Winter Wheat Flag Leaf Aging and Reactive Oxygen Species Metabolism under Different Nitrogen and Cultivation Modes in Dryland Effects of Zinc on Two Phytoplanktons in Fresh Water The first record of Ensiculifera Balech and Fragilidium Balech (Dinophyceae) from Chinese coast Fragilariopsis, a newly recorded nanodiatom
genus for China
A review of the species diversity of Selaginella in Fujian Province of China Monochoria vaginalis var. angustifolia,a new variety of the Pontederiaceae from Thailand Studies on the Chinese species of Selaginellaceae (Ⅰ): Selaginella subgenus Tetragono-stachys Jermy Pollen morphology of the tribe Cynoglosseae of Boraginoideae (Boraginaceae) in China Phylogenetic Relationship of Chinese Sagittaria Species (Alismataceae) Based on AP-PCR Analysis On Sagittaria tengtsungensis (Alismataceae), a Species Endemic to China An Examination on Indumentum and Fruit of Dimocarpus longan and D. confines Effects of tea plant volatiles on foraging behavior of Xysticus ephippiatus Simon Aging process of arsenite As() in soils originated from different parent materials. Primary infection and contagious transmission of the Entomophthorales at the early stage of Myzus persicae mycosis Ecophysiological characteristics of kindred dominant shrubs in different areas of ecologically vulnerable zone Assessing the fragility of ecosystem using artificial neural network model Comparison of mucilage produced by achenes of 5 Artemisia species under different rainfall treatments Image Changes in Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Vitis amurensis in Response to Downy Mildew Ultramicroscopic Characterization of Mature Pollen Grains of Habenaria sagittifera CUTTING BRANCH PROPAGATION OF PLAGIOMNIUM ACUTUM TONOPLAST INVAGINATIONS AND INTRAVACUOLAR VESICLES IN CULTURED CALLUS CELLS OF STEVIA REBAUDIANA FLORALORGANOGENESISOFSAGITTARIA GUAYANENSISSSP.LAPPULA ——WITH ADDITIONALREFERENCETOITS RELATIONSHIPWITH THERELATIVEGENERA INFLUENCES OF REPRODUCTIVE METHODS ON GROWTH OF SAGITTARIA PYGMAEA The Karyotypical Study on Sagittaria tengtsungensis H. Li——An Endemic Plant from China Geographic Distribution and Resource Status of Three Important Medicinal Epimedium Species The Responses of Sagittaria sagittifolia L. to Environmental Cadmium Stress An Estimation of the Outcrossing Rate in Sagittaria trifolia Using SSR Fluorescence Markers Effect of the Ethyl Acetate Fraction from Ethanol Extract of Aegiceras corniculatum Leaves on Antioxidant and Anti-senescence Ability in Rat Skin Effect of film packaging on several physiological and qualitative changes of persimmon (Diospyros kaki) in cold storage Effects of Salt Stress on Growth and Flavonoids Content in Different Organs of Two Species of Epimedium Effects of ginseng, notoginseng, and Chuanxiong Rhizoma extracts on cytoskeleton protein of replicative senescence vascular smooth muscle cells Pharmacological activity of Terminalia chebula Target protein candidates of hypothalamus in aging rats with intervention by Qiongyugao Screening of anti-aging active ingredients and mechanism analysis based on molecular docking technology Mechanism of anti-aging therapy on Parkinson‘s disease A new flavonoid with an aryl moiety from Selaginella uncinata Discrimination of Descurainiae Semen and Pantagirus Semen by HPLC fingerprints The Protection of Seed Oil of Hippophae rharmnoides on Ischemic Cerebral Infarction in Rats An experimental study on anti-aging action of Cordyceps extract Isolation of Endophytic Bacteria from Alhagi pseudalhagi Desv.and Analysis of Active Metabolites Immunofluorescent Observation of Micro tubule Cytoskeleton in Root Tip Cells of Sagittaria sagittifolia L. A mathematical model on procedure of some physiology and biochemical during aging of Chinese Fir seed Effect of different factors on transformation of Alhagi pseudalhagi by Agrobacterium rhizogenes Effects of short time heat stress on photosystem II, Rubisco activities and oxidative radicals in Alhagi sparsifolia Effects of shading on leaf morphology and response characteristics of photosynthesis in Alhagi sparsifolia Review of root nutrient foraging plasticity and root competition of plants Response of root systems to soil heterogeneity and interspecific competition in Alhagi sparsifolia Effects of short-term phloem girdling on physiology in two desert plants in the southern edge of the Taklimakan Desert A research of Matter-element Model of comprehensive evaluation on fragile eco-environment A tentative study on agricultural developing pattern of eco-environmental fragile area in Western Jilin Province Cloning and sequencing of the tandem arginine biosynthetic genes argCJBDFR from Corynebacterium crenatum A.S1.542 Research on regionalization of economic types of eco-agriculture in Shanxi Province The damage of Mikania micrantha to plant communities in the Country Park of Hong Kong The Protective Effect of Haworth Fruit Extract on Caenorhabditis elegans in Acute Damages Research Progress Regarding to Large-scale Packaging System of rAAV Morphological responses to different nutrient supply in the stoloniferous herb Glechoma longituba Characters of landscape patterns and correlation in Jinghe watershed The comparison of environmental roles between restored Phragmites communis communities and disturbed ones in Lakeside wetlands of West Taihu Lake Diet composition and foraging ecology of Asian elephants in Shangyong, Xishuangbanna, China AN ENUMERATION OF THE BORAGINACEOUS PLANTS COLLECTED BY H. SMITH FROM CHINA DURING 1921-22, 1924 AND 1934 Occurrence, damage and pathogen identification of wheat root lesion nematode disease in Henan Province SCAR marker and PCR detection of Ustilaginoidea virens Effect of Rhizobia and PGPR co-inoculant on soybean characteristics and soil enzyme activities One Newly Recorded Genus Microcaryum of Boraginaceae from Xizang STUDIES ON FORAGING STRATEGY OF THE BEAVER IN XINJIANG Studies on Physiological Characteristics of Kidney Bean Seeds with DifferentMoisture Content in Aging Course Spore Morphology of Eight Species of Selaginellaceae from Yunnan Pollination Mechanism and Mating System of Sagittaria pygmaea (Alismataceae) Genetic Diversity and Its Relationship with Breeding System of Ranalisma rostratum A New Taxa and New Record of Leguminosae in China A New Variety of Primula(Primulaceae) from XiZang(Tibet) Chemical constituents of Salvia plebaia Chemical constituents in Guizhi Fuling Capsula (I) Chemical constituents from Osbeckia chinensis Extracting technology of bufadienolides in Bufo Corium Chemical constituents from pericarp of longan fruits Chemical constituents from Phyllanthus reticulates var. glaber Study on changes of protein phosphorylation of p65,IκBα and IκBε in lymphocytes of rats in progress of aging and interventional effect of Epimedium flavonoids PRELIMINARY STUDY ON CLASSIFICATION ABOUT DAMAGE DEGREE OF HEMIBERLESIA PITYSOPHILA TO MASSON PINE FORESTS RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE ECOLOGICAL FACTORS AND THE DAMAGE LEVEL OF PINUS MASSONIANA FOREST ATTACKED BY HEMIBERLESIA PITYSOPHILA

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