Tree Species Diversity and Structure Character istics of Q ue rcus a lienavar. acuteserrata Na tural Forest on Xiaolongshan Flor istic Ana lysis of Seed Plan ts in Kuocangsan Na tureReserve of Zhejiang Prov ince Study on In itia l Identif ica tion and Stability of Natural Pigmentof C itrus changshan-huyou AN INVESTIGATION ON SPECIES OF RHODODENDRON IN JINGGANG MOUNTAIN Research on quality control of Xiangsha Pingwei Pills Simultaneous determination for contents of naringin, hesperidin, and neohesperidin in flower of Citrus changshan-huyou by RP-HPLC Genetic diversity of Chuanmingshen violaceum by SRAP markers The preotective effects of total glycosides Rubus parviflolius on cerebral ischemica in rat Effect of Exogenous GSH on Tomato Seedlings Growth and Physiological Indexes of Resistance Stress under Salt Stress Studies on the Quality Standard of Changgangshu Granule Determination of Matrine in Fufangshiwei Tablet by TLCS Effects of Congsheng Capsule on cultured rat cerebral cortical neurons after ischemia-reperfusion Flavonoids in peels of Citrus changshan-huyou Effect of Congsheng Capsule on free radical change after cerebral ischemia-reperfusion in mice Simultaneous determination of seven constituents in Longsha Granules by dual-wavelength RP-HPLC Chemical constituents in peels of Citrus changshan-huyou(Ⅲ) Effects of Recreational Disturbance on the Cotinus coggygria var. cinerea Forest in Xiangshan Mountain, Beijing Early Carboniferous Flora in Southeastern Henan Implication of Paleovegetational Changes in Diaojiao Lake, Inner Mongolia Carbon storage and sequestration in four urban forest ecosystems in Changsha, Hunan Diversity and species composition of moths in different forests types at different stages of restoration on Xiaoxing‘an Mountain, Northeast China Estimation model of carbon dioxide emissions by regional tourism transportation and empirical analysis of Nanjing and Huangshan cities, China Diversity of butterflies in Liangshui nature reserves of Xiao Xing‘an Mountains Interspecific relationship and canonical correspondence analysis of the dominant species in ecological service forest of Jiangshan City in Zhejiang Province Essential disease factors and control index of rice sheath blight in the southern Shaanxi Antifungal metabolites from a marine bacterium PY-sw-1 and effects on pathogenic fungi Advances in the studies on physiological mechanism of safener Effect of exogenous metallothionein on blood GSH-Px and CAT gene expression in dairy cattle Three new species of Impatiens L. from China Advances and Goal in the Study of Chemical Constituents of Dangshen Effects of lentin an onnitricoxide production and in tracellularg lutathione in mouse peritoneal macrophages Community Heterogeneity of Fengshui Woods in Guangzhou and Its Contribution to Regional Species Diversity AUeviatory Effect of Exogenous Glutathione (GSH) on Hydrocharis dubia Toxicated by Zn2+ Determination of ephedrine and pseudoephedrine in Herba Ephedrae and Maxing Shigan Tang by capillary zone electrophoresis A New Species of Abies Mill.—Abies fanjingshanensis Comparing the water use efficiency of plants in different types of rubber-based agroforestry ecosystem in Xishuangbanna, Southwest China Effects of Interaction Between Cadmium and Plumbum on Phytochelatins and Glutathione Production in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Effects of the artificial low temperature on the dormant buds and shoots of Dangshan pear in the central part of Yunnan Roscoea cangshanensis M. H. Luo, X. F. Gao & H. H. Lin, a new species of the Zingiberaceae from Yunnan, China Two new species of Epimedium (Berberidaceae) from China Corybas fanjingshanensis Y. X. Xiong, a new species of Orchidaceae from Guizhou, China Two new synonyms of Ulmaceae in Henan, China New taxa of Impatiens L. (Balsaminaceae) from Zhejiang, China A New Species of Scrophularia L. from Henan, China Gaoligongshania, a New Bamboo Genus from Yunnan, China Population structure and community characteristics of Pseudotaxus chienii in Fengyangshan National Natural Reserve Resource and ecological distribution of ectomycorrhizal fungi under pine forests of Huangshan Mountain district EFFECTS OF GLUTATHIONE ON PHOTOSYNTHETIC CHARACTERISTICS OF PEPPER LEAVES UNDER AUTOTOXICITY STUDIES ON CHARACTER AND FEATURE OF SEED PLANTS FLORA OF WULINGSHAN REGION NEW TAXA FROM YUNNAN PROVINCE Studies on Key Enzyme POD Types of Lignin Metabolic Pathway During Stone Cell Development of Pyrus bretschneideri Studies on Key Enzyme POD Types of Lignin Metabolic Pathway During Stone Cell Development of Pyrus bretschneideri INFLUENCES OF HUMAN DISTURBANCES ON VEGETATION OF SONGSHAN NATIONAL LEVEL NATURE RESERVE A Floristic Study on the Seed Plants of the Cangshan Mountain Range, Dali, Yunnan, China Pollen Morphology of Tibetia (Fabaceae) from the Hengduan Mountains, with Emphasis on the Taxonomical Status of Tibetia liangshanensis A Preliminary Report on the Larger Edible Ectomycorrhizal Mushrooms from Daqing Mountains of Inner Mongolia, China Protective effects of Guangdong Liangcha grandes on restraint stress-induced liver damage in mice Effect of active site of Xiangsha Liujunzitang on behavior and injury of hippocampal neurons in depression model mice Studied on the pteridophytes resources in Jinggangshan Nature Reserve STUDY ON TAXONOMY OF PINUS HWANGSHANENSIS TWO NEW SYNONYMS OF ROSACEAE ON REVISION OF SCIENTIFIC NAME OF SPIRAEA MONGOLICA MAXIM.VAR.TOMENTULOSA (YU) AND SPIRAEA TOMENTULOSA YU HSU ORCHID FLORA IN THE FANJINGSHAN MOUNTAINS SOUTHWEST CHINA A randomized, placebo controlled study on Fangfeng Tongsheng granule in treatment of sub-acute eczema Effects of Xiangsha Liujunzi decoction on TLR signal pathway in gastric mucosa tissues of rats with Helicobacter pylori-induced chronic atrophic gastritis Application of time domain reflectometry for determination of wate content in Xiangsha Yangwei pills Experimental study of Tangshen formulain improved lipid metabolism and phenotypic switch of macrophage in db/db mice Planting Design Developed by Simulating Natural Plant Communities of Changshu Elite Varieties of Taxodium Hybrids ‘Zhongshanshan 302’ and ‘Zhongshanshan 118’ Evaluation Method of Forest Management Models: A Case Study of Xiaolongshan Forest Area in Gansu Province New records of distribution of medical plants in Anhui province Comparison of Two Extraction Methods for Maxingshigan Decoction Karyotype of Paeonia obovata Maxim. from Mt. Huangshan and Mt. Jiuhuashan Four New Species of Arachniodes Blume from China A New Species of Abies Mill.—Abies fanjingshanensis New Taxa of Ranunculaceae from Hubei Four New Species of Arachniodes Blume from China Integral landscape pattern of gneiss area of Taihang Mountain Effects of Bt corn straw insecticidal proteins on enzyme activities of Eisenia fetida. Numerical classification and ordination of forest communities in the Songshan National Nature Reserve