Combination Drying Method of Microwave and Hot Air in the Production of Suyu-303 Sweet Potato Chips
Study on Alnus nepalensis Surface Treated by Microwave Plasma with ESR and XPS Fingerprints and Heavy Metal Contents of Dendrobium officinale Produced from 12 Areas Extraction of total flavonoids from Trachelospermi Caulis et Folium with microwave-assisted technique Study on extraction technology of Rhei Radix et Rhizoma by microwave pressure Research on microwave-assisted extraction technology of salidroside Studies on the Microwave Processing Method of Semen Armeniacae Amarum Optimization of microwave-assistant extraction technology for codecoction of Aconiti Radix Cocta coupled with Paeoniae Radix Alba Optimization of microwave-assistant extraction technology for codecoction of Aconiti Radix Cocta coupled with Paeoniae Radix Alba Microwave-assisted Polysaccharide Extraction of Aralia chinensis L. Root and Composition Determination of Monosaccharide THE EXTRACTION OF AROMA CONSTITUENTS FROM FRESH FLOWERS OF MAGNOLIA SOULANGEANA THROUGH MICROWAVE OVEN-ABSORBTION Microwave-assisted extraction of flavonoids from Cajanus cajan leaves Microwave-assisted extraction of flavonoids from Cajanus cajan leaves A new technique of extracting effective components from Chinese herb and natural plant——microwave assisted extraction,MAE Study on water extraction process of Herba epimedii with microwave technology Microwave-assisted extraction of Shuxiong Tablets prescription by uniform design Select alternative technology to sulfur fumigation for Astragali Radix based on multi-index method Effects of Atractylodis Macrocephale Rhizoma processed by different methods on salivary amylase and D-xylose excretion rate in rats GC-MS Analysis of Fatty Acids from Tea-seed Oil Extracted by Different Methods Comparative study on yield and quality of flower buds of Lonicera japonica within several flowering stages Determination of Inorganic Elements in Bamboo Leaves by ICP-MS Effect of Hydrothermal-Microwave Treatment on Softening and Longitudinal Compressing and Bending Elm Wood Determination of Traces of Hg,As,Pb,Cu in Samples of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)by Atomic Spectrometry Experimental studies on microwave-assisted extraction of baicalin from root of Scutellariae baicalensis