Photosynthetic Response Mechanism of a Desert Plant Species Nitraria tangutorum to Rain Addition STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF SIMULATED PREGIPITATION CHANGE ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL ECOLOGY PROCESS FOR ARTEMISIA ORDOSICA SEEDLINGS IN MAOWUSU SANDLAND Responses of Nitraria tangutorum Branch and Leaf Growth to Simulated Rainfall Response of spiffy bushclover (Lespedeza formosa) to simulated moderate drought stress in two growth substrates Phosphorus cycling in a simulated wastewater-affected mangrove(Avicennia marina) wetland system Simulating thinning of Larix olgensis industrial plantation Impact of Simulated Acid Rain on Permeability and Fatty Acid Composition inLeaves of Papaya Seedlings Effects of Ectomycorrhizal Fungi on Nutrient Elements of Pinus massoniana Seedlings under Simulated Acid Rain Photosynthetic Responses of a Subtropical Forest Shrub£¨Pachysandra terminalis£?to Simulated Lightflecks Effects of Simulated Acid Rain Stress on Gas Exchange and Chlorophyll a Fluorescence Parameters in Leaves of Longan The Effects of Simulated Acid Rain on Nitrogen Metabolism of Eucommia ulmoides Leaves Effects of simulated acid rain on fruit dropping and fruit quality of longan Effects of simulated acid rain on release and forms of aluminum from main acidic soils Effects of severity of water stress on gas exchange characteristics of Caragana intermedia seedlings A comparison of transpiration characteristics and water use efficiency between poaceae plants and chenopodiaceae plants under the simulated light sourc e SIMULATED DISEASE NURSERY OF WHEAT POWDERY MILDEW IN NON-OVERSUMMERING AREA Potential Effect of Simulated Precipitation Change on the Evapotranspiration of Salix psammophylla Seedlings in Maowusu Sandland Effects of light intensity on growth and photosynthesis of seedlings of Quercus acutissima and Robinia pseudoacacia Effects of simulated acid rain on the growth, yield and quality of rape The effects of waterlogging on photosynthesis-related eco-physiological processes in the seedlings of Quercus variabilis and Taxodium ascendens The Application and Comparison of Linear Programming, Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithm in the Sustainable Management of Cunninghamia lanceolata Plantations Effects of simulated nitrogen deposition on nutrient balance of Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) seedlings Effects of heavy metal (copper, cadmium, zinc and lead) on marine inorganic carbon system in simulated experiments Effect of simulated acid rain on soil respiration of Pinus massoniana and Cunninghamia lanceolata Responses of rhizosphere nitrogen and phosphorus transformations to different acid rain intensities in a hilly red soil tea plantation. Processes of earth road regolith erosion in loess area. Effect of simulated acid rain on growth and photosynthetic Physiology of Machilus pauhoi Soil loss and runoff processes on unpaved road from rainfall simulation tests in the Three Gorges Area, China Effects of rainwater-harvested furrow/ridge system on spring corn productivity
under different simulated rainfalls
EFFECTS OF ACID RAIN ON PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND ANTIOXIDANT ENZYME ACTIVITY OF H. mitabilis L. SEEDLINGS Physiological-biochemical Responses of Three Plant Species to Experimental Warming Using OTC in Alpine Meadow on Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Effects of Simulated Grazing Pattern and Nitrogen Supply on Plant Growth in a Semiarid Region of Northern China The impact of sheet and gully erosion on soil aggregate losses in the black soil region of Northeast China Effects of simulated acid rain on Quercus glauca seedlings photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence. Biological Effects of Simulated Microgravity on Arabidopsis Seedlings Response of leaf litter decomposition of two dominant trees to simulated acid rain in southern China Stress Effects of Simulated Acid Rain on Three Fruit Species Effects of Simulated Rain Addition on Biomass Allocation of Nitraria tangutorum in Ulanbuh Desert Combining Ability and Genetic Effects of Germination Ability in Different Brassica napus L. Cultivar under Simulated Drought Stress Study on purification of nitrogen and phosphorous in Deyeuxia angustifolia simulated experiment in Sanjiang Plain,China Effect of application method on copper transport by runoff from sloping lateritic red soils amended with sewage sludge Effects of simulated warming on soil DOC and DON concentrations in the alpine forest of western Sichuan based on altitudinal gradient experiment. Effects of Simulated Acid Rain on Water Use Efficiency the Growth, Photosynthesis and in Tectona grandis The Sensitivity of Chloroplast Ultrastructure of Two Duckweed Species to Simulated Acid Rain The processes of land rocky desertification in typical Karst Mountain area: a case study in the karst mountain area of North Guangdong Multiple functions-targeted algorithms and potential applications of Forest Simulation Optimization System (FSOS). Effects of simulated acid rain on oilseed rape (Brassica napus) physiological characteristics at flowering stage and yield. Forest soil organic matter δ13C along a |altitudinal transect on northern slope of Changbai Mountains under effects of simulated warming. Effect of different pH simulated acid rains on nutrition quality of winter wheat grains Effect of simulated nitrogen deposition on the soil respiration of Lithocarpus glabra and Castanopsis sclerophylla Responses and Resistance Mechanism of Pinus massoniana under the Stresses of Simulated Acid Rain and Aluminum EFFECT OF SIMULATED ACID RAIN STRESS ON OXALATE CONTENT AND NUTRITION QUALITY OF SPINACH Migration and transformation of fertilizer nitrogen in a simulated black soil column Response of invasive plant Flaveria bidentis to simulated herbivory based on the growth and reproduction A field experiment of runoff and sediment yielding processes from residues in Shenfu-Dongsheng Coalfield. Effects of simulated acid rain on seed germination and seedling growth of different type corn (Zea mays). Quantitative relationships between satellite channels-based spectral parameters and wheat canopy leaf nitrogen status. Effects of nitrogen deposition on  leaf physiological and ecological characteristics of Lindera aggregata seedlings. Effects of topsoil aggregate size on runoff and erosion at hillslope in red soils The impact of water stress on transpiration indices in Hippophae rhamnoides and Caragana intermedia Research on characteristics of nitrogen loss in sloping land under different rainfall intensities Effects of exogenous nitric oxide on photosynthetic characteristic of Indocalamus barbatus under a simulated acid rain stress condition Effect of drought stress using PEG-6000 on the growth and osmotica of Sedum lineare The responses of annual plant traits to rainfall variation in steppe and desert regions Effect of Water Supply Change on Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Four Dominant Plants in Maowusu Sandland Study on simulated vitro digestibility of 2 species sedge family herbage grown at different altitudes in Tibetan Plateau Impact of vegetation cover on surface runoff hydraulic characteristics with simulated rainfall Effects of simulated acid rain on soil microbial biomass carbon and total organic carbon in a monsoon evergreen broadleaved forest at the Dinghushan Nature Reserve Effects of simulated acid rain on the physiological and ecological characteristics of Rhododendron hybridum Effects of simulated acid rain on mineral elements content in leaves of Cinnamomum camphora seedling in artificial potted environment RESPONSES OF SEEDS AND SEEDLINGS OF LIGUSTRUM LUCIDUM TO SIMULATED ACID RAIN Biochemical Characteristics in Broomcorn Millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) Seedlings under PEG Simulated Drought Stress Effects of Simulated Acid Rain on Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics in Eremochloa ophiuroides Effects of simulated acid rain with lower S/N ratio on gas exchange and membrane of three dominant species in subtropical forests Alleviative effects of LaCl3 on simulated acid rain stresses for Cucurbita pepo seedlings Response of biodiversity and productivity to simulated rainfall on an alpine Kobresia humilis meadow Adaptation of Mature Spathiphyllum sp. Plant to Prolonged Simulated Microgravity Physiological responses of Coleus blumei to simulated drought stress Effects of simulated acid rain on soil respiration in a monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest at Dinghushan Nature Reserve EFFECTS OF THE RARE EARTH ELEMENT Ce ON THE GROWTH OF WAXY CORN SEEDLING UNDER SIMULATED ACID RAIN

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