Effects of Forest Gaps and Litter on the Early Regeneration of Picea asperata Plantations Application of the Thermal Dissipation Probe Technique in Studying the Sap Flow in Taproot of Caragana korshinskii Quantitative Classification, Ordination and Environmental Analysis of Woody Plant Communities in Xiaodonggou Forest Area of the Altai Mountain, Xinjiang Sap Flow Rate and Its Relationship with Environmental Factors of Chinese Fir Plantation in Huitong, Hunan Province On Saxicolous Moss Species and Their Relationships with Environmental Factors Based on Ordination Analysis in Beishan, Jinhua, Zhejiang Province Responsiveness of Sweet Sorghum in Yield and Quality Related Traits to Environmental Factors Progress in the study of seagrass ecology Review on researches of photoassimilates partitioning and its models Study on the relationship between α diversity of plant community and environment on Dinghushan Effects of environmental factors on sap flow in Acacia mangium RAPD analysis of genetic diversity of Sargentodoxa cuneata at different altitude and the influence of environmental factors Analysis on the relation between the structural characteristics of plant communities and the microclimate effects in Nanning City, China Monthly variation of net-phytoplankton composition in Dongtou Island Distribution of net-phytoplankton and its influence factors in spring in Xiangshan Bay Characteristics of phytoplankton community in the northern South China Sea in summer and winter Distribution of bacterioplankton communities in cage culture and non-cultured areas of Xiangshan Bay, Ningbo, China Community characteristics in Qingyihe River basin of Xuchang section and their relationships with environmental factors. Complexity and its integrative effects of the time lags of environment factors affecting Larix gmelinii stem sap flow. Regeneration characteristics and related affecting factors of Pinus tabulaeformis secondary forests in Qinling Mountains. Phytoplankton community structure in Mingzhu Lake of Chongming Island, Shanghai. Affecting factors of plant stomatal traits variability and relevant investigation methods. Seasonal variations of fine root production and mortality in Larix gmelinii plantation in 2004-2008. ANALYSIS OF CHARACTERISTIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS OF HEAD RICE YIELD IN CHINA Analysis of distribution and its relationships to the environmental factors of the ferns in Shanghai Diversity Characteristics in Different Layers of Pinus tabuliformis-Quercus aliena var.accuteserrata Mixed Forest and Environmental Interpretation in the Southern Slope of Qinling Mountains Advances in studies on influence of environmental factors on triterpenoid saponin synthesis in medicinal plants Advances in studies on influence of environmental factors on triterpenoid saponin synthesis in medicinal plants A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON CANOPY SURFACE TEMPERATURE OF RUBBER FOREST IN YUNNAN Biological characteristics, temporalspatial distribution of Portunus trituberculatus and relationships between its density and impact factors in Laizhou Bay, Bohai Sea, China. ADVANCES IN ECOLOGICAL STUDIES ON EPIPHYTES IN FOREST CANOPIES Effect of environmental factors on photosynthetic physiology and flavonoid constituent of Scutellaria baicalensis A review on the function of ectomycorrhiza and the effects of environmental factors on them Relationship between landscape pattern and environmental factorsin Jiaodong mountain region -The case of Qixia City in Shandong Province Wholetree sap flow of Quercus liaotungensis and Populus davidiana in response to environmental factors in the loess plateau area of western Shanxi Province, northern China. Reducing variable hierarchical vector analysis of correlations between Robinia pseudocacia and environmental factors Structure, distribution and its impact factors of phytoplankton community in Fuxian Lake Characteristics of Carbon Flux of Populus Forest in the Reaches of Yangtze River in Hunan Relationship between Sambucus williamsii Community Distribution and the Environmental Factors in Shanxi Dynamics of leaf water potential of spring wheat and responses to environmental factors under different tillage practices on dry land Pollen abortion of alfalfa in different ecological regions in Xinjiang and cytological observations of factors affecting pollen abortion Neolitsea homilantha’s tree-ring characteristics and its relationship with environment factors in Shilin karst region, Yunnan Province Spatial distribution and habitat-association of snags in the tropical karst seasonal rainforest of Southwest Guangxi, China Population dynamics of endangered plant species Abies chensiensis Effects of land use and environmental factors on the variability of soil quality indicators in hilly Loess Plateau region of China. Ecological stoichiometry of surface soil nutrient and its influencing factors in the wild fruit forest in Yili region, Xinjiang, China. Characteristics of seedlings regeneration in Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata secondary forests in Qinling Mountains Community characteristics of phytoplankton in the coastal area of Leizhou Peninsula and their relationships with primary environmental factors in the summer of 2010 Relationships between dominant arbor species distribution and environmental factors of shelter forests in the Beijing mountain area Research progress on influencing of light attenuation and the associated environmental factors on the growth of submersed aquatic vegetation The characteristics of Magnolia liliflora transpiration and its impacting factors in Beijing City Spatial gradients pattern of landscapes and their relations with environmental factors in Haihe River basin Phenotypic Var ia tion of Geographic Provenance in Tsuga dum osa Research Advances in the Effects of Environmental Factors on the Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation of Legumes Leaf characteristics and Their Relationship of Cotinus coggygria in Arid River Valley Located in the Upper Reaches of Minjiang River with Environmental Factors Depending on Its Altitude Gradients Impacting factors and relationship between stomatal parameters and atmospheric CO2 concentration Diurnal Dynamics of Photosynthetic and Transpiration Rates of Medicago falcata L. and Their Relationships with Environmental Factors ISSR analysis on diversity and genetic relationship in germplasm resources of wild Polygonatum odoratum from different habitats ISSR analysis on diversity and genetic relationship in germplasm resources of wild Po1ygonatum odoratum from different habitats 半干旱地区果园土壤Cl-迁移积累与环境因子的关系 TRANSPIRATION RATE OF CONIFEROUS AND BROADLEAF YOUNG TREES AS A FUNCTION OF WATER POTENTIAL OF THEIR LEAVES AND OF ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS STUDY ON THE REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY OF HEMIAULUS SINENSIS GREVILLE: Ⅰ. CELL DIVISION AND ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS INFLUENCES OF ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS ON WATER USE EFFICIENCY OF WINTER WHEAT Soil microbial variation and relationship with soil environmental factors in the desert hinterland greenbelt REVIEW OF MODELLING THE DISTRIBUTION OF PLANT SPECIES Effects of Environmental Factors on Azimuth Distribution in Cryptomeria Tree Rings in Analysis of Grey Relatedness Between the Modular Structure of Reaumuria soongorica Population in the Desert of Fukang, Xinjiang and the Environmental Factors The effect of environmental factors on American ginseng’S transpiration under different conditions Impacts of environmental factors on the production of non-soil turf in green house Effects of allelochemicals on soil nitrification Relationship between community of soil mites and environmental factors in farmland Effects of inter-cropping cotton with wheat on environmental factors and cotton growth and developmeat A Researches on Stem Sap Flow Dynamics of Betula platyphylla The α diversity of shrubs community in the arid valley of the Minjiang River Vegetation-environment relationships in Gurbantunggut Desert The impact of environmental factors on the wax excretion by Chinese white wax scale(Ericerus pela Chavannes) Relationship of stamatal conductance of leaf with environmental factors in broad-leaved Korean pine forest at Changbai Mountain DYNAMICS OF ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS OF PLANTING GINSENG UNDER FORESTS AND EFFECT-BELTS A STUDY ON WATER POTENTIAL CHARACTERISTICS IN FOUR TREE SPECIES IN LOESS REGION Analysis on Plant Distribution and Environmental Factor of Coastal Zone and Neighbor Islands in Shanghai Determination of Effects of Environmental Factors on Stream Macroalgae in Xin’an Spring by Grey Correlation Analysis