Diurnal Dynamics of Photosynthetic Parameters in Leaves of Angelica sinensis and Its Relation to Environmental Factors Spore Propagation of Four Ferns Study on the transpiration of Sophara viciifolia in the hilly and gully Loess Plateau Net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange of alpine meadow in the Tibetan Plateau from August to October Species diversity and distribution of Ruppia in China: Potential roles of long-distance dispersal and environmental factors Canonical Analysis and the Principal Components Analysis of Plant Community with Its Environmental Factors in the Yellow River Delta Characteristics of net phytoplankton community and their relationships to environmental factors in the waters around Nansha Islands Dark respiration of terrestrial vegetations: A review. Fire severity of burnt area in Huzhong forest region of Great Xing’an Mountains, Northeast China based on normalized burn ratio analysis. Relationships between nitric oxide response signal and external factors during the early interaction between Pinus thunbergii and Bursaphelenchus xylophilus. Canopy conductance characteristics of poplar in agroforestry system in west Liaoning Province of Northeast China. Dynamic change of Yulania sap flow before dormancy in response to environmental factors. Dynamic changes of phytoplankton’s community structure in Beixi of Jiulongjiang River, Fujian Province of East China and related affecting factors. Characteristics of dominant tree species stem sap flow and their relationships with environmental factors in a mixed conifer-broadleaf forest in Dinghushan, Guangdong Province of South China. Relationships between plant community characteristics and environmental factors in the typical profiles from Dzungaria Basin The vivipary characteristic of Anabasis elatior and its ecological adaptation Effect of environmental factors on growth of Chlorella sp. and optimization of culture conditions for high oil production The effects of season and environmental factors on community structure of planktonic copepods in Zhanjiang Bay, China Research progress on the environmental factors on the larval growth of giant jellyfish Characteristics of sap flow of 4 typical shelter-belt tree species and it’s relationships with environmental factors in the desert region of Northwest China Effect of environmental factors on fern spore germination STUDY OF FEKTILITY CONVERSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL FACTOR INDUCED MALE STERILE MUTANT FROM INDICA RICE VARIETY 26 ZHAIZAO Relationship between Plant Diversity and Environment of Picea schrenkiana var.tianshanica Forest before and after Canopy Disturbances Seasonal Photosynthetic Variance of Phyllostachys edulis\n ‘Pachyloen‘ Response to Environmental Factors Characteristics of Stomatal Conductance of Populus pruinosa and the Quantitative Simulation Characteristic of Seedling Regeneration of Xanthoceras sorbifolia in Hilly Areas of Loess Plateau Spatial Distribution Patterns and the Environmental Interpretations of Basilepta melanopus (Coleoptera:Eumolpidae) adults in Camellia oleifera Young Forests Relationship between Bryophytes Distribution and Environmental Factors in Urban Beijing The impact of grazing on the activities of soil enzymes and soil environmental factors in alpine Kobresia pygmaea meadow Differentiation and Regulation of the Shoot Apical Meristem Relationship between photosynthetic characteristics and
environmental factors in leaves of Pueraria lobata
Comparative Study on Photosynthetic Characteristics between Almond andPeach A Study on the Coupling Relationship of Soil and Vegetation of Leymus Chinensis Grassland in the Songnen Plain Analysis on Ecophysiological Characteristics of Leaf Photosynthesis of Medicago Varia.cv.Gannong NO.1 Carbon storage, spatial distribution and the influence factors in Tianshan forests Effects of Nutritional and Environmental Factors on Cell Growth and Ajmalicine Production of Full Habituated Catharanthus roseus Cells Inducible Expression of Translation Elongation Factor 1A Gene in Rice Seedlings in Response to Environmental Stresses Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi diversity and its relationship with soil environmental factors in different soil types Photosynthetic characteristics of Saposhnikovia divaricata in different habitats in summer Canonical correlation factors causing the formation of accumulated sand-belts along the oasis fringe in Hexi corridor Transpiration responses of a poplar plantation to the environmental conditions on a floodplain in Northern China Root Pressure of Tropical Lianas and Their Relationships with Phylogeny and Environments Photosynthetic Characteristics and Its Micro-environmental Limiting Factors of Two Main Oil Peony Reviews on models for biological nitrogen fixation of soybean Population Structure and Dynamics of the Endangered Plant Emmenopterys henryi A PHENOLOGICAL STUDY ON MAIN TREE SPECIES OF MONTANE HUMID EVERGREEN BROAD LEAVED FOREST IN AILAO MOUNTAINS Analysis of genetic diversity of chinese pine (Pinus tabulaeformis) natural secondary forest populations and correlation with theirs habitat ecological factors Scale analysis of environmental factors and their relationship with the size of hierarchical aquatic ecoregion: a case study in the Liao River basin Woody seedling regeneration in secondary succession of monsoon broad-leaved evergreen forest in Puer, Yunnan, Southwest China Nitrogen fixation potential of biological soil crusts in southeast edge of Tengger Desert, Northwest China. Phytoplankton’s community structure and its relationships with environmental factors in an aquaculture lake, Datong Lake of China. Distribution Pattern of Species Richness for Wild Fruit Trees in Xinjiang Based on Species Distribution Modeling Continuous cropping obstacle and rhizospheric microecology I. Root exudates and their ecological effects A sudy on the relationships between the relative contents of needle volatile terpenes with environmetal and growth factors of Pinus tabulaeformis Carr Genetic diversity of mangrove plant Sonneratia caseolaris in Hainan Island based on ISSR analysis Simulating the spatial pattern of annual mean evapotranspiration of a heterogeneous landscape The present situation and prospect of studies on evolutionary ecology of seed size variation Canonical correspondence analysis on relationship of herbs with their environments on northern slope of Changbai Mountain Effects of Environmental Factors on The Population Genetic Structure in Alectoris magna Phenology of Batrachospermum acuatum in Xin’an Spring of Shanxi Province,Shanxi Province Present Situation of the Plant Community Succession on Alluvial Islands at the Mouth of Yangtze River Studies on Biology of Bamboo Timber Moulding Ⅲ. Roles of Environmental Factors in Moulding A STUDY ON CULTURE OF PANAX GINSENG TISSUE AND CELL I.EFFECTS OF CULTURAL CONDITIONS ON GROWTH OF PAN AX GINSENG CALLUS Ecology suitability study of Lomatogonium rotatum in Inner Mongolia Stomatal Conductance Characteristics of Populus euphratica Leaves and Response to Environmental Factors in the Extreme Arid Region Correlation between environmental factors and liposoluble and hydrophilic constituents of Polygalae Radix Application of factor analysis to studying environmental factors with influencing effects on geographical distribution of Glycyrrhiza Radix et Rhizoma Dynamic Modelling of Plant-Environment Interactions in a Vegetation System Optimal ecological conditions for strawberry storage and fresh keeping Research advance in response and adaptation of bryophytes to environmental change Research advance in response and adaptation of bryophytes to environmental change Effect of environmental factors on the growth and fatty acid composition of five endophytic fungi from Sapium sebiferum Effects of environmental factors on Phyllotreta striolata dispersion Influences of soil environmental factors on Oncomelania Snail distribution in the hilly and mountainous areas Calculation and modeling of the canopy stomatal conductance of Acacia mangium from sap flow data Population dynamics of Chaetoceros spp. and multivariate analysis of its relationship with environmental factors in Daya Bay, South China Sea Multi-scale Effect between Landscape Pattern and Environmental Factors in the Wuyishan Scenery District Effects of Main Environment Factors on Flowering in Camellia oleifera Correlation Between Mangrove Species Distribution and Soil Environmental Factors at Qinglan Harbour, Hainan Province, China THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN NET PHOTOSYNTHETIC RATE AND TRANSPIRATION RATE OF SEVERAL KIWIFRUIT STRAINS,AND ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS