A New Bitter Gourd Cultivar‘Huabiyu’ Research on Isolation of Trichoderma from Waste of Walnut Peel and Adaptability Resource and dominant population dynamics of coccinellids in agro forestry farmland in Central Hebei Province The bacterial diversity in different seasons of Miyun Reservoir Characteristics of spider fauna in tea gardens in Guizhou Province Caloric values and carbon contents of dominant trees in Xiaoxinganling forest region Formation of cyanobacterial blooms in Lake Chaohu and the photosynthesis of dominant species hypothesis Potential Geographical Distribution of Quercus wutaishanica Forest and Its Dominant Factors Biomass Characteristics of Dominant Tree Species (Group) at Lingnan Forest Farm in Anhui Province Genetic Analysis of Homozygous-Dominant-Surviving Ligon Lintless Recombinants in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Based on Mixed-Effects Model and Empirical Best Linear Unbiased Predictor to Predict Growth Profile of Dominant Height Diversity and Community Structure of Endophytic Fungi in the Leaves of Populus simonii in Shaanxi Province VEGETATION AND ALTITUTE GRADIENT IN SOUTHERN PART OF QINGHAI LAKE BASIN The ultrastructural study of pollen abortion in Pingxiang dominant genic male sterile rice Effect of Planting Density and Thinning on Dominant Height Growth Curve in Chinese Fir Plantation Tropical Forest Insects Island STUDY OF DOMINANT PLANT POPULATIONS AND THEIR SPATIAL PATTERNS IN EVERGREEN BROADLEAVED FOREST IN TIANMU MOUNTAIN, CHINA Population Patterns of Dominant Species in an Elaeagnus mollis Community, Shanxi Research on the Change Trend of Dominant Tree Population Distribution Patterns During Development Process of Climax Forest Communities The Daily Photosynthesis Course Characteristics of Main Dominant Species of Successional Serials of Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest A Comparative Study on the Ecophysiological Characteristics of the Absorbing and Distributing 32P of Different Forest Successional Dominant Species Seedlings Relationship Between Climate and Distribution of main Species of Subtropical Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest in China A Quantitative Study on Characteristics and Succession Pattern of Alpine Shrub lands Under Different Grazing Intensities Interspecific association of dominant tree populations in Phoebe bournei forest with disturbance Correlation between foliar δ13C and foliar trait factors of dominant species in Castanopsis carlessii forests in Lingshishan National Forest Park Community structure of benthic algae and its seasonal variation in the rocky intertidal zone of Sanya Distribution and long-term changes of net-phytoplankton in the tidal freshwater estuary of Changjiang during wet season IDENTIFICATION OF DOMINANT MALE STERILE MUTANTS IN RICE ( Oryza sativa L.) INDUCTION OF DOMINANT MALE STERILITY BY USING 60 Co γ\| RAYS IRRADIATION IN RICE Oryza sativa L. Community Structures and Dynamics of Dominant Species in Minqin Liangucheng Nature Reserve of Gansu Province Interspecific Relations of the Dominant Plant Populations in the Middle Part of Zhongtiaoshan Mountain Two New Cabbage Hybrid Varieties with Dominant Male Sterile Lines as Female Parents—‘Zhonggan No. 16’ and‘Zhonggan No. 17’ Study on Different Degraded Degrees Grassland Community Structure Characteristics of the Alpine Area The Dominant Species of the Dwarfing Mossy Forest on the Summit of Mt. Ailao in Jingdong Yunnan Lithocarpus pachy Phylloides Composition and Characteristics of Seed Rain in Baishanzu Broad-Leaved Evergreen Forest Niche characteristics of dominant populations of vegetation in Mian Mountain, Shanxi The spiral elongation rule in clonal population of Leymus chinese Effects of combined application of actinomycetes Act12 bio-control agents and potassium humate on growth and microbial flora in rooting zone of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge Differentiation of stand individuals impacts allometry and biomass allocation of Larix gmelinii trees CLASSIFICATION OF PLANT FUNCTIONAL TYPES BASED ON DOMINANT TREE SPECIES IN THE FOREST ECOSYSTEM AT FUNIU MOUNTAIN NATIONAL RESERVE, EAST CHINA Effects of N addition on ecological stoichiometric characteristics in six dominant plant species of alpine meadow on the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, China Microecological mechanisms of red-leaf disease occurrence in Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge. Natural succession of vegetation in Tiantong National Forest Park, Zhejiang Province of East China: A simulation study. Niche analysis of phytoplankton’s dominant species in Dianshan Lake of East China. THE COMPARATION OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS PHYSI ECOLOGY OF EVERGREEN BROAD LEAVED FOREST OF TIANTONG NATIONAL FOREST PARK IN ZHEJIANG PROVINCE,CHINA RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN KIRA′S INDEXES AND DISTRIBUTION OF DOMINANTS AND COMPANIONS OF SUBTROPICAL EVERGREEN BROADLEAVED FOREST IN CHINA INVESTIGATION ON THE DOMINANT SPECIES OF ICE NUCLEATION ACTIVE BACTERIA IN CHINA Growth Comparison on the Larix olgensis of Different Provenance Structure Characteristics of Dead Tree in Dominant Species Populations in An Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest of Baishanzu Succession of the Seedlings of Dominant Species and Diameter-class Structures of Their Populations in Malan Forest Region of the Loess Plateau Dynamic distributes of endophytic fungi from Camellia sinensis A Comparison of the Forest Communities at Six Research Sites in North of Guangdong, China Effect of Water Supply Change on Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Four Dominant Plants in Maowusu Sandland Two New Cabbage Hybrid Varieties with Dominant Male Sterile Lines as Female Parents—‘Zhonggan No. 16’ and‘Zhonggan No. 17’ Horizontal distribution and dominant species of phytoplankton in the East China Sea Using RAPD markers to detect the population genetic structure of Pseudotaxus chienii (Taxaceae), an endangered and endemic conifer in China Studies on the Inheritance of "Ch-"Dominant Nucleus Sterility of Millet (Setaria italica) and Its Application to Commercial Production Dominant species and ecosystem gas exchange in temperate grassland under different land use patterns Leaf carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry at different growth stages in dominant tree species of a monsoon broad-leaved evergreen forest in Pu’er, Yunnan Province, China Dominant Gene cplsr1 Corresponding to Premature Leaf Senescence Resistance in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Analysis on Dominant Population of Fungus and Bacteria from Healthy and Canker Disease-Infected Populus×euroamericana Bark Using improved Gray Clustering Method to evaluate the degree of damage to arable lands in mining areas Effect of Brassica chinensis intercropping with Glycine max or Colocasia esculenta on Spodoptera litura and natural enemy predatory diversity in protected vegetable fields THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE DOMINANT SPECIES OF MICRYPHANTID SPIDERS IN PADDY FIELD AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS 谷子显性雄性不育基因“Ms~(ch)”的细胞质转换 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CORN HYBRID DOMINANT AND THREE KINDS OF ENZYME ACTIVITY Study on Ecological Distribution of Soil Microbes under Two Kinds of Petrophifle Plants Modeling of Dominant Height Growth and Building of Polymorphic Site Index Equations of Chinese Fir Plantation Genotype Identification of Restorer of Double Dominant Genic Sterility 896AB in B.campestris L. Effects of Selective Cutting Intensities on Niche of Six Dominant Species Populations on Arbor Layer in Natural Secondary Forest The Development of Codominant-SCAR and Its Application in Tomato Breeding Application of factor analysis to studying environmental factors with influencing effects on geographical distribution of Glycyrrhiza Radix et Rhizoma Genetic Analysis and Gene Mapping of a Dominant Long-culm Mutant in Rice Spatial Heterogeneity of Plant Community in Zigui and Wushan Typical Hydro-fluctuation Belt of Three Gorges Reservoir Areas Fractal structure of dominant tree species in north-facing slope of mountain of northern Hebei A New Method for Establishing Richards Polymorphic Site Index Model:Parameter Replacement Analysis on Microbial Flora and Dominant Populations in Three Types of Pinus massoniana Forests in Yunyang County of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area Ⅰ. Bacteria, Bacillus and Fungi Species in Forest Land Soil Study of the Dominant Height for Chinese Fir Plantation Using Two-Level Nonlinear Mixed Effects Model Study on Criterion for Selecting Betula alnoides Superior Trees Analysis on Microbial Flora in Three Types of Pinus massoniana Forests in Yunyang County of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area Ⅱ. Microflora in Woodland Air, Leaf and Bark Surface