Biology of Shivaphis pteroceltis (Hemiptera: Aphididae), A New Pest of Pteroceltis tatarinowii Biological Characteristics of Chaetomella sp.(Sphaeropsidaceae), A Novel Causal Agent of Sansevieria Leaf Spot Disease Effect of UV-B for Different Radiation Durations on Biological Characteristics of Two Color Morphs of Pea Aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) Offspring Study on the Bipolaris eleusinea J. H. Peng et J. Y. Lu from the Rhizome of Agropyron cristatum(L.) Gaertn. Study on the Pathogen and Its Biological Characteristics of Opium Poppy Downy Mildew Identification and characterization of the pathogen of Sclerotinia rot of Aeschynanthus pulche Biological characterization and RT-PCR detection of a new disease of Eureka lemon Isolation, identification and biological characters of Trichoderma asperellum T31 Study on biological characteristics and relative yield of Ophiopogon japonicus Interannual variations in the biological characteristics, distribution and stock density of anglerfish Lophius litulon in the central and southern Yellow Sea Baseline sensitivity of Plasmopara viticola to iprovalicarb and characteristics of its iprovalicarb-resistant mutants Identification and biological characteristic of blueberry Diaporthe bud blight pathogen Isolation, identification and biological characteristics of Fusarium verticillioides from maize ear rot samples in Gansu Province Biological characteristics of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and inhibitory effects of eight fungicides Relativity of biological characteristics and pathogenicity of Ustilaginoidea virens Biological Characteristics of Metarhizium and effects of temperature and humidity on the pathogenicity against Anoplophora glabripennis larvae Etiological and Biological Characterization of the Pathogenic Fungus Causing Leaf Spot on Festuca arundinacea Biological Characteristics of Pennisetum Hybrid“Nutrifeed” and the Effect of Cutting Frequencies on its Yield and Quality Progress in physiological and biochemical characters of Dendrobium huoshanense Biological Characters of Leymus Chinensis and Leymus Cinereus and Their Hybrid Biological Characteristics of Chinese Strain of Verticillium albo-atrum from Alfalfa Studies on the Biological Characteristics of Echinochola crusgalli and its Control Methods Study on poplar canker caused by Botryodiplodia populea ZKZhong: biological characteristics of pathogen, pattern of disease incidence and fungicide selection Maize genotype differences in phosphorus efficiency and relative biological characteristics and regression modeling analysis Identification and characterisation of Sclerotinia homoeoparpa causing leaf blight in 4 warm-season turfgrass species Studies on the biological characteristics and dynamics of energy production of Miscanthus floridulus Identification and Biological Characteristics of Muskmelon Fruit Rot Pathogen in Liaoning Province A Study on the Biological Characteristics of Halyomorpha picus and Erthesina fullo Studies on the Biological Characters of the Chinese Pear Sucker, Psylla chinesis A Study on Eriococcus rugosus ECOLOGICAL AND BIOLOGICAL DIFFERENCES BETWEEN SPRING AND AUTUMN PLANTS OF TWO DESERT EPHEMERALS Degradation process of red soil and its niche The ecological and biological characteristics of an endangered plant, Primulina tabacum Hance Advance in Biological Characteristics and Control Techniques of the New Invasive Sycamore Lace Bug(Corythucha ciliata) Biological Characteristics and Occurring Law of Dendroctonus valens in China A Study on the Introduction and Cultivation of Swertia davidii Franch A NEW CULTIVARIETY OF THE GENUS TAXUS L.FROM HUBEI,CHINA AND ITS BIOLOGICAL CHARACTER THE RESEARCH OF INTRODUCTION AND PROPAGATION OF DENDRANTHEMA INDICUM VAR. AROMATICUM Research progress in biology, chemical constituents, and biological activities of Rubia cordifolia Ecological and biological characteristics of Hibiscus tiliaceus, a mangrove associate in China Preliminary report of early spring plants of Jiufeng Mountain Region in the middle of Ying Mountain Biological characteristics and cultivation technology of Pseudosasa longiligula Study on the germplasm resources of Ginkgo biloba in New Zealand Progress in studies on an exotic vicious weed Mikania micrantha Effect of variety, seed size and fertilizer on biological characteristics of winter wheat The Seasonal Dynamic of the Agronomic Traits and the Content of Alkaloid of the Cultivated Catharanthus roseus Study on the Productive Performance of Agropyron cristatum(L.) The Pathogen of the Medicago stativa Leaf Spot in Gansu Province A PRIMARY STUDY ON CHINESE TULIP TREE AND ITS YOUNG PLANTATION IN CHINA Compared on Biological Characteristics in 3 Types of Jinhua Fingered Citron Response and drought resistance of four leguminous pastures to drought during seed germination Advances in studies on biological characteristics and resources cultivation of Rhodiola sachalinensis The Biological Characters of Azadirachta indica and Result of Introduction and Cultural Trail A Preliminary Study on Biology of Kerria lacca strain Rangeeni Studies on Biological Characteristics of Xylotrechus namanganensis Study on the Biology and Control of Hylobitelus xiaoi Zhang Study on the Biological Characteristics of Bambusa blumeana The Radiation Experiment for Lac Insects Studies on the Biological Characteristics of Two Chalcid-flies Infesting Bamboo Effects of Altitudes and the DBH of Seed Trees on Biological Characteristics of Tetracentron sinense (Tetracentraceae) Seeds STUDIES ON THE BIONOMICS OF QUADRASPIDIOTUS PERNICIOSUS(COMSTOCK)AND ITS RESEARCH ADVANCES AND UTILIZATION DEVELOPMENT OF GLEDITSIA SINENSIS IN WORLD Biological characteristics, temporalspatial distribution of Portunus trituberculatus and relationships between its density and impact factors in Laizhou Bay, Bohai Sea, China. Advances in studies on Erigeron breviscapus The breeding and cultivating techniques of Ligustrum robustum Effect of different nitrogen forms and their proportion on biological characteristics of Isatis indigotica Fort Isolation of cellulose-degrading bacteria and determination of their degradation activity Effects of light intensity on biological characteristics, physiological indexes and flavone content of Kalimeris indica STUDIES ON BESAIA GODDRICA (NOTODONTIDAE,LEPIDOPTERA) BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF BAMBOO PLANTS IN FLOWERING STAGE Introduction of upland rice cultivars to eastern Keerqin sandy land and their biological characteristics Comparison of senescence biological characters in three different winter wheat cultivars The biological characters and protection of Potaninia mongolica Effects of Natural Grass on Soil Microbiology,Nutrient and Fruit Quality of Nanfeng Tangerine Yard Studies on Biological Characteristics of Cryptoporusvolvatus(Peck) Hubb. A Medicinal Fungus Achievement and Experience in the Introduction of Medicinal Plants Study on difference of biological characteristics and resistance to powdery mildew of different Astragalus populations A survey of Inonotus obliquus Soil nutrient and biological characteristics in North Xinjiang Oases as influenced by cropping patterns Effect of different antibiotics on the biological characteristics of pea aphid