Comparison of the Physicochemical Property of Panax notoginseng Saponins Original Powder and Submicron Powder Anticoagulant Activity of the Extracts from Different Part of Panax notoginseng (Burk.) F.H.Chen Effects of Panax notoginseng saponins on hematoma absorption and serum level of MMP-9 in cerebral hemorrhage Cloning and bioinformatic analysis of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme-A reductase gene from Panax notoginseng Research history and overview of chemical constituents of Panax notoginseng Correlations between physical properties of raw materials and formability of Panax notoginseng saponins pellets Inhibitory effect of Panax notoginseng saponins on alveolar epithelial to mesenchymal transition Effect of different water conditions on Panax notoginseng seeds after-ripening and germination physiology Cultivable bacterial diversity in rotting roots of Panax notoginseng based on 16S rDNA sequence analysis Effect of Compound Salvia Recipe on cardiac cytochrome P450 in rats Improvement of acteoside on cerebral injury in subacute aging mice Study on preparation of Panax notoginseng saponins transfersomes and their effects on acute soft tissue injury in rats Quantitative analysis on uncertainty evaluation using near infrared spectroscopy based on β-content tolerance interval Effect of Xueshuantong Injection on platelet function of rabbits with hyperlipemia Inhibition and machanisms of total saponins from Panax notoginseng on apoptosis of hippocampal CA1 subfield neurons of rats following global cerebral ischemia Accumulation of soil Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb by Panax notoginseng and its associated health risk Dynamic changes of endogenous phytohormones during after-ripening process of Panax notoginseng seeds Effects of Panax notoginseng saponins on hematoma absorption and serum level of MMP-9 in cerebral hemorrhage Preparation of Panax notoginseng saponins ion-sensitive in situ nasal gel Correlation analysis between hemostatic activity and commercial grades of Panax notoginseng Effect of Cordyceps sinensis and Panax notoginseng compound extracts on Bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in rats and its mechanisms Studies on Relationship between Root Rot on Panax notoginseng Burk.F.H.Chen and Its Environmental Conditions Effects of Panax notoginseng saponins on immune-neuroendocrinenetwork of SD rats in experimental navigation and intensive exercise Loss of Genetic Diversity of Domesticated Panax notoginseng F H Chen as Evidenced by ITS Sequence and AFLP Polymorphism: A Comparative Study with P. stipuleanatus H T Tsai et K M Feng Advances in study on saponins in Panax notoginseng and their pharmacological activities Research progress in key enzymes involved in biosynthesis of Panax notoginseng saponins and their regulation Panax notoginseng saponin liposomes:Characterization of pharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics on pulmonary instillation in rats Optimization of purification of Panax notoginseng extract for injection Inhibitory effect of Panax notoginseng on the VSMC proliferation induced by hyperlipidemia serum Analysis on the geologic background and physicochemical properties of soil for the cultivation of Panax notoginseng in Yunnan province Effect of Panax notoginseng saponins on myocardial Gsα-mRNA expression of seriously scalded rat HPLC Comparative Analysis of Ginsenoside Saponins in Different Underground Parts of Panax notoginseng Effect of total saponins of Panax notoginseng on neuroregeneration in subventricle zone of rats with global cerebral ischemia Decolorization and purification of total leaves saponins of
Panax Notoginseng with ion exchange resins
Effect compound decoction on notoginsenosides in Panax notoginseng Gorrelation and path analysis of agronomic characters of Panax notoginseng Effects of Panax notoginseng saponins on rat cardiomyocytes apoptosisinduced by angiotengin Ⅱ in vitro Studies on Fermentation Culture of Cells of Panax notoginseng Studies on Cell Suspension Culture of Panax notoginseng Soil microbial diversity analysis after different years of Panax notoginseng harvest Comprehensive evaluation of reduced obstacles of continuous cropping of Panax notoginseng using TOPSIS-RSR analysis Effect of Panax notoginseng saponins on vascular intima hyperplasia and  PCNA expression in rat aorta after balloon angioplasty Fingerprint Construction of Panax notoginseng Study on the Anti-apopotosis Induced by Hypoxia/hypoglycemia and Reoxygenation of Panax Notoginseng Saponins in Cultured Rat Hippocampal Neurons Effects of Astragalusand saponins of Panax notoginsengon MMP-9in patients with type 2 diabetic macroangiopathy Relationship between the inhibitory effects of PNS on cardiac hypertrophy and its action on neurohormonal factor Effects of the Panax notoginseng saponins on the level of synaptophysul protein in brain in rat model with lesion of Meynert Adventitious root induction and in vitro culture of Panax notoginseng Study on protective effects of Panax notoginseng saponins on doxorubicin-induced myocardial damage Colonization of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and dark septate endophytes in Panax notoginseng Analysis on influential factors of Chinese medicinal herb growers’ willingness to use green pesticides:evidence on Panax notoginseng production areas in Wenshan, Yunnan province Anthocyanin essence of the purple pigment and positive correlation of the anthocyanin content and the total ginsenoside content of the root tuber of Panax notoginseng LARGE SCALE CULTURE OF PANAX NOTOGINSENG CELLS IN AIR-LIFT BIOREACTOR Effects of Compound Danshen Dropping Pill on electrocardiogram in isolated hearts of guinea pigs Studies on the Flavonoids from the Leaves of Panax notoginseng (Burk.) F. H. Chen Cloning and expression analysis of a chitinase gene PnCHI1 from Panax notoginseng Research on Chinese medicine pairs effects of Panax notoginseng and Bletilla striata before and after compatibility on contents of notoginsenosides Balance between cardiovascular pharmacological and hemolytic effects of saponins of Panax notogenseng Dynamic changes of endogenous phytohormones during the after-ripening process of Panax notoginseng seeds Mechanisms of delay endothelial cell replicative senescence by extracts from Panax ginseng, Panax notoginseng and Ligusticum chuanxiong Study on Panax notoginseng mobilizing marrow stem cells efferens efficiency of acute myocardial infarction in rats Physiologic characteristics of Panax notoginseng seeds during after-ripening process Influence of astragalosides and Panax notoginseng saponins compatibility on MMP-9 and TIMP-1 after cerebral ischemia-reperfusion in mice Cloning and expression analysis of GGPPS gene from Panax notoginseng Stability analysis of allelopathic effects of Panax notoginseng on main crops by AMMI model Effects of Xueshuantong injection on platelet aggregation in rabbits in vitro Determination of Organochlorine Pesticide Multi-Residues in Astragalus membranaceus(Fisch.)Bge.var.mongholicus(Bge.) Hsiao,Panax notoginseng(Burk.) F. H. Chen and P.quin quefolium L. Studies on characteristic distinction and its affect on yield and quality of Panax notoginseng Activity changes of Na+, K+-ATPase and Ca2+-ATPase in tissue of seriously scalded rats and protect effect of Panax notoginseng Studies on lipophilic constituents of Panax notoginseng Studies on lipid-peroxidation change in scalded rat and protective effect of Panax notoginseng Studies on separation and purification of saponins from Panax notoginseng with strongly polar macroporous adsorption resin Effects of Compound Danshen Dropping Pill on electrocardiogram in isolated hearts of guinea pigs Purification technology of total saponins in Panax notoginseng with macroporous resin and their quality analysis Isolation and Expression Analysis of RNase-like Gene from Panax notoginseng Isolation and Expression Analysis of RNase-like Gene from Panax notoginseng Light and temperature and their effects on photosynthesis characteristics of stereoscopic cultivation in Panax notoginseng Effects of stereoscopic cultivation on soil microorganism, enzyme activity and the agronomic characters of Panax notoginseng Effect of Panax notoginseng seedlings physiological response under simulated drought stress by polyethylene glycol(PEG 6000) Physiological response and bioaccumulation of Panax notoginseng to cadmium under hydroponic Structure and biological action on cardiovascularsystems of saponins from Panax notoginseng

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