Community Structure of Phytoplankton and Its Relation with Environmental Factors in Xinhua Lake of China Fine Root Biomass and Morphological Characteristics in Three Different Artificial Forest Communities in Newly Reclaimed Saline Soil The controlling factors of soil moisture distribution under two typical land-use hillslopes in a hilly region of Taihu Lake basin Causes of difficulties with natural regeneration of a Bombax ceiba population in Hong-He dry-hot valleys (DHV) Environmental response simulation and the up-scaling of plant stomatal conductance Effects of environmental factors on the growth and urease activity of the harmful dinoflagellate Prorocentrum donghaiense Research progress on the ecology of natural wetland snails (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in China Study of transpiration and water consumption of triploid Populus tomentosa at individual tree and stand scales by using thermal dissipation technology The population growth dynamic of Galinsoga quadriradiata Ruiz & Pav. on Qinling-Bashan Mountain Habitat suitability assessment of Sebasticus marmoratus in the rocky reef region of the Ma‘an Archipelago Optimization of canopy stomatal conductance models for Osmanthus fragrans and analysis of its parameters A comparative study of fine-root standing crop in different-aged Caragana korshinskii plantations Spatial-temporal variance of the intensity of algal bloom and related environmental and ecological factors in Lake Taihu Seasonal succession of phytoplankton functional groups and their driving factors in the artificial lakes created by mining subsidence in Huainan coal mine areas Environmental factors influencing the distribution of Tamarix chinensis Lour in the Laizhou Bay wetland of the Yellow River Delta Study on characteristics of phytoplankton community in Guangzhou segment of the Pearl River Estuary Analysis of grey relatedness between the modular structure of Brassica campestris population in Tibet and the environmental factors Effects of water temperature, illumination, salinity and pH on the growth of Chaetoceros curvisetus Annual dynamics of Skeletonema costatum and its relation to environmental factors in Guangzhou Sea Area Analysis of grey relatedness between the modular structure of wild Brassica juncea population in Tibet and the environmental factors Dynamics of Alexandrium population and environmental factors in Daya Bay, the South China Sea Annual dynamics of Skeletonema costatum and its relation to environmental factors in Zhelin Bay The composition of stable carbon isotope and some influencing factors of submerged plant The relationship between environmental Factors and light requirement of ginger Preliminary studies on red tide formation mechanism in Hong Kong and Pearl River Estuary RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN THE SURVIVING ONCOMELANIA AND BEACHES ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS Anecoanatomical study on leaves of Cyclobalanopsis glauca populations in the eastern subtropical zone,China MODELLING RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN PHOTOSYNTHE TIC RATE AND ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS IN DI FFERENT GROWING PERIODS IN ANEUROLE PIDIUM CHINENSE COMMUNITY EFFECTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS ON GROWTH AND REPRODUCTION OF PARANOPHRYS CARCINI SPIRALIS Regulation of Film/Gauze Covering on Micro-environmental Factors in Pineapple Plantation and Its Effects on Growth and Quality Properties of Pineapple Regional-scale ecological stoichiometric characteristics and spatial distribution patterns of key elements in surface soils in the Junggar desert, Chin RESPONSES OF WATER POTENTIAL, TRANSPIRATION RATE AND STOMATAL RESISTANCE OF LEAVES IN MAIZE, SORGHUM, SESAME AND COWPEA GROWN IN THE FIELD TO ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS A STUDY ON THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN OCCURRENCE OF ARMAND PINE BARK-WEEVIL(PISSODES YUNNANENSIS LONGER) AND ENVIRONMENT POTENTIAL GLOBAL GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF AMARANTHUS RETROFLEXUS CANONICAL CORRESPONDENCE ANALYSIS OF SUMMER PHYTOPLANKTON COMMUNITY AND ITS ENVIRONMENT IN THE YANGTZE RIVER ESTUARY, CHINA SPATIAL VARIATION OF SAP FLOW OF QUERCUS ACUTISSIMAAND ITS LAG EFFECT DURINGSPRING SENSITIVITY OF CONIFEROUS TREES TO ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS AT DIFFERENT SCALES IN THE SMALL XING’AN MOUNTAINS, CHINA CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PHYTOPLANKTON COMMUNITY IN WETLANDS OF MACAO RELATIONSHIPS OF FINE ROOT STANDING LENGTH OF CARAGANA KORSHINSKII SEEDLINGS WITH ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS Population genetic diversity of Rhodiola dumulosa in Northern China inferred from AFLP makers Influence of environmental factors on phylogenetic structure at multiple spatial scales in an evergreen broad-leaved forest of China Effects of environmental stress on seedlings root growth and nodulation of leguminous shrubs in the dry valley of |Minjiang River. Effects of sunken depth of energy-saving solar greenhouse on the diurnal variation and spatial distribution of environmental factors in the greenhouse. Distribution patterns of giant panda in Guanyinshan and Foping nature reserves. Community structure of planktonic rotifers in the Pearl River Delta. Effects of growth phase and environmental factors on amino acid oxidase activity of Prorocentrum donghaiense Variation in soil respiration rate and factors affecting it in five vegetation types in Tianlaochi catchment in Heihe River Plant community complexity in the arid valley of Minjiang River Analysis of the tree-ring width chronology of Qilian Mountains at different elevation Comparative Study on Gas Exchange Characteristics of Populus euphratica and P.pruinosa in the Middle Reaches of Tarim River Characters of Sap Flow of Lilium and Its Relations with Environment Factors Gas Exchange Characteristics of Desert Dominant Plants and Relationships between Them and Environmental Factors in Tarim Basin Regulations of Environmental Factors on Growth and Photosynthesis of Transgenic Anabaena sp. Strain PCC 7120 Harboring hGM-CSF gene Anatomical structure of Stipa breviflora leaves and its relationship with environmental factors Quantitative Classification and Ordination of Meadow Grassland Vegetations in Hulunber Seasonal Varrations of VA Mycorrhizae in the Rhizospheres of Welsh Onion (Allium fistulosum) and Corn (Zea mays) in Beijing and Their Relationship to Several Environmental Factors Analysis on sap flow characteristics of Eucalyptus urophylla × E. grandis Comparative study concerning the effects of rare species treatments on RDA ordination Studies on The Plant Diversity in Hongsongwa Natural Reserve Relationship between Diurnal Changes of Alfalfa Net Photosynthetic Rate and Environmental Factors Principal Component and Canonical Correlation Analysis of the Environmental Factors Influencing the Growth of Caragana korshinskii Kom. in Grassland Analysis and Quantitative Simulation of Stomatal Conductance of Aneurolepidium chinense Clonal Diversity in Cychlbalanopsis glauca Population and Its Relationship with Environmental Factors Influence of Environment Factors on Winter Wheat Stomatal Conductance The Distributional Features of the Herbs Beneath the Frigid-Temperate Coniferous Forest in North Guan Qin-Shan Area Community stability analysis for the oak-pine mixed forest in Qinling Mountains The relationship between vegetation characteristics and hydro-thermic factors along the Ulanbattar-Xilinhot Grassland Transect of the Mongolian Plateau Comparative analysis of soil particle size distribution and its influence factors in different scales: a case study in the Loess Hilly-gully area Assessment of trunk diameter fluctuation for irrigation schedule in apple trees Effects of biotic and abiotic factors on tree seedling survival in a broad-leaved Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) mixed forest on Changbai Mountain The critical factors of transpiration on muskmelon in plastic greenhouse Scale effect analysis of the influence of land use and environmental factors on surface soil organic carbon:a case study in the hilly and gully area of Northern Shaanxi Province The influence of environment and phylogenic background on variation in leaf and fine root traits in the Yanhe River catchment, Shaanxi, China Multivariate analysis of the relations between phytoplankton assemblages and environmental factors in Chagan Lake Wetland The characteristics of nocturnal sap flow and stem water recharge pattern in growing season for a Larix principis-rupprechtii plantation Population Structure of Shrub in the Southern Five Islands of Miaodao Archipelago and Its Response to the Environmental Factors Spatial Variation of Sap Flow of Platycladus orientalis and Its Affecting Factors REGULATIONS OF WATER USE FOR TRANSPIRATION OF LARIX PRINCIPI-RUPPRECHTII PLANTATION AND ITS RESPONSE ON ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS IN SOUTHERN NINGXIA HILLY AREA Comparative Study on Photosynthetic Characteristics between Almond andPeach A Survey of Communities and Habitats of An Invasive Plant Species Eupatorium catarium in the Tropical Regions of Hainan and Western Guangdong Provinces