Effects of farming managements on the global warming potentials of CH4 and N2O from a rice-wheat rotation system based on the analysis of DNDC modeling.
Changes of nitrogen fractions in horse dung during its decomposition on the typical steppe of Inner Mongolia, North China.
Driving forces of carbon emission from energy consumption in China old industrial cities: A case study of Shenyang City, Northeast China.
Litter decomposition and its main affecting factors in tidal marshes of Minjiang Riverestuary, East China.
Effects of enhanced UV-B radiation on terrestrial ecosystem carbon cycle: A review.
The influence of acid rain on the leaf litter decomposition of three dominant trees in the subtropical forests
Leaf litter decomposition of plants with different origin time in the mid\|subtropical China
Characteristics of storage and decomposition of coarse woody debris (CWD) under three forests in Guangzhou
Composition of aquatic plants and their niche characteristics in wetlands of the Yellow River Delta
Changes in vegetative patches and characteristics in soil properties in the valleys of Qilian Mountains
Changes in forest ground vegetation in subtropical forest ecosystems, Southern China
Variation in species composition and diversity of wetland communities under different disturbance intensity in the Sanjiang Plain
Study on seasonal variation in carbon isotope composition correspond with soil temperature and humidity and weather factors for main greening tree species
Effects of increased atmospheric CO2 and N supply on growth, biochemical compositions and uptake of nutrients in Gracilaria lemaneiformis (Rhodophyta)
Effect of growth medium composition on the propagation of cultured milk vetch (Astragalus adsurgens Pall) roots and the allelopathic activity of extracts
Identifying eco-geographical boundary using spatial wavelet transform
A review on the effects of global environment change on litter decomposition
Releasing dynamics of phenolic acid during Zanthoxylum bungeanum litter decomposition and effects of its aqueous extract on soil chemical properties
Chemical Constituents from Leaves of Myoporum bontioides and Their Bacteriostatic Activities
Seasonal differences in leaf carbon isotope composition among landscaping species of different life forms in Beijing, China
Effects of simulated acid rain on soil respiration in a monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest at Dinghushan Nature Reserve
Spatial variability analysis of soil particle compositions and soil profile horizon in field
Effects of different nitrogen fertilizer types and humic acid (HA) on chemical composition, yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco traits in typical ecological zones of Shaanxi province
Changes of milk yields and their nutrient composition in confined 0-30 days postpartum sheep
Quantitative Analysis of Forest Spatial Structure and Optimal Species Composition for the Main Forest Types in Daxing‘anling, Northeast China
The Perspective on Bamboo Paper-making
Studies on Detritus Energy During the Decomposition of Kandelia candel Leaf Litter
Change of Organic Matter in the Decomposing Oak Twigs in the Temperate Forest Ecosystems
Dynamics of phenolics content of Chinese fir stump-roots and the rhizosphere soil and it‘s allelopathy
Decomposition process of Chinese fir stump roots and changes of nutrient concentration
Species composition and distribution of algae in semi desert algal crusts
Dynamics of species diversity in secondary succession series of forest communities in Jinyun Mt
Storage dynamics of fallen trees in Korean pine broad-leaved forest
Role of nitrogen fixing trees in mixed forest Ⅲ Leaf litter decomposition and its N release of nitrogen fixing tree species
Decomposition of mixed foliar litter I. Amicrocosm study
Dynamics of organic material decomposition and soil respiration in intensive and high yield agroecosystem
Light characteristics in tea-fruit tree or-forest complex garden
Floristic composition and its characteristics of Carya cathayensis forest on Dabieshan Mountain
Toxicity of Sapium sebiferum and Pterocaryd stenoptera on Oncomelaia hupensis growth
Relationship between contents in "Qinyou2" rape and pterygote rate of Lipahis erysimi
Relationship between chemical compositions of "8455" wheat plant and population dynamics of Schizaphis graminum and Macrosiphum avenae
The effects of jellyfish decomposition on marine ecological environments
Ground-dwelling ants as bioindicators during 30-year vegetation restoration in a savanna area, Yunnan
Diversity of butterflies in Liangshui nature reserves of Xiao Xing‘an Mountains
A critical review of economy-wide material flow analysis
Bacterial community structure and composition in Lake Poyang: a case study in the Songmenshan Region, China
Physiological response of Medicago sativa L. to copper stress by FTIR spectroscopy
Impacts of global warming on litter decomposition
The impact of understory vegetation structure on growth of Polygonatum cyrtonema in extensively managed Phyllostachys edulis plantation
Effect of soil-litter layer enzyme activities on litter decomposition in Pinus massoniana plantation in Three Gorges Reservoir Area
The composition of stable carbon isotope and some influencing factors of submerged plant
Succession of collembolan community structure during decomposition of leaves in Cyclobalanopsis glauca forest
Study on decomposition rate and fall of Pinus koraiensis needle
Effects of global change on litter decomposition in terrestrial ecosystems
Chemical composition, seasonal variation and origin of acid precipitation in typical forest areas in Guangzhou
Calorific values and nutrient composition of the leaves of monsoon evergreen broad leaved forest and some forest edge plants on Gushan Mountain in Fuzhou
Contribution of CO2 Emission from Soil Respiration and from Litter Decomposition in Lymus chinensis Community in Northeast Songnen Grassland
Haar Wavelet Decomposition of Main Soil Factors in Liaotungensis Forest in Dongling Mountain Area
Preliminary Comparative Researches on the Species Composition of Freeliving Marine Nematodes in Different Occasions in the Bohai Sea
A study on the decomposition of Aneurolepidium chinense standing dead litter in Songnen grassland
Identification and allelopathy on the decomposition products from soybean stubs
Study on Antibacterial Effects of Fat-soluble Compositions in Nostoc commune
Decomposition processes of Tilia amurensis leaves in the Changbai Mountain forest ecosystem
Community Composition and Structure of Phoebe zhennan Forest in Enshi, Hubei Province
Analysis on Composition and Content of Sterols in Three Color Types of Maca, Lepidium meyenii
Relationship between Tree Composition and Light Utilization of Camellia oleifera
Seasonal release characteristics of Ca, Mg and Mn of foliar litter of six tree species in subtropical evergreen broadleaved forest.
Population difference of polypores in northwest and southeast of China.
Decomposition dynamics of leaf litter in logging residue of a secondary Castanopsis carlesii plantation and its chemical composition changes.
Correlation between chemical constituents and ecological factors of Astragalus membranaceus var. mongholicus.
Spatial distribution of human activities and their influences on landscape patterns in Daqingshan Nature Reserve.
Impact of biocontrol agent Bacillus subtilis on bacterial communities in tobacco rhizospheric soil.
Effects of snow patches on the release of N and P during foliar litter decomposition in an alpine forest of western Sichuan, China.
Species composition and community structure of a spruce-fir forest and a larch forest on the northern slope of Changbai Mountains, Northeast China.
Response of fine root decomposition to simulated nitrogen deposition in Pleioblastus amarus plantation, Rainy Area of West China.
Woody plant species composition and community structure in residual fragments of broad-leaved Korean pine mixed forests in Changbai Mountains area.
The eco-process of agricultural organic matter decomposition under different soil conditions
Effect of intercropping on bacterial community composition in rhizoshpere of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), maize(Zea mays L.) and faba bean (Vicia faba L.)
Effects of disturbances on species composition and diversity of plant communities
Decomposition characteristics and its nutrient dynamics of leaf litter mixtures of both Chinese fir and Phoeba bournei