Hormonal Control of Sex Differentiation of Potentially Female Floral Buds of Lagenaria siceraria var. hispida In Vitro Biosynthesis and endocrine regulation of sex pheromones in moth. Electrophysiological and behavioral responses of male Apamea apameoides (Draudt) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) to sex pheromone components. Gender differences of Pomacea canaliculata in cold tolerance.  Effects of host stage of Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley on the fitness of the offspring of Aenasius bambawalei Hayat. Effects of incubation temperature on embryonic development and hatchling traits in the Asian yellow pond turtle, Mauremys mutica Circadian rhythm of calling behavior and sexual pheromone production and release of the female Zeuzera leuconotum Butler (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) FIELD DISPERSAL ABILITY AND TAXIS TO SEX PHEROMONE OF IRRADIATED F 1 MALE ASIAN CORN BORER THE ADVANCE OF CONTROLLING INSECT PEST WITH IRRADIATED STERILE INSECT TECHNIQUE PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE MASS SEX PHEROMONE TRAPPING AGAINST GRAPE CLEARWING MOTH The Prediction of Fundatrigena Emergence Period of Schlechtendalia chinensis and Its Utilization Reproductive Behavior Traits and Sexual Tendency of the Adult Catocala remissa Study on Allelopathy of Root,Stem,and Leaf Aqueous Extracts of Different Medicago sativa Varieties Effects of Fire on the Quantitative Characters of Sexual Reproduction of Zoysia japonica Population in Liaodong Peninsula, China A Comparison Among Several Buchloe Dactyloides Breeding Materials in Sexual Reproductivity and Lawny Trait Studies on Sexual Azolla Hybridizatio and It’s Identification Influences of artificial disturbing degrees on soil conditions and liquorice roots system STUDY ON ASEXUAL REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY OF HIPPOPHAE RHAMNOIDES L. Analysis of Chromosome Behavior of Cannabis sativa L. Preparation and controlled release effectiveness of codling moth sex pheromone microcapsule Formulation screening of sex pheromones and field trapping tests for the yellow peach moth, Conogethes punctiferalis (Guenée) (Lepidoptera:Crambidae) Laboratory Study of the Yi-Fu-Ning Soft Gelatin Capsules in Treating Climacteric Syndrome Study on the Morphodifferentiation and Anther Structure in Flowers of Cardiospermum halicacabum Linn. Quantitative Analysis on Reproduction Characters of Puccinellia Chinampoensis Populatioa in Alkalized Meadow in the Songnen Plain of China Vegetative Propagation and Reproductive Growth of Two Ecotypes Leymus chinensis L. in Songnen Plain Difference in δ13C and gas exchange parameters among Populus tomentosa clones Studies on a Gynoecious-specific ACC Synthase Gene in Different Sexual Phenotypes of Cucumber Genome A REVIEW ON RESPONSES OF PLANT SEXUAL REPRODUCTION TO ELEVATED CO2 Why does Asexual Regeneration of Sabina vulgaris Populations Dominate in Nature? Reproductive behavior character and sexual tendency of the adult Zeuzera leuconotum Butler (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) The distribution of male and female Populus cathayana populations along an altitudinal gradient Handicapping male-cheaters by stable mate relationship in yellow-bellied prinia, Prinia flaviventris INVESTIGATION ON MATING HABIT AND SEXUAL COMPETITION ABILITY OF HELICOVERPA ARMIGERA STERILIZED BY IRRADIATION Individual Size and Resource Allocation in Perennial Gentiana Ecophysiological Responses of Seedlings of Hippophae neurocarpa to Elevated Carbon Dioxide A New Species of Genus Chloromonas (Chlamydomonadaceae, Volvocales) and Its Life History STUDIES ON TOPOPHYSIS IN ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION OF GINKGO BILOBA L. A STUDY ON SEXUAL PROPAGATION AND CULTIVATION BY SEEDS OF HYMPHAEA STELLATA Sexual Incompatibility between Maize and Its Wild Relatives Tripsacum L. and Coix L. Plant Developmental Biology in China: Past, Present and Future Sex Expression and the Evolutionary Advantages of Male Flowers in an Andromonoecious Species, Sagittaria guyanensis subsp. lappula (Alismataceae) Effect of Jingui Shenqi Pills.on Sex Hormone in Aged Rats Establishment of asexual multiplication system of Arnebia euchroma Advances in studies on chemical constituents and pharmacological activities of medicinal fishes from Syngna thidae Studies on Seeding and Cutting Propagating of Clematis canescens,An Endangered Wild Plant Study on Chemically Regulating the Sex Differentiationin Twin Seed Orchard of Chinese Fir Research advances in genetic regulation of gametophyte development in Medicago sativa Relationship between vegetative potential populations and actual populations of Agropyron michnoi The Genetic Property of Hybridization on Begonia rex Sex ratios and rate of sexual reproduction in the epiphytic moss Dolichomitriopsis diversiformis Effects of two kinds of rootstock on growth and change of nutrient contents in leaf of young tree of navel orange Two Sex Determining Genes and Their Inheritance in Cucumber A Preliminary Study on Techniques for Sexual Reproduction of Garlic (Allium sativum L. ) Morphological Observation of Sexual Reproduction Abortion in ‘High Noon’Tree Peony Morphological Observation of Sexual Reproduction Abortion in ‘High Noon’Tree Peony Studies of Karyotype in Carica papaya Identification of Male and Female Ginkgo Plants by 45S rDNA-FISH The Relationships Between Bisexual Flowers of ‘Tainong 1’ Mango and Temperature and Humidity The Character Display of Castanea mollissima var. pendula Sexual Progenies Relationship between sexual reproduction, population growth and resting egg production of freshwater rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus Effects of different nutrient sources on plasticity of reproductive strategies in a monoecious species, Sagittaria graminea (Alismataceae) Investigation on Sexual Reproductive Cycle in Torreya grandis Discovery of Bisexual Flowers in Pterocarya Stenoptera C. DC. Discovery of Bisexual Flowers in Pterocarya Stenoptera C. DC. Effect of salinity on the growth and some eco-physiological characteristics of mangrove Bruguiera sexangula seedlings Identification of active components of sex pheromone for Sidemia depravata and field trapping PRELIMINARY STUDY ON POPULATION STRUCTURE OF TRACHYPENAEUS CURVIROSTRIS(STIMPSON) IN HUANGHAI AND BOHAI SEAS Home range of Teratoscincus roborowskii (Gekkonidae): influence of sex, season, and body size EARLY IDENTIFICATION OF CHINESE TORREYA SEXUALITY Reproductive Growth Regulation of Leymus chinensis from Different Leaf Colors under Heterogeneous Habitats In Silico Cloning and Expression of Flower Development Related Gene of Cucumis melo SYNTHESIS AND FIELD TRAP TESTS OF SEX ATTRACTANT FOR YELLOW TORTRIX ACLERIS FIMBRIANA MEYRICK(LEPIDOPTERA:TORTRICIDAE) EFFECTS OF THE SEX PHEROMONE TRAPS ON CAPTURE OF CYDIA TRASIAS (MEYRICK) (LEPIDOPTERA: OLETHREUTIDAE) MALE MOTH Release Rates and Isomerization Effects of Conjugated Dienes Sex Pheromone from Two Types of Dispensers Compounds from marine mangrove plant Bruguiera sexangula var. rhynchopetala Inter-sexual difference of growth characteristic for Populus cathayana natural forests in the Xiaowutai Mountains Property of sexual hybridization plants of Begonia in Yunnan Isolation and characterization of new set of microsatellite loci in Cryptocarya chinensis Effect of aluminium on protection enzyme system and proline of Brugiera sexangula seedlings Preliminary study on mating system of Villosiclava virens

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