grassland Organic C and N in Various Surface Mineral Soil Fractions in the Broadleaved Korean Pine Mixed Forests in Changbai Mt. Allometric Characteristics of Terminal Twigs of Tamarix ramosissima and Haloxylon ammodendron Differences of Seed Coat Structure and Ions Content between Dimorphic Seeds of Borszczowia aralocaspica Effects of Shading on the Photosynthetic Characteristics,Growth,and Biomass Allocation in Fraxinus mandshurica and Quercus mongolica Effect of Different Soil Conditions on The Growth and Artemisinin Content of Artemisia annua L. Seedlings Pollination Biology and Reproductive Allocation of Chirita gueilinensis(Gesneriaceae) Effects of Longterm High Temperature Stress on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Antioxidant Activity in Festuca arundinacea Estimates of Water Consumption of Seven Kinds of Garden Plants and Typical Configuration in Beijing Allocation of Biomass and Productivity of Main Vegetations in Three Gorges Reservoir Region Nitrogen Distribution at Grass-Soil System and Growing Dynamic on Russian Wildryegrass Pasture as Influenced by Grazing The clonal growing characteristic in the stoloniferous herb,Potentilla anserina Characteristics of carbon storage and sequestration in different age beech (Castanopsis hystrix) plantations in south subtropical area of China. Effects of applying selenium on selenium allocation, grain yield, and grain quality of two maize cultivars. Application of carrying capacity assessment in spatial allocation of regional population: A case of  Changzhou City of East China. Location selection for Shenyang urban parks based on GIS and multi-objective location  allocation model. Effects of supplemental irrigation based on measuring soil water content on wheat photosynthetic characteristics and dry matter accumulation and allocation. Effects of alternative furrow irrigation and nitrogen application rate on photosynthesis, growth, and yield of cucumber in solar greenhouse. Effects of sulfur plus resin-coated controlled release urea fertilizer on winter wheat dry matter accumulation and allocation and grain yield. Spatial optimum allocation of shelter-forest types in Three Gorges Reservoir Area based on multiple objective grey situation decision. Effects of nitrogen and carbon addition and arbuscular mycorrhiza on alien invasive plant Ambrosia artemisiifolia. OPTIMAL ALLOCATION OF PHOTOSYNTHATES BETWEEN VEGETATIVE AND REPRODUCTIVE PARTS OF ANNUAL PLANTS WITH CONSTANT GROWTH PERIOD BIOMASS AND ENERGY ALLOCATION IN LEYMUS CHINENSIS POPULATION Studies on reproductive allocation, floral size and its trade-off with floral number of annual Gentiana Biomass Allocation and Biomass Estimation Models of Rauvolfia vomitoria and Rauvolfia verticillata (Apocynaceae) Effects of Soil Water Contents on Nutrient Uptake and Allocation of Baldcypress Biomass and Nutrient Allocation in Manglietia hainanensis Plantation Ecosystem at Jianfengling Altitudinal Variations in Reproductive Allocation of Bergenia purpurascens (Saxifragaceae) EFFECTS OF ELEVATED CO2 AND N DEPOSITION ON PLANT BIOMASS ACCUMULATION AND ALLOCATION IN SUBTROPICAL FOREST ECOSYSTEMS: A MESOCOSM STUDY Adaptive regulation in reproductive strategy of two bunchgrasses under mowing disturbance in Inner Mongolia grassland Biomass allocation and leaf stoichiometric characteristics in four desert herbaceous plants during different growth periods in the Gurbantünggüt Desert, China Village-level land-use scenario decision-making system and application Responses of Gas Exchanges Characteristics and Biomass Accumulation and Allocation of Spring Wheat With Different Drought Tolerance to Water and Nitrogen Treatments Nitrogen Absorption and Allocation in Catapla bungei Clones Using the Technique of 15N-tracing Influence of Nitrogen and Sulfur Interaction on Growth and Antioxidant Enzymes Activities of Garlic Seedlings Response of P Absorption-allocation Rate and Root Morphology of Peanut to P Foliar Fertilizers With Different Acidities Effects of Elevated Atmospheric CO2 on the Distribution and Accumulation of Photosynthetic Carbon in Soil-plant (Spring Wheat) System Effects of Different Fertilizer Allocation on Grain Qualities under Mechanized Transplanting Rice Mode Histochemical allocation of anthraquinones in Aloe leaves kin Recognition in Setaria italica and Its Relations with Plant Density and Soil Nutrient Level Effects of Slope on Population Growth and Biomass Allocation of Polygonatum cyrtonema in Phyllostachys edulis Forest Biomass Allocation on the Modules of Aster subulatus Michx. Population at Flowering Stage The Simulation on Carbon Stocks and Dynamics in an Acacia mangium Plantation Ecosystem Growth responses to the interaction of elevated CO2 and drought stress in six annual species Plant growth, reproduction and biomass allocation in response of clonal plant Spartina anglica to alternative irrigation of fresh and saline water Carbon pool and allocation of forest vegetations in Xiaolong Mountains, Gansu
Changes of biomass allocation of Artemisia frigida population in grazing-induced retrogressive communities Energy allocation to growth and reproduction in Leymus chinensis population Effect of grazing on reproduction in Leymus chinensis population Floral sex allocation and gynomonoecy of Ligularia (Asteraceae) in the eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Effect of partial shading on the morphological plasticity and biomass allocation of Potentilla anserina Above-ground Biomass Allocation and Relationship with Ramet Component of Oligostachyum lubricum Differences of schima Superba Provanances in Seedling Dry Matter Accumulation and Allocation Root Morphology and Dry Matter Allocation of Masson Pine:Response of Different Provenances to Low-Phosphorus Stress The Soluble Sugar and Starch Allocation Characteristics after FloweringDeveloping in Platycodon grandiflorium Growth dynamics,biomass allocation and ecological adaptation in Ceratocarpus arenarius L. Photosynthetic characteristics, biomass allocation, C,N and P distribution of Schima superba seedlings in response to simulated nitrogen deposition Effects of water extracts from Solidago canadensis on the growth of maize seedlings and the underlying photosynthetic mechanisms