Effects of different soils and altitudes on the composition of amino acids in foxtail millet Species diversity of pasture community at different altitude levels in Qilian Mountains Biomass and yield of Betula platyphylla population in Mila Mount of Tibet Diurnal Variance of Photosynthesis Characteristics of Flue-cured Tobacco at Different Altitudes RelationshipbetweenplantspeciescharacteristicsandclimatefactorsindifferentgrasslandtypesofXinjiang Analysis of genetic diversity in Salix oritrepha from different altitudes in Gansu Qilian Mountains using SSR markers Effects of altitude on seed size on the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau The study on genetic diversity of Populus szechuanica var. tibetica population from different altitude Influence of altitude and difference of different-sized individuals on reproductive allocation in Salsola affinis C. A. Mey. and Salsola nitraria Pall. Photosynthesis-nitrogen relationship in evergreen and deciduous tree species at different altitudes on Mao’er Mountain, Guangxi MUTAGENIC EFFECTS OF HIGH ALTITUDE BALLOON FLIGHT ON RICE (Oryza sativa) SEEDS Survey on overwintering Puccinia striiformis f.sp.tritici at different altitudes in eastern Qinghai Fractal Characteristics of Spatial Pattern of Natural Pinus taiwanensis Population——Correlation Dimension The Factors Influencing RVA Profile of Rice Starch and Its Changes with Altitudes in Panxi Region Effects of Sunshine-shading, Leaf-cutting and Spikelet-removing on Yield and Quality of Rice in the High Altitude Region Characteristics of soil nutrients of different vegetation types in the Three Gorges reservoir area RAPD analysis of genetic diversity of Sargentodoxa cuneata at different altitude and the influence of environmental factors Co-occurrence of plant species among communities with changes in altitudes on the northern slope of Changbai Mountain Elevational Patterns of Community Species Diversity of Potentilla glabra in Pangquangou of Shanxi Province Dynamic change in mineral elements and nicotine content of burley tobacco during plant growth and development Distribution and relationship of soil nitrogen and flue-cured tobacco nicotine content in Enshi tobacco fields Present distribution and suitable site selection of Amomun villosum in Mengyang Nature Reserve of Xishuangbanna Physiological response of Betula ermanii at different altitudes in Changbai Mountain Spatial distribution pattern of soil nutrient contents in Jiuzhaigou Manaoke Gold Mine Valley, Sichuan, China Changes of pigment contents and photosynthetic electron transport activities of thylakoid
membranes of Polygonum viviparum grown at different altitudes
Physiological responses in leaves of Reaumuria soongorica from different altitudes under osmotic stress RESPONSE OF WINTER WHEAT ON THE CLIMATE AT DIFFERENT ALTlTUDE I.COMPARISION OF LEAF CHARACTERTSTTCS AND YIELD COMPONENT RESPONSE OF WINTER WHEAT TO THE CLIMATE AT DIFFERENT ALTITUDES I.ACCUMULATION AND PARTITIONING OF DAY MATTER OF AERIAL PARTS Advance in studies on effect of traditional Chinese (Tibetan) medicines in prevention and treatment of acute altitude sickness Effect on quality and yield of Coptis chinensis with its different age and month at different altitude Comparison of antioxidative system in Kobresia humilis grown at different altitudes on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Study on simulated vitro digestibility of 2 species sedge family herbage grown at different altitudes in Tibetan Plateau Diversity of geometrid moth (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) in cropland and reforested semi-natural habitats at different altitudes of Bashang Plateau, Hebei Province of China. Effects of altitudinal gradient on Salix atopantha foliar δ13C. Altitudinal patterns of flower plant biomass on alpine and subalpine meadow in Balang Mountains. A PRIMARYLY DISSCUSS ON THE ADAPTIVE MECHANISM AT DIFFERENT ALTITUDE LEVEL OF RHODIOLA SACHALINENSIS POPULATION PATH COEFFICIENT ANALYSIS OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND TRANSPIRATION OF ADENOPHORA LOBOPHYLLA AND STOMATA BEHAVIOR Effects of the ice and snow damage to the evergreen broad-leaved forest of Jiulianshan Mountain in Jiangxi Province Soil nutrient characteristics of Rhododendron communities at different altitudes in Yunnan Altitudinal Pattern of Plant Species Diversity in Shennongjia Mountains, Central China Dynamics of Litterfall at Different Altitudes in Moso Bamboo Plantations Effect of snow cover on phosphorus release from leaf litter in the alpine forest in eastern Qinghai-Tibet plateau Response of ‘Merlot’ grape berry quality and metabolome to meteorological factors at both low and high altitudes Analysis of altitude adaptability of main flue-cured tobacco varieties in Kunming City Characteristics and soil anti-erodibility effects of mulberry forest lands at different altitudes of water-level fluctuation zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir Relationships of stable carbon isotope of Abies faxoniana tree-rings to climate in sub-alpine forest in Western Sichuan Analysis of differences in insect communities at different altitudes in Zanthoxylum bungeanum gardens, Yunnan, China Studies on the Anatomical Structures of Leaves of Seven Saussurea DC. Species on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau with Different Altitude Effect of Seed Size and Altitude on the C,N,P Contents of 53 Compositae Plant Seeds on the Northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Effect of Altitude on Structure and Species Diversity of Cunninghamia lanceolata Plantation in Jiangyou District,Sichuan Province A Primary Study on Cultivation of Winter Annual Forage Crops on Winter Fallow Paddy Field in low Altitude Plain Area of Subtropical Zone of China Effect of different altitudes on content of polysaccharide in Panax ginseng Effect of different altitudes on content of polysaccharide in Panax ginseng Effects of Terrain on Stand Structure and Vegetation Carbon Storage of Phyllostachys edulis Forest STUDY ON SPECIES DIVERSITY OF PLANT COMMUNITIES IN BAOTIANMAN STRUCTURE AND SPECIES COMPOSITION OF GROUND BRYOPHYTE COMMUNITY OF HIGH-ALTITUDE YOUNG SILVICULTURAL CUTOVERS IN RANGTANG COUNTY, CHINA: EVALUATION ON EFFECTS OF CLEAR- CUTTING AND SILVICULTURAL MANAGEMENT ECOPHYSIOLOGICAL RESPONSE OF EMMENOPTERYS HENRYI AT DIFFERENT ALTITUDES IN CHINA’S DAPAN MOUNTAIN NATURAL RESERVE ADAPTIVE SIGNIFICANCE OF SAUSSUREA PARVIFLORA’S SEXUAL ORGANS, QINGHAI-TIBETAN PLATEAU, CHINA Demography and spectrum analysis of Juglans cathayensis populations at different altitudes in the west Tianshan valley in Xinjiang, China. Effects of environmental factors at different altitudes on leaves and fruit quality of Fuji apple. 狭叶红景天能有效地预防平原大鼠进入海拔4475m高原后其心、肺、肾组织超微结构发生的一系列病理改变,兼有中药生脉饮和丹参川芎合剂的效果。 Biological Characteristics of Artificial Planting 1-Year-Old Saussurea involucrate in Low Altitude Region COMPARATIVE STUDY ON THE RESISTANCE OF Kobresia humilis GROWN AT DIFFERENT ALTITUDES IN QINGHAI XIZANG PLATEAU Effects of the Different Altitudes and Canopies on Coloration and Enzyme Activity of Golden Delicious apple (Malus domestica Borkh.cv.) Comparison of Antioxidative System in Microula sikkimensis at Different Altitudes Effects of Altitudes and the DBH of Seed Trees on Biological Characteristics of Tetracentron sinense (Tetracentraceae) Seeds Quantitative Division of Altitude Belts in Forest Vegetation of Mt. Huoshan, Shanxi Province Responses of Growth and Reproduction of Sophora moorcroftiana to Altitude and Sand-Burying in Tibet Effect of altitude on ferulic acid in Angelica sinensis and analysis on key factors Effects of different altitudes on plant growth and quality of chrysanthemum at high altitude Research on biomass and reproductive allocation of Epimedium pubescens Maxim Changes in Growth Duration of Rice with Altitude and Its Temperature Accumulation Effect in Panxi Region, China Comparison of Metallothionein-3 Gene Expression Levels in Different Brain Parts of Tibetan-sheep Between Different Altitudes Areas Distribution pattern of neutral sugar in forest soils along an altitude gradient in Changbai Mountains, Northeast China. Altitudinal variation in functional traits of Picea schrenkiana var. tianschanica and their relationship to soil factors in Tianshan Mountains, Northwest China Anatomical Characteristics of Leaves and Woods of Fagus lucida and Their Relationship to Ecological Factors in Mountain Fanjingshan, Guizhou, China Effects of Altitude on Antioxidative System in Leaves and Roots of Plantago major Nutrient resorption patterns of evergreen and deciduous tree species at different altitudes on Mao‘er Mountain, Guangxi Ecophysiological response of Calligonum roborovskii to the habitats in different altitudes in north slope of Kunlun Mountain The Ecological Wood Anatomy of the Lilac ( Syringa oblata var.giraldii Rehd.) in Taibai Mountain

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