STUDY OF DISTANCE-DEPENDENCE ON CASTANOPSIS CHINENSISSEED IN CONIFEROUS AND BROAD-LEAVED MIXED FOREST OF DINGHUSHAN, CHINA Progress on the studies of rice lesion mimics and their resistant mechanism to the pathogens Species diversity and temporal niche of entomopathogenic fungi in the extensively managed tea plantation soil. Bahaviour of Solenopsis invicta workers to protect pupae from infection by Metarhizium anisopliae. Inhibition effects and mechanisms of the entophytic fungus Trichoderma harzianum LH-7 from Aloe barbadensis. Research Progress in Plant-Pathogen Responsive Proteins Effect of Electron Beam Irradiation on Pathogenicity and Pathogenic Enzyme Activity of Botrytis cinerea Resistance of ‘Zhugenjiang’ Ginger to Ralstonia solanacearum Induced by Exogenous Methyl Jasmonate Resistance Induction of Preharvest Chitosan Oligosaccharide Treatment to Black Spot in Apricots Fruits A hypothetical gene XC_3605 contributes to pathogenicity of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris Detection and identification of the pathogen causing kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus) leaf curl disease in Hainan Province of China Identification of the pathogen of potato blackleg disease in Guangdong The identification of soybean powdery mildew fungus Construction and pathogenicity evaluation of infectious clones of Cotton leaf curl Multan virus infecting Hibiscus rosasinensis and Gossypium hirsutum Identification and functional characterization of the Phytophthora sojae induced-promoter of the soybean GmDRRP gene Identification of the pathogen causing post harvest decay in carrot (Daucus carota) Interception and identification of Phoma glomerata on apple (Mallus sp.) seedlings imported from Italy HrpG, a major regulator of hrp genes, is interchangeable between Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae and pv. oryzicola The comparative analysis of secreted CAZymes in phytopathogenic fungi with different lifestyle Laboratory detecting method for pathogenicity of Fusarium oxysporum Schl. f. sp. sesami isolates Toxin produced by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae of Japonica rices in Yunnan plateau and its relationship with pathogenicity Effects of gene deletion of katExoo encoding putative catalase on resistance to hydrogen peroxide and pathogenicity of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae Analysis on pathogenic interaction between isolates of Rhizoctonia solani and rice varieties Characteristics of gene expression driven by two tandem pathogen-inducible promoters Progress in research on the VBNC state of plant pathogenic bacteria Identification of root rot pathogen of Rosmarinus officinalis L. Identification of the pathogens of potato early blight and their sensitivity to different fungicides Pathogenicity variation and genetic structure differentiation of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. conglutinans in soil under successive cultivation of Brassica oleracea Functional analysis of cysteine residues of the Magnaporthe oryzae avirulence protein AvrPiz-t Relativity of biological characteristics and pathogenicity of Ustilaginoidea virens Progress in research on the pathogenicity of Venturial nashicola and resistant mechanism of its host Pathogenicity differentiation and ISSR fingerprint analysis of cotton  Verticillium  dahliae in China Effect of vuculic acid produced by Nimbya alternantherae on  photosynthesis of alligatorweed leaf Pathogenic Differentiation and Genetic Diversity of Cytospora chrysosperma in China Research progress on active oxygen species in pathogens Composition of phenolic allelochemicals in Eupatorium adenophorum root zone soils and its effects on soil-borne pathogens. Diplostomum and Its Progress in Advance on Ecology Advances in the researches on bacterial stem and root rot of sweet potato caused by Dickeya dadantii Advances in the study of genetics of Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei Phylogenetic and pathogenic analyses of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. vasinfectum isolates in Hebei Province by AFLP technique Effects of winter broad irrigation on the vigor and pathogenicity of sunflower sclerotia in soils Toxicity and field efficacy of metham-sodium against common soil-borne pathogens of summer squash Composition and pathogenicity differentiation of pathogenic species isolated from Fusarium head blight in Shandong Province Identification of the pathogens causing potato dry rot in Hebei and Inner Mongolia Identification of the pathogen causing bacterial wilt of sesame and its biovars Antifungal and nematicidal activities of five volatile compounds against soil-borne pathogenic fungi and nematodes Virulence of the five strains of entomopathogenic fungi infected on the larvae of Carposina sasakii The efficacy of Culvularia lunata strain J15(2) on Echinochloa crus-galli and its host range Pathogenic identification of sugarcane yellow leaf disease and incidence of disease-infected plant in main sugarcane parental clones in China Molecular cloning and expression analysis of vasa gene in Ovomermis sinensis Pathogenicity of Beauveriaspp. strains to three species of mirids, Apolygus lucorum, Adelphocoris suturalisand Adelphocoris lineolatus Pathogenicity of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum isolated from rapeseed in Shaanxi Province Pathogenicity differentiation and genetic diversity of Verticillium dahliae of cotton in Shaanxi A new symptom type of soybean pod anthracnose and identification of its pathogen cDNA cloning and quantitative analysis by real-time RT-PCR of tra-1 gene in Ovomermis sinensis Inhibition of cantharidin and demethylcantharidin to seven phytopathogenic fungi Mating type distribution and pathogenicity difference of Phytophthora capsici in Gansu Bacterial sheath brown rot of wheat and its identification of the causal organism in China The pathogenicity of strain AAEC05-3 and its phytotoxin to Echinochloacrus-galli Inhibiting range and mechanism of the active product of S-5210-6 Obtaining and biologic characteristics of melanin-deficient mutants of Setosphaeria turcica Screening of fungicide and identification of capsicum phytopathora root rot Pathogenicity differentiation of Verticillium dahliae of cotton in naturally infested soil Pathogenicity analysis of Magnaporthe grisea derive from indica and japonica rice Studies on Differentiation of Pathogenicity of Botrytis cinerea Isolates fromFour Hosts to Strawberry Effects of Grape Berry Nutrition on Postharvest Pathogenicity of Botrytis cinerea Studies of Mechanism of Systemic Resistance in Cucmber Induced by Pseudomonas syringae pv.1achryrnas Studies of Mechanism of Systemic Resistance in Cucmber Induced by Pseudomonas syringae pv.1achryrnas Screening of Incompatible Isolate of Cladosporium cucumernium with Heat-resistance and Its Inducing Disease-resistance in Cucumber Protein Phosphatases and Signaling Cascades in Higher Plants The Role of Cytokinin Biosynthetic Gene in Regulating the Expression of a Class of Pathogenesis-Related Protein Genes in Tobacco Plants Effect of endophyte infection on fungal disease resistance of Leymus chinensis Physiological Response of Apple Leaves From Different Cultivars to Exogenous Salicylic Acid The Inhibition of Ethanol Extract of Inonotus obliquus for Plant Pathogenic Fungi Identification of Physiological Race of Rice Blast Fungus and Disease Resistance and Genetic Diversity Analysis on Major Cultivars in Heilongjiang Province Synergism of Entomopathogenic Nematodes and Rhizobia on Peanut Cultivation Identification of the causal organism of bacterial wilt of mulberry and its biovars The sterility effect of halo propanediol derivative to the male Brandt[WT4"BZ]’[WT4"HZ]s voles The potential effects of UV-radiation on plant diseases Profile and disease symptoms of Rhizoctonia isolates associated with maize in China