STUDY ON ADAPTABILITY TO ENVIRONMENT FOR 4 TREE SPECIES AT DIFFERENT SUCCESSIONAL STAGES GROWN IN SOUTH SUBTROPICAL ZONE Structure of the Phytoplankton Community and Its Relationship to Water Quality in Donghu Lake, Wuhan, China Functional Analysis of Nodulin-like Promoter in Transgenic Cotton Plants Study on leaf anatomical characteristics of dominant spedes of rehabilitation vegetation in Heshan The response of leaf gas exchange to environmental factors of a dominant tree species, Endospermum chinense in tropical regeneration forest Species Composition and Spatial Distribution of Ants in the Grassland Region in the West of Jilin Province Effects of Litter from Dominant Tree Species on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Exotic Plant Rhus typhina in Hilly Areas in Shandong Peninsula Recurrent Selection in Brassica napus L. The Preliminary Evaluation of a Dominant Male-sterile Gene in Rice A study on the water ecology of some dominant plants in Huangfuchuan Basin Photosynthesis-light Response Curves Characteristics of Dominant Plants in Alpine Grassland Impact of Different Tillages and Fertilization Patterns on Weed Community and Corn Yield in an Organic Farmland Dynamic changes of dominant tree species in broad-leaved Korean pine forest at different succession stages in Changbai Mountains. Spatial patterns of and specific correlations between dominant tree species in a karst evergreen and deciduous broadleaved mixed forest in Mulun Karst National Nature Reserve. Hydraulic responses of stomatal conductance in leaves of successional tree species in subtropical forest to environmental moisture Study on Dominant Height Growth of Fir Plantations Based on a Nonlinear Mixed Modeling Approach for Longitudinal Data Patterns of dominant populations of wetland vegetation in Sanggan River Watershed, Shanxi Water physio-ecology of dominant species in the successional communities in Mountain Xiangshan,Huaibei,China RAPD markers linked to mono-dominant GMS in rapeseed Studies on niche of dominant species in Larix chinensis communities Environmental heterogeneity and mechanism of stoichiometry properties of vegetative organs in dominant shrub communities across the Loess Plateau Population Structure and Regeneration of the Main Tree Species in Three Typical Forests in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area Caloric Value and Nutrient Characteristics of Dominant Plant Species of Six Typical Vegetation Communities in Ziwuling Forest Area of the Loess Plateau THE SELECTION OF PLUS TREE AMONG PINUS TABULAEFORMIS OF RESISTING MATSUCOCCUS MATSUNURAE Spatial point patterns of dominant species by individualtrees and biomass in a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest Biomass and primary productivity of dominant species Aporosa yunnanensis and Blastus cochinchinensis of forest vegetation on Dinghu Mountain Grey system analysis on dominant natural enemies influencing Aphis gosspyii population Effect of surfactant TW80 on biodegradation of PAHs in soil Microbial degradation of Abamectin in soil Differential growth response of dominant and subordinate plant species to AM fungi in subtropical grasslands The dominant species of euphausiids in the east China sea and their ecological adaptability ANALYSIS OF THE RELATEDNESS BETWEEN DOMINANT POPULATIONS AND ECOLOGICAL FACTORS IN SECONDARY SUCCESSION OF FOREST COMMUNITIES IN HEISHIDING NATURE RESERVE Predominant Species Dynamic and Diversity of Fungal Endophytes in Barks of Two Populus Cultivars Isolation and identification of the dominant pathogens causing potato Fusarium dry rot in Gansu Province RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THORNTHWAITE‘S INDEXES AND DISTRIBUTION OF DOMINANTS AND COMPANIONS OF SUBTROPICAL EVERGREEN BROADLEAVED FOREST IN CHINA Dominant Allelic Variations of Three SSR Sites within Opaque-2 Gene and Their Effect on Lysine Content in Maize SCAR Markers and Preliminary Gene Mapping of a Dominant Semi-dwarf Mutant in Rice AFLP Mapping for the Gene “Msch” Controlling the Dominant Male Sterility in Foxtail Millet (Setaria italica) Genetic Verification of Multiple Allelic Gene for Dominant Genic Male Sterility in 609AB (Brassica napus L.) Identification of AFLP Markers Linked to the Dominant Genic Male Sterility Gene in Brassica napus L. Construction of DNA fingerprinting of dominant orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata) varieties of China Genetic behavior of nitrate concentration genotype differences in pak-choi AFLP analysis in Cryptocarya concinna,a dominant population in lower subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests at Heishiding Natural Reserve Analysis on the effect of establishment and inter-species relationship adjustment of mixed stands in southern Fujian Selection of dominant bacteria for phosphate liberation in calcareous soil Study on nitrogen and phosphorus content in the leaves of dominant plant species in sandy hills along Poyang Lake Appraisal on the niche of forest dominant population of Sejila Mountain, Tibet 13C at Natural Abundance Levels in the Broad-leaved Deciduous Forest in the Warm-temperate Region of China: Their δ13C Values and Ecological Significance Monosomic analysis of the wheat stripe rust resistant genes in Taichung29*6/Strubes Dickkopf Ecophysiology of Dominant Plant Species during Succession in Hangzhou Bay Wetlands Features of Population Ecological Quantity Field of Castanopsis fabri Community in Jinggang Mountain Influence and Action Evaluation of the Functional Groups of Natural Enemies on Jujube Trees by Intercropped Herbage at Jujube Orchards Interspecific Association of Dominant Shrub Species in Cold Temperate Coniferous Forest in Ma Kehe Region of San Jiangyuan National Nature Reserve THE GENOMIC IDENTIFICATION OF THE DOMINANT MALE STERILE GENE OF TAIGU WHEAT A Preliminary Study on Marking Blue grain Character on Tai-gu Dominant Male Sterile Wheat The plant community distribution and migration characteristics of heavy metals in tolerance dominant species in lead/zinc mine areas in Northwestern Guizhou Province RESTUDY OF THE CHROMOSOMAL LOCATIONS OF CROSSABILITY GENES WITH RYE (SECALE CEREAL) IN CHINESE SPRING (T.AESTIVUM) AND RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THEM ANE GENE TA1 Comparison between the Pleurocarpous Mosses-flora of Hebei and Its Nearby Regions Primary Study on Sprout Regeneration of Several Dominant Species of Evergreen Broad Leaved Forest after Logging in Tiantong Study on Vegetation at Huangshi’ao Provincial Nature Reserve,Heping County,Guangdong Province,China Benthic Algal Communities Distribution in the Littoral Zone of Yunnan Plateau Lakes Frequency and Age Structure of Dominant Species Populations in Eighteen Forest Communities in Northern Guangdong,China A FEW QUESTIONS ON RADIATION BREEDING FOR HERBAGES Three new species of Piperaceae from Thailand Diversity of uncultured actinomycetes in saline-alkali soil from Jiuquan area of Hexi Corridor. Effects of grazing on spatial distribution relationships between constructive and dominant species in Stipa breviflora desert steppe. Biomass production and litter decomposition of lakeshore plants in Napahai wetland, Northwestern Yunnan Plateau, China Changes of Free Amino Acids in Developing Buds of a Dominant Male Sterile Line in Sesame THE DIVERSITY OF DOMINANT SOYBEAN RHIZOBIUM TYPE IN CHINESE SOILS AND ITS SYMBIOTIC CHARACTERISTIC WTIH HOST Thegenetic of a new kind of male sterility accession Variation of Chloroplast Pigments of Various Age Leaves along Elevation Gradients of Dominant Species in Castanopsis carlessi Forests in Lingshishan National Forest Park Modeling Dominant Height for Chinese Fir Plantation Using a Nonlinear Mixed-Effects Modeling Approach Application of AFLP Markers in Assisted Selection of Cabbage ( Brassica oleracea ) Dominant Male Sterility High Generation Backcrosses Application of AFLP Markers in Assisted Selection of Cabbage ( Brassica oleracea ) Dominant Male Sterility High Generation Backcrosses Genetic Effect of Sterility of the Dominant Genic Male Sterile Materile(DGMS79-399-3) in Cabbage ( Brassica oleracea var. capitata L. ) Dominant Height for Chinese Fir Plantation Using Nonlinear Mixed Effects Model Based on Linearization Algorithm Niche of dominant species populations in an evergreen broad-leaved forest in Baishanzu Diversity of culturable endophytic fungi separated from seven common ferns in potassium mine areas in Longnan, South Jiangxi Province Diurnal variation of photosynthetic characteristics of five kinds of arbor dominant species in Napahai Spatial pattern analysis of herbaceous community for dominant species and communities in Changzhi wetland, Shanxi