Genetic Diversity Analysis of Japonica Rice Landraces (Oryza sativa L.) from Shanghai Based on DUS Testing Studies on Cooking and Eating Quality of F2 Population of Indica/Javanica Rice Improved oxidative tolerance in suspension-cultured cells of C4-pepctransgenic rice by H2O2 and Ca2+ under PEG-6000 High Frequency Plantlet Regeneration from Protoplasts of Rice Plant Development from Isolated Microspores of Oryza sativa L. ssp. indica Derived from the Anther Culture of F2 Hybrids of Photoperiod-Sensitive Male-Sterile Rice Purification of 120-Kilodalton Phytochrome from Oryza Sativa L Changes of Endogenous ABA Levels in Rice Embryo and Endosperm and Association with Development and Germination Advances in the investigation of rice allelopathy and its molecular ecology Effect of allelopathic rice(Oryza salival L.) variety on soil microbial communities Elevated Salt Tolerance in Transgenic Tobacco Plants Expressing Cytosolic Ascorbate Peroxidase Genes from Rice(Oryza sativa L.) Diversity of Phenotypes of Endosperm Storage Proteins of Rice 57H Mutants and Their Classification Expression Studies of Rice APC/C Co-activator CDH1 Homologue OsCCS52B during Cell Cycle Effect and Action Analysis of qSB-9Tq Conferring Resistance to Rice Sheath Blight Expression Profiles of Rice Soluble Starch Synthase(SSS) Genes in Response to High Temperature Stress at Filling stage Preliminary Study on the Exchange of Gaseous Nitrogenous Compounds in Phyllosphere of Oryza sativa L. at Flowering and Seed Setting Stages Effect of Broadcasting Rice Seedlings in the Field with High Standing-Stubbles under No-tillage Condition on Yield and Some Physiological Characteristics Expression and Cloning of a Novel Stress Responsive Gene (OsMsr1) in Rice Grain Morphological Traits Measured Based on Vision Detection Tech-nology and Their Relation to Grain Weight in Rice under Different Water Condition Fractal Analysis of Root System Architecture by Box-Counting Method and Its Relationship with Zn Accumulation in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Comparison of rDNA Internal Transcribed Spacer Sequences in Oryza sativa L. Dynamic Changes of Callose in Microsporogenesis and Microgametogenesis of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Preliminary Identification of Genetic Overlaps between Sheath Blight Resistance and Drought Tolerance in the Introgression Lines from Directional Selection Quantitative Trait Locus for Photosynthesis and Its Related Physiological Traits in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Analysis of the Generation Mechanism of a Ds-inserted Rice Mutant with Double Tillers at One Tillering Node The Effect of the Starch-synthesizing Genes on RVA Profile Characteristics in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Relationship between Ethylene and the Occurrence of Cytoplasmic Male Sterility in Oryza sativa L. Preliminary Analysis on the Difference of RVA Profile Characters among Subspecies of Oryza sativa L. Genotypic Divergence and Classification of Asian Cultivated Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Response of Fertility of Pei‘ai 64 S to Temperature and Photoperiod in Rice Variation in Endosperm Protein of Rice Germplasm in Yunnan Province Ultrastructural Localization of ATPase in Connective of Maxie Cytoplasmic Male Sterile(CMS) Anther(Oryza sativa L.) Study on Developmental Inheritance of Allelopathy in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) under Different Environment Detection and Analysis of QTLs Associated with Resistance to Ferrous Iron Toxicity in Rice ( Oryza sativa L. ),Using Recombinant Inbred Lines Molecular Markers-assisted Selection of the Rice Blast Resistance Gene Pi-ta Factors Influencing the Regeneration Frequency of Mature Embryo-derived Callus in Hsien Rice Cultivars (Oryza sativa L.) QTL Analysis of Agronomic Traits with Sequenced Rice Varieties Physiological Responses to Low Temperature Stress in Hybrid Rice at Seedling Stage Analysis of Heading Time Gene and Gene Loci Interactive Effect in Gui99, a Restorer Line of Hybrid rice (Oryza sativa L.) Heredity of Rice Harvest Index and Correlations between HI and Main Agronomic Characters Mapping of Loci for Pollen Sterility of Indica-Japonica Hybrids in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) The Effect of Triazine Herbicide Atrazine on the Chromosome Structure, Protein Content and Compositions in Oryza sativa L. Effects of Exogenous CaM and TFP on Development of Rice(Oryza sativa L.) Early Embryos in vitro Mapping of Quantitative Trait Loci Associated with Aluminum Tolerance in Rice (Oryza sativa L.), Using Recombinant Inbred Lines Location of Bentazon Sensitive Lethality Gene (ben) on Rice Chromosome and Its Gene Forecast in silico Inheritance of Resistance in Rice Cultivars of USA to Pyricularia grisea Races IE-1k, IB-33, IB-49, and IC-17 Develop Thermo-sensitive Genic Male Sterile (TGMS) Rice Line by Means of Population Improvement DIVERSITY OF 2-ACETYL-1-PYRROLINE CONTENT IN AROMATIC RICE
Breeding of the ‘Fu 296’Rice  with High Yield and Good Quality by 60Co γrays Irradiation Dry Seeds of Hybrid F1 CONSTRUCTION OF RNAi EXPRESSION VECTOR AND TRANSFORMATION OF OSHSFA7 GENE IN Oryza sativa L. MUTAGENIC EFFECTS ON INDICA RICE CARRIED BY SATELLITE Physicochemical Properties and Starch Structure of a Rice Mutant with Reduction of Starch Paste Viscosity INDUCTION AND EVALUATION OF UMBRELLA TYPE PANICLE MUTANT IN Japonica RICE EFFECTS OF COMPOUND POLLUTION OF ZINC AND CHROMIUM ON SOIL ENZYME ACTIVITY AT DIFFERENT GROWTH STAGES OF RICE PLANT CURRENT RESEARCH TRENDS OF BREEDING APPLICATION OF BT TRANSGENIC RICE ENHANCEMENT OF STRESS TOLERANCE OF TRANSGENIC RICE WITH CBF1 GENE TRANSFORMATION Ca2+ Distributions in the Developing Connectives of Different Sterile Lines of Rice Genetic Analysis of a New Yellow-green Leaf Mutant and Fine-mapping of Mutant Gene in Rice Analysis of Yield and Quality Traits and the Relationship between Them in Japonica Rice in the Northern China Characterization of a Novel Spotted Leaf Mutant spl32 and Mapping of Spl32(t) Gene in Rice (Oryza sativa) Analysis of QTLs for Plant Type Traits in Rice (Oryza sativa) Functional Characterization of the Glycoside Hydrolase Encoding Gene OsBE1 during Chloroplast Development in Oryza sativa An Evaluation System for Rice Black-Streaked Dwarf Virus Disease and Screening for Resistant Rice Germplasm A Comparison of Cadmium-Accumulation-Associated Genes Expression and Molecular Regulation Mechanism between Two Rice Cultivars (Oryza sativa L. subspecies japonica) Effects of High Temperature Stress on PSII Function and Its Relation to D1 Protein in Chloroplast Thylakoid in Rice Flag Leaves RNAi Vector Construction for Protein Disulfide Isomerase Gene and Seed Setting Characteristics in Offspring of Transgenic Rice under High Temperature Treatment Optimal Moisture Content and Physiological Bases of Rice Seeds Storage at Room Temperature Regulation of OsSPX1 and OsSPX3 on Expressions of OsSPX domain Genes and Pi-starvation Signaling in Rice Genetic analysis and gene mapping of rice blast resistance in cultivar Dongnong415 Mapping QTLs for rice blast resistance in DH line derived from Muwanggu and E’wan8 Mapping of a Short Root-Related Gene OsKSR2 in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Response of Some Key Enzyme Activities Involved in Nitrogen Metabolism to High Temperature at Filling Stage and Its Relation to Storage Protein Accumulation in Rice Grain Genetic Analysis and Gene Mapping of a Novel Yellow-Green Leaf Mutant in Rice Characteristics of Photosynthesis in Two Leaf Color Mutants of Rice Ultra-Structural Changes of the Vascular Bundles and CaM Immuno-Gold Localization at Phloem Cells among Different Positional Rachillae within a Rice Panicle Mapping of a Novel Semi-Sterile Pollen QTL in Rice Loss-of-function mutation of rice SLAC7 decreases chloroplast stability and induces a photoprotection mechanism in rice Two hydroxypyruvate reductases encoded by OsHPR1 and OsHPR2 are involved in photorespiratory metabolism in rice Advancement of Genetic Characteristics for N,P and K Utilization of Rice Fine Mapping of qHD3, a QTL Controlling the Heading Date in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) EFFECT OF ORGANIC MANURE ON THE NUMBERS OF MICROBES AND ENZYME ACTIVITY IN RICE RHIZOSPHERE

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