Effects of shade and competition of Chenopodium album on photosynthesis, fluorescence and growth characteristics of Flaveria bidentis. Effects of interactive CO2 concentration and precipitation on growth characteristics of Stipa breviflora Effect of different stubble height treatments on the annual growth index and physiological characteristics of Tetraena mongolica in two growing seasons Dynamic studies on photosynthetic and growth characteristics of Angecila dahurcia Sprouting characteristic in restoration ecosystems of monsoon evergreen broad- leaved forest in south-central of Yunnan Province Shoot type morphology and growth characteristics of winter wheat sown at different dates. Effects of Alfalfa Root Growth on Improving Immature Soil of Loess Parent Material Effect of Seed Moisture Content on the Mutagenic Effect of Satellite Carrying for Alfalfa Seed growth characteristics of Ginkgo biloba and its physiological change Analysis of growth characteristics, nutritional components and feeding values of native forage grass from the high-cold steppes in the Luqu and Hezuo region of Gannan in summer and winter Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus mosseae on the growth characteristics of Festuca arundinacea under salt stress conditions Rhizome growth characteristics and age determination of Rhodiola fastigiata Evaluation on Growth and Stem Form Characteristics of Species and Hybrids of Larix spp. Research on the Growth Characteristics of Populus×xiaohei on Beach Land in North China Grow th Characteristics and Cold Resistance of P inus ponderosa A Study on Growth Characteristics of Young Plantations of Some Tree Species of Magnoliaceae Responses of growth and chlorophyll florescence of Emmenopterys henryi seedlings to different light intensities Effects of continuous planting rotation on forest structural characteristics and water holding capacity of Eucalyptus plantations Study on Difference and Primarily Mechanism of Nitrogen UseEfficiency (NUE) in Populus nigra Seedlings Genotypes Establishment of Cell Suspension Culture and Growth Characteristics of Wild Nitraria tangutorum Effects of Different Grazing Intensities on Growth of Potentilla anserina Clones The growth characteristics and spatial distribution of Fenneropenaeus chinensis in Laizhou Bay PROGENY TESTING AND IMPROVEMENT STRATEGY FOR EXOTIC EUCALYPTUS GRANDIS IN CHINA Growth characteristics of Taxus chinensis var.mairei under different cultivation conditions Effects of Fertilizers and Sowing Rates on Growth Characteristics and Forage Yields of Alfalfa in Yangzhou Region Analysis on the growth characteristics of Eupatorium catarium in different types of habitats Study on Early Growth Characteristics of Choerospondias axillaris Plantation and Effect of Choerospondias axillaris and Cunninghamia lanceolata Mixed Stand A Study on the Characteristics of Rattan Tissue Sub-culture Effect of the Selection of Grown Structure and Growth Characteristics on the Improvement of Tree Trunk Form in Paulownia fortunei STUDY ON GROWTH CHARACTERISTICS OF PINUS TAEDA PLANTATION GROWN IN FUJIAN PROVINCE Comparison Between the Growth Characteristics of Mutual Plant Species in Warm\|temperate Steppe and Moderate\|temperate Steppe Growth stress of Scirpus tabernaemontani of dominant plant in plateau wetland lakeshore to water level fluctuating Inter-sexual difference of growth characteristic for Populus cathayana natural forests in the Xiaowutai Mountains Introduction and acclimatization of Camellia tunghiensis a rare and endangered plant THE EFFECT OF LIGHT INTENSITY ON BIOMASS ALLOCATION, LEAF MORPHOLOGY AND RELATIVE GROWTH RATE OF TWO INVASIVE PLANTS Growth Characteristics of the Mixed Plantation of Chinese-fir with Huangshan Mountain Pine Effect of different moisture management modes on root growth characteristics of cast transplanting rice in seedling standing period under no tillage EFFECTS OF ~(60)Co γ-RAY IRRADIATION ON GROWTH CHARACTERS OF Chamaecrista SEEDS Growth characteristics of Porites lutea skeleton in east sea area of Hainan Island, China and main affecting environmental factors. Effect of Light Intensity on Growth, Photosynthetic and Fluorescence Characteristics of Polygonatum cyrtonema Hua Characteristics of Photosynthetic Physiology and Growth with 8 Luobuma Ecotypes in the Apocynum and Poacynum from Altay of Xinjiang,China Preliminary evaluation of drought resistance for the hybrid zoysiagrass ‘Suzhi No.1’ Effects of film mulching on growth and crown and root characteristics of alfalfa in an alpine meadow Effect of Cultivation Management on the Growth Characteristics and Biomass Components of Miscanthus sacchariflorus Comparison of Effects of Four Plant Growth Retardants on Growth Characteristics of Poa pratensis Effects of Nitrogen Application on the Growth and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Calophyllum inophyllum Seedlings Growth Characteristics of Endangered Amygdalus mongolica Growth Characteristic of Populus×xiaohei Plantaion in Sand Land of North China Effects of aluminum stress on growth characteristics and biomass allocation of Plantago virginica Responses of Caryopsis Germination, Seedling Emergence, and Development to Sand Water Content of Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn. and Bromus inermis Leyss. Effects of compound inoculum on growth characteristics and quality of Trifolium Dimorphic seed germination, plant growth difference, and ecological adaptability of Xanthium italicum Effects of light intensity and nitrogen application on the growth and photosynthetic characteristics of Trifolium repens L. The response of Urtica dioica to different soil water on growth and photosynthesis Effects of Pb Stress on Eucalyptus grandis Seedlings in Three Types of Soil Effects of Submergence and Drought Alternation on Photosynthesis and Growth of Pinus elliottii Seedlings Effect of the Burying Depth of Underground Drip Irrigation System on Alfalfa Growth Characteristics Water use efficiency and growth characteristics of young trees of Robinia pseudoacacia plantation forest under different irrigation methods in old course of Yellow river area Observation of almond-apricot growth characteristics in Loess Hilly and Gully Region of northern Shaanxi Growth Characteristics of Tamarix ramosissima in Arid Regions of China Growth of characteristics of Sophora viciifolia population in the hilly and gully region of Loess Plateau Comparative study on the growth characteristics of 8 foreign alfalfa cultivars Effect of shading on growth characteristics and biomass distribution of Liriope spicata(Thunb.)Lour. Response of super absorbent polymers under different water gradient on growth characteristics of Parthenocissus quinquefolia seedlings Effects of asymmetric warming on the growth characteristics and yield components of winter wheat under free air temperature increased. EFFECT OF SPACE FLIGHT ON SEEDS AND PLANT GROWTH OF Dianthus barbatus IN SP1 STUDIES ON THE GROWTH CHARACTERISTICS AND THE CROWN STRUCTURE OF EUCALYPTUS PLANTATION WITH THE DIFFERENT CONTINUOUS-PLANTING ROTATION Studying on Regrowth Characteristics and their Correlative Relationship of Medicago sativa Individual Plant Effect of Soil Saline Type and Concentration as well as Soil Water Content on the Growth Characteristics of Switchgrass at the Vegetative Stage on Two Soil Matrixes Effect of Planting Density and Cutting Frequency on Biomass Yield and Quality of Pennisetum americanum×P.purpureum Effect of different levels of nitrogen on physiological characteristics of
flag leaves and grain yield of wheat
Effects of powdery mildew infection on zucchini growth under elevated CO2 and temperature Investigation on Growth Characteristics of Dendrobium ‘s Mycorrhizal Fungi in Liquid-culture Changes of Growth Characteristics of Kentucky bluegrass under Water-nitrogen Interaction The Developmental and Physiological Responses of Amorpha fruticosa to Different Soil Moisture Contents under Lead Stress during Initial Growth Stage Review of advances on growth characteristics and adapting mechanism of plant at low atmospheric pressure Age, growth and fecundity of Clupanodon punctatus in Xipu Bay of Dongshan Island, Fujian Province Growth characteristics of Epimediun wushanense in cell suspension culture Contrast of growth characteristics of different germplasm and correlation between morphologic and individual yield of Isatis indigotica Comparative Analysis on the Clonal Growth Characteristics of Bambusa pervariabilis × Dendrocalamopsis daii and B. rigida

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