Biological characteristics and cultivation of fruit body of wild medicinal mushroom Perenniporia fraxinea Curcin Content of Jatropha curcas Seeds and Its Correlationship with Seed Traits in Dry-hot Valley of Jinsha River Advances in Biology and Applications of Fiber Plant Triarrhena lutarioriparia Ecological and Biological Characteristics of Bauhinia corymbosa A Study on the Relationship between Amino Acid Content of Host Trees and Kerria lacca Preliminary Study on Biological Characters of Gilpinia lipuensis Biological Characters of Metamacropodaphis sp.and Its Control Studies on Prevention and Control of Ptilinus fuscus(Coleoptera:Anobiidae) PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE ECO-BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SEVERAL SEMISHRUB ARTEMISIA SPECIES IN XINJIANG Observation on the Biological Characters of Pterygoneurum ovatum (Hedw.) Dix. Research progress on biology, chemical constituents in Euphorbia kansui, and their pharmacological effects Identification on pathogen of Menispermum dauricum target spot and study on its biological characteristics and fungicide susceptibility Regulation on Growth and Accumulation of Total Alkaloid in Leonurus artemisia (Lour.)S.Y.Hu by Various Microfertilizers Effect of Water Management and Phosphorus on Agricultural Characters and As Concentration in Polished Rice of Two Rice Cultivars Differing in P-Efficiency under As-stress Conditions Biological characteristics and nutrients of the photoperiod-sensitive Sorghum×Sudangrass varieties in the arid land of east Gansu Combined effects of bio-fertilizer and citric acid on turf quality and soil biology on a calcareous soil Biological characteristics of a pathogen of turfgrass root rot disease A preliminary study on early biological effects on Cichorium intybus cv. Puna after space mutagenesis in a space satellite Effects of continuous UV-B stress on biological characteristics of green pea aphid Population biological characteristics and yield of early rice of throwing transplanting under seedling-increase and nitrogen-reduction measures Effects of UV-B radiation on biological characteristics of differentcolor pea aphid morphs (Acyrthosiphon pisum) The host range and biological characteristics of pathogen of Cylindrosporium pomi STUDIES ON THE PATHOGEN AND THE BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SCALLION ANTHRACNOSE STUDIES ON ACREMONIUM WILT OF SORGHUM Community Characteristics and Biological Characteristics of Psammophytes Ephemeral Plant Hypecoum erectum Identification and biological characterization of the pathogen causing a new black spot disease on Musa spp. The Biological Characteristics, Effective Accumulate Temperature and Occurrence Regulation of Eutetranychus orientalis The Biological Characteristics and Cultivation Techniques of Cinnamomum japonicum var. chenii The ecological characteristics of Cryptocarya concinna population STUDY ON THE INDIVIDUAL GROWTH DYNAMIC OF ADENOPHORA LOBOPHYLLA——THE ROOT SYSTEM GROWTH DYNAMIC IN THE LIFE SPAN INSTITUTE OF NATURAL RESOURCES ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Studies on Die-back of Pine and Its Pathogen(I) Studies on Biological Characteristics and High-Yielding with Dwarfing and Close Planting Systems in Camellia yuhsienensis Studies on the Biological Characteristics of Pathogen, Diplodia pinea of Slash pine Dieback The Biological Characteristics and Ornamental Value of Ormosia pinnata EFFECT OF WATERMELON MOSAIC VIRUS ON BIOLOGICAL CHARACTER OF COTTON APHID ( APHIDGOSSYPII ) Identification and biological characteristics of Curvularia lunata causing leaf blight on Cynodon hybrid Observation on the Biological Characteristics and Molecular Identification of Changtai Fructus Amomi Seed biological characteristics and seedling growth in Glycyrrhiza uralensis from two provenances in Mongolia Cold Type Wheat and Its Biological Characteristics Effects of Waste Crumb Rubber Filled in Turf Medium on Biological Characteristics of Lolium perenne L. before and after Trample Stress Effects of Waste Crumb Rubber Filled in Turf Medium on Biological Characteristics of Lolium perenne L. before and after Trample Stress Pathogen Identification and Biological Characteristic of Leaf Blight — A New Peach Disease in China Pathogen Identification and Biological Characteristic of Leaf Blight — A New Peach Disease in China Biological Characteristics of Storage Pest Plodia interpunctella of Masson Pine Pollen PRELIMINARY STUDY OF BIOLOGICAL EFFECTION OF MAIZE SOAKED IN THE MAGNETIZED WATER Effect of mulch and shade on physiological and biological characteristics of ginger growing in field Analysis of Biological Characteristics of Alkali-tolerant Rice Mutant ACR78 Biological and Agronomical Characteristics of Four Homozygous Lines Derived from Low Phytic Acid Mutation and Ferritin Transgene MAIN BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERS OF SERIES OF MUTANT WAXY RICES DEVELOPED FROM IRRADIATION-INDUCED MUTATION ENDOPHYTE B-001(Bacillus subtilis) COLONIZATION AND ITS BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERS Biological characteristics of different geographical populations of the small brown planthopper Laodelphax striatellus Identification and biological characteristics of the pathogen from Camellia oleifera anthracnose in Guangxi The biological characteristics of Digitaria sanguinalis pathogen Fusarium chlamydosporum strain ZC201301 Identification and biological characteristics of Fusarium sporotrichioide isolated from Medicago sativa root Effects of Different Antibiotics on the Growth and Reproduction of Red Pea Aphid (Acyrthosiphon piusm) Biological Characteristics of Artificial Planting 1-Year-Old Saussurea involucrate in Low Altitude Region THE DEVELOPMENT OF eui1-P(T) GMS LINE X07eS AND ITS BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERS Isolation,Culture and Characterization of Derived Cells from Neonatal Porcine Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells Construction and Characterization of a Mutant of Vibrio alginolyticus ZJ03 Δdldh Strain A Study on Identification and Enzyme Characteristics of a Xylanase Producing Strain Isolated and Selected from the Soil in Alpine Meadow INDUCTION AND BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF CARBENDAZIM-RESISTANT MUTANTS OF Beauveria bassiana Studies on the Biological Characteristics of Cantheconidea furcellata (Wolff) (Hemiptera:Pentatomidae,Asopinae) Studies on the Biology and Control of Agenocimbex ulmusvora (Hymenoptera:Cimbicidae) A study on Bioligical Characteristic of Shorthorned Beetle Studies on the Biology and Control of China manfispoides Effects of Natural Grass on Soil Microbiology,Nutrient and Fruit Quality of Nanfeng Tangerine Yard Distribution and morphological variation of germplasm resourceof Sophora alopecuroides ON THE ORIGIN OF STACHYURACEAE Isolation, Identification and Biological Characteristics of Fusarium equiseti from Maize Ear Rot Samples Breeding of New Varieties of Glycine max Merr. ‘Songnen’ Morphological and Biological Characteristics of Galeruca daurica Joannis Identification of Clostera anastomosis and C. restitura (Lepidoptera:Notodontidae) by Morphological and Biological Characters and Their Evolutionary Relationship Research Progress on Biological Characteristic and Applications of Laccase from Edible Fungi Effects of tillage methods on soil physicochemical properties and biological characteristics in farmland: A review. Effects of different fertilization ways on the contents of N, P, K in new shoots and photobiological characters of tea tree. Phenotypes Analysis for T-DNA Insertional Mutants of Paecilomyces lilacinus Biological Characteristics of Platylomia pieli Study on the Growth Pattern of the Azadirachta indica Young Plantation Studies on Vegeta tive Propaga tion Coeff ic ient of L ycoris radia ta and Biolog ica lCharacters’D iversities of Cormel in D ifferent Developmen t Pha se