Contribution of Root Respiration to Total Soil Respiration in a Leymus chinensis (Trin.) Tzvel. Grassland of Northeast China Ectomycorrhizal infection intensity of subalpine forest ecosystems in western Sichuan, China Root system distribution characteristics of plants on the terrace banks and their impact on soil moisture The estimate of root biomass in upper soil layer of Fraxinus mandshurica plantation by geostatistics method Soil carbon sequestration characteristics of plantations and influencing factors in Loess Hilly Semiarid Region Effects of simulated nitrogen deposition on soil active carbon pool and root biomass in Neosinocalamus affinis plantation, Rainy Area of West China Root System and Organic Carbon Distributions in Soil Profiles of Several Plantations of Northern Slope of Qinling Mountains Relationship between Soil Respiration and Plant Belowground Biomass under Different Stocking Rates in Stipa breviflora Desert Steppe Estimating Plant Root Biomass Using the Electrical Capacitance Method Root biomass and its distribution of Azadirachta indica and Acacia auriculiformis plantations in the Dry-hot Valley Characteristics of Root Systems of Two Halophytes for Adaptability to Salinity Morphological and Anatomical Traits of Poplar Fine Roots in Successive Rotation Plantations Root Growth Characteristics of Four Species Leguminous Forage in Immature Loess Subsoil Fine Root Biomass and Morphological Characteristics in Three Different Artificial Forest Communities in Newly Reclaimed Saline Soil Adjustment of Forest Ecosystem Root Respiration as Temperature Warms Root biomass and underground C and N storage of primitive Korean pine and broad-leaved climax forest in Changbai Mountains at its different succession stages Response of Root Morphology and Water Use Efficiency of Reaumuria soongorica to Soil Water Change Root biomass and its spatial distribution of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza in the mangrove of Shenzhen Bay, South China SEASONAL DYNAMICS OF FINE ROOT BIOMASS, ROOT LENGTH DENSITY, SPECIFIC ROOT LENGTH AND SOIL RESOURCE AVAILABILITY IN A LARIX GMELINI PLANTATION Effects of tree species diversity on fine-root biomass and morphological characteristics in subtropical Castanopsis carlesii forests. Fine root biomass and carbon storage in surface soil of Cinnamomum camphora plantation in Rainy Area of West China. Spatial distribution patterns of soil organic carbon under Elacagnus angustifolia-Achnatherum splendens community in an arid area of Northwest China. Fine root biomass of four main vegetation types in Daluo Mountain of Ningxia, Northwest China. Response of deep soil organic carbon storage to land-use changes in subtropical hilly region of China Effects of plant root systems on preferential flow in forest ecosystems THE ESTIMATE OF FINE ROOT BIOMASS IN UPPER SOIL LAYER OF LARIX OLGENSIS PLANTATION BY GEOSTATISTICS METHOD Root biomass of different stand-age Pinus yunnanensis forests and its distribution pattern in different soil depths Effects of Selective Cutting on the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Fine Root Biomass in Mixed Broadleaved Korean Pine Forest Fine root biomass and production of four vegetation types in Loess Plateau, China. Spatial heterogeneity of fine roots and appropriate sampling methods in a subtropical Chinese fir plantation Increased litterfall regulates fine root biomass and distribution in three typical forests in subtropical China Root Distribution and Fine Root Growth in Mixed Plantation of Robinia pseudoacacia and Fraxinus velutina in Coastal Saline-Alkali Area Vertical distribution and annual dynamics of fine roots of Hevea brasiliensis at different ages patial distributions of soil water, salts and roots in an arid arbor-herb community Fine root biomass and its depth distribution across the primitive Korean pine and broad-leaved forest and its secondary forests in Changbai Mountain,northeast China Spatial heterogeneity of soil respiration and contribution of root respiration in a maize (Zea mays L.) agricultural field Study on removal rate of pollutants and plant growth in subsurface and surface flow constructed wetlands Root Biomass of Pinus massoniana Plantations under Different Planting Densities Soil Respiration Variations and Their Relationships with Soil Temperature and Fine Root Biomass in an Age Series of Eucalyptus grandis Vertical root distribution characteristics of Amorpha fruticosa on southern Mu Us Sandy Land Dynamic distribution characters of herbaceous vegetation root systems in abandoned grasslands of Loess Plateau Changes of root biomass, root surface area, and root length density in a Populus cathayana plantation. Root distribution in typical sites of Lijiang ecotone and their relationship to soil properties Effect of soil bulk density on root morphology and biomass of vetiver grass seedlings Root Growth of the Annual Tillering Grass Panicum miliaceum in Heterogeneous Nutrient Environments (in English) Influences of mimic soil water change on the contents of malic acid and shikimic acid and root-biomasses of Taxodium distichum seedlings in the hydro-fluctuation belt of the Three Gorges reservoir region Relations among litters, soil nutrients and fine root biomass of Casuarina equisetifolia in the north of Hainan Island Root Biomass and its Nitrogen Dynamic of Some Communities in Dinghushan Fine root biomass and its nutrient storage in karst ecosystems under different vegetations in Central Guizhou, China. Effects of cutting disturbance on spatial heterogeneity of fine root biomass of Larix principis-rupprechtii Root functional traits and trade-offs in one-year-old plants of 25 species from the arid valley of Minjiang River Effects of Cutting Disturbance on Spatial Heterogeneity between Root Biomass of the Herb and Soil Environment in Larix principis-rupprechtii Forests in Guandi Mountain EFFECTS OF HORIZONTAL DISTANCE ON FINE ROOT BIOMASS AND SEASONAL DYNAMICS IN LARIX PRINCIPIS-RUPPRECHTII PLANTATION Root biomass of karst vegetation in a mountainous area of southwestern China Effect of Hemerocallis root system distribution characteristics on soil nutrients in terrace banks planted for hillslope protection The Vertical Distribution Pattern of Alfalfa’s (Medicago sativa L.) Root Biomass Effect of Grazing Intensity on Root Biomass of Stipa grandis Contribution of Fine Root Production and Turnover to Soil Organic Carbon in Tamarix ramosissima Community in Sangong River Basin of Xinjiang, China Spatial distribution of root biomass of Pinus massoniana plantation in Three Gorges Reservoir area, China Root nutrient foraging of morphological plasticity and physiological mechanism in Callistephus chinensis Inversion of biomass components of the temperate forest using airborne Lidar technology in Xiaoxing’an Mountains, Northeastern of China Root biomass distribution of triploid Populus tomentosa under wide- and narrow-row spacing planting schemes and its responses to soil nutrients Spatio-temporal trends for fine root biomass of alpine Rhododendron thymifolium and their significance for ecological adaptation in Qilian Mountain Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Fine Root Biomass in Four Forest Types in Xiaoxing‘an Mountains Growth Characteristics of Four Species in Surface-flow Constructed Wetlands DYNAMIC OF FINE ROOTS OF GRAND FIR (ABIES GRANDIS LINDL. ) TO PERIODICAL WATERLOGGING IN A PSEUDOGLEY SITE. Effect of Rice Cultivars on Methane Emissions from Rice Field A Study on the Coupling Relationship of Soil and Vegetation of Leymus Chinensis Grassland in the Songnen Plain Changes of carbon storage in vegetation and soil during different successional stages of rehabilitated grassland A Study comparing Water Use Efficiency and Root/Shoot Ratio of Alfalfa and Astragalus adsurgens at Seedling Stage

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