Genetic Analysis and Mapping of the Dominant Dwarfing Gene D-53 in Rice Niche characteristics of dominant populations in natural forest in North Guangdong Interspecific association of dominant species in Betula luminiferanatural forest communities of Shaowu, Fujian Province STUDIES ON THE DIVERSITY AND INSECT COMMUNITY IN DIFFERENT INTERCROPPED AND MANAGED JUJUBE YARD ECOSYSTEMS STUDY ON THE INTER-SPECIFIC ASSOCIATION OF SPECIES IN THE VEGETATION LAYER IN CASTANOPSIS KAWAKAMII FOREST Comparison of shrimp density between the Minjiang estuary and Xinhua bay during spring and summer Interspecific Relationships among the Dominant Weeds Species of Tobacco Field in Guizhou Province Study on the main Agronomic Characters in two types of Male Sterile Lines of Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) Mechanical factors influencing soil-reinforcement by roots and identifying appropriate plant species for erosion control Environmental Relations with Desert Plant Communities and Distribution of Dominants in Anxi Structural characteristics of crab communities in offshore waters of mid-southern East China Sea Functional group classification of shrub species in the Funiu Mountain forest ecosystem The classification of plant functional types based on the dominant herbaceous species in forest ecosystem at FuNiu Mountain National Natural Reserve Composition and Structure of Plant Communities in Qianyanzhou,Jiangxi Province under Ecological Restoration Studies on the Population Structure and Dynamic of Parasite Wasps on Ericerus pela in Kunming Area Investigation on Species of Natural Enemies from Natural Population of Ericerus pela (Chavannes) and Their Damage in Kunming Impact of forest community species composition on litter species composition Seed germination characteristics of shrub species from the eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Researches on litterfall decomposition rates and model simulating of main species in various forest vegetations of Changbai Mountains,China Niche characteristics of dominant populations of Sophora davidii community in loess gully region Research advances in species diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Response of photosynthesis traits of dominant plant species to different light regimes in the secondary forest in the area of Qiandao Lake, Zhejiang, China. Community structure of planktonic rotifers in the Pearl River Delta. A study on lakeside dominant plants litter decomposition characteristics in Napahai plateau wetland in northwest Yunnan Spatial patterns of dominant species in a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest in Jiulian Mountain Jiangxi Province, China Production dynamics and trophic basis of three dominant mayflies in the continuum of Shenglihe Stream in the Bahe River Basin Climatic suitability of potential spring maize cultivation distribution in China The classification of plant functional types based on the dominant herbaceous species in the riparian zone ecosystems in the Yiluo River Temporal-spatial niches of Chinese White Wax Scale insect (Ericerus pela) and its three dominant parasitoid wasps Studies on the Interspecific Association of Illicium lanceolatum Community in Tiantong Region, Zhejiang Provincelanceolatum community in Tiantong region, Zhejiang Province Application of PCA & Multiple-scoring in Selecting Plus-tree of Straight-stem Acacia auriculiformis The Development of Codominant-SCAR and Its Application in Tomato Breeding ‘Zhonggan 18’ —a New Cabbage Hybrid Variety with the Hybridization ofDominant Male Sterile Line and Inbred Line Introgression of Dominant Male Sterile Gene of Chinese Cabbage into Purple2caitai Identification of a RFLP Marker Linked to a Donminent Male Sterile Gene inCabbage Gene Expression Associated 、 th Dominant M ale Sterility in Cabbage isRevealed by cDNA-Am Gene Expression Associated 、 th Dominant M ale Sterility in Cabbage isRevealed by cDNA-Am Effects of the Frozen Rain and Snow Disaster on the Dominant Species of Castanopsis Forests in Yangdongshan Shierdushui Provincial Nature Reserve of Guangdong The dominant factors of habitat selection of Cordyceps sinensis Vertical Spatial Distribution Patterns of Dominant Herbs Biomass in Jiuzhaigou Manaoke Golden Mine Valley Sichuan,China Study on the Water Balance in Three Dominant Plants with Simulated Precipitation Change in Maowusu Sandland GROSS CALORIC VALUES OF DOMINANT SPECIES AND LITTER LAYER IN MID-MONTANE MO IST EVERGREEN BROAD-LEAVED FOREST IN AILAO MOUNTAIN AND IN TROPICAL SEASON RAIN FOREST IN XISHUANGBANNA, YUNNAN, CHINA CALORIC VALUES ALLOCATION OF DOMINANT SPECIES IN FOUR SECONDARY FORESTS AT DIFFERENT AGES IN XISHUANGBANNA, SOUTHWEST CHINA COMMUNITY COMPOSITION AND NICHE CHANGE CHARACTERISTICS OF DOMINANT SPECIES IN THE WIND-BREAKING AND SAND-FIXING FOREST, XINJIANG, CHINA STEM RESPIRATION RATES OF DOMINANT TREE SPECIES IN A TROPICAL SEASONAL RAIN FOREST IN XISHUANGBANNA, YUNNAN, SOUTHWEST CHINA DOMINANT TREES’ NICHE CHARACTERISTICS AND FOOD PLANTS IN RHINOPITHECUS ROXELLANA HABITAT IN SHENNONGJIA, CHINA Point pattern analysis of dominant populations in a degraded community in Leymus chinensis + Stipa grandis steppe in Inner Mongolia, China Diversity of butterflies in Lianhua Mountain Nature Reserve of Dongguan City,Guangdong Province Distribution Patterns of Dominant Populations of Forest Communities in Pangquangou National Nature Reserve, Shanxi Genetic Variation on Dominant and Inferior Tree Populations and Family Selection of Larix olgensis Henry Characterization of Immunodominant Membrane Protein Gene from Peanut Witches’ Broom Phytoplasma and Bait Plasmid Construction Analysis of Interspecific Relationships among the Dominant Populations of Platycladus orientalis Communities in Yanshan Nature Reserve in Shanxi The ecological stoichiometry of dominant species in different land uses type of grassland Changes in the dominant pathogens causing Fusarium dry rot of potato in rhizospheric soil under continuous potato cropping systems based on real-time quantitative PCR The response of grassland plant diversity to soil factors under grazing disturbance Photosynthetic responses of four dominant species to environmental gradient along the oasis-desert ecotone of Minqin, China Niche Characteristics of Dominant Plant Populations in Desert Steppe of Ningxia with Different Enclosure Times Identification of a RFLP Marker Linked to a Donminent Male Sterile Gene inCabbage ‘Zhonggan 18’ —a New Cabbage Hybrid Variety with the Hybridization ofDominant Male Sterile Line and Inbred Line Spatial Distribution of Dominant Species in Monsoon Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest of Different Restoration Stages Litter Dynamic Changes of Community of Monsoon Broad-leaved Evergreen Forest in Different Restoration Stages in Southwest China RAPD diversity of Stipa grandis populations and its association with some ecological factors GENETIC STUDY ON FERTILITY OF A NEW MALE STERILE MATERIEL SC316 IN RICE Photo-ecological characteristics of the dominant plant species in the secondary forest surrounding Qiandao Lake, Zhejiang, China Small Ubiquitin-Like Modifier Conjugating Enzyme with Active Site Mutation Acts as Dominant Negative Inhibitor of SUMO Conjugation in Arabidopsis Effects of dominant shrubs on soil microbial composition in the semi-arid Minjiang River valley Assessment of heavy metal pollutions in soils and bioaccumulation of heavy metals by plants in Rongxi Manganese mineland of Chongqing Fungal diversity in rhizosphere soil of medicinal plants in Heilongjiang Province Dominant climatic factors of Quercus mongolica geographical distribution and their thresholds Species Diversity and Spatial Distribution of Benthic Diatom in Zeng River, Guangdong Province, Southern China Interspecific Associations among Dominant Populations in the Communities with Alseodaphne hainanensis in Bawangling, Hainan Island Niche characteristics of dominant populations in Elaeagnus mollis communities,Shanxi STUDIES ON AQUATIC VASCULAR PLANTS IN HUAMA LAKE IN EAST HUBEI——Ⅱ. THE AQUATIC VEGETATION Distribution Pattern and Dynamics of Dominant Population in the Progression of Ecological Restoration of Evergreen Broadleaved Forest after Wind-damage in Jinyun Mountain Taxonomic Evaluation of Dominant Species of Anabaena in Lake Erhai Based on Morphology and 16S rRNA Gene Sequences Genetic Analysis and Gene Mapping of a Novel Rolled Leaf Mutant rl12(t) in Rice Plant Functional Types and Biomes of China at a Regional Scale Effects of Tending on the Community Structure and Species Diversity of a Tropical Natural Secondary Forest A STUDY ON QUANTITATIVE CHARACTERIZATION OF WOOD COLOR A STUDY ON JUDGMENT AND EVALUATION OF SUCCESSION SITUATION FOR FOREST COMMUNITY WITH SEVERAL DOMINANT TREE SPECIESIN SUBTROPICAL ZONE IN CHINA