Physiological Effects of High Temperature Stress on Grain-Setting for Guodao 6 during flowering and Filling stage Effects of High Temperature Stress on Flowering and Grain-Setting Characteristics for Guodao 6 Effects of high temperature stress on plasma membrane permeability and chloroplast structure of Huperzia serrata Research of high temperature stress on the morphological and physiological changes in Scaevola albida ‘Mauve Clusters’ cutting seedlings Construction of differently expressed cDNA library of alfalfa by using suppression subtractive hybridization under the high temperature EFFECT OF EXOGENOUS MELATONIN ON PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND CHLOROPHYLL
Effects of high- and low temperature stresses on ascorbic acid metabolism system in potato leaves. Effects of Exogenous Salicylic Acid (SA) on Ascorbate Glutathione Cycle (AsA-GSH) Circulation Metabolism in Grape Seedlings Under High Temperature Stress Effects of Exogenous Nitric Oxide on Growth and Physiological Indexes of Pepper Seedlings Under High Temperature Stress Photosynthetic Performance and Thermal-resistant Characteristics in Leaves of Amaranth (Amaranthus tricolor L.) under Artificial High Temperature Changes in Antioxidant Properties Induced by Heat Injury in Loquat Peel under High Temperature Stress Effect of MeJA combined with high temperature stress in treatment for accumulation of triterpenoids in birch suspension cells Change of endogenous hormone around sprout tumble of Pinellia ternata under high temperature stress Effects of high temperature on photosynthesis characteristics, phytohormones and grain quality during filling-periods in rice Effects of High Temperature Stress at Heading Stage on Pollination and Fertilization of Different Types of Rice Variety Effects of High Temperature Stress on PSII Function and Its Relation to D1 Protein in Chloroplast Thylakoid in Rice Flag Leaves RNAi Vector Construction for Protein Disulfide Isomerase Gene and Seed Setting Characteristics in Offspring of Transgenic Rice under High Temperature Treatment Construction of Leave Library by SSH and Preliminary Analysis of Genes Responsible for Heat Sress in Incarvillea zhongdiannensis Effect of Humic Acid on Tubers Secondary Metabolism and Growth Physiological Property of Pinellia pedatisecta under High Temperature Stress Changes of total RNA and mRNA differential expressions in leaves of Pinellia ternata under high temperature stress Molecular Cloning the Gene of Small Heat Shock Protein in the Mitochondria and Endoplasmic Reticulum of Tomato Heat Injury and Heat Acclimation in Wheat Plants Impact of high temperature stress on survival of Tn5 mutants or Rhizobium fredii and phenotypic expression of Tn5 in soil Regulation of Selenium on Antioxidative Enzymes Activity in Pepper Leavesunder High Temperature Stress Cloning and Expression Analysis of LsHsp70 from Lactuca sativa   Effects of Ca2+ and SA on physiological and photosynthesis of Platycodon grandiflorum under high temperature stress Effects of Heat Shock on Physiological Metabolism of Chrysanthemum under High Temperature Stress Physiological response of warm-season turf-grass to high temperature stress Physiological-biochemical Response of Potentilla fruticosa to High Temperature Stress Effect of Foliar-spraying 6-BA on the Growth and Physiological and Biochemical Indexes of Sweet Pepper Seedlings under High Temperature Stress Effects of Salicylic Acid on Heat-resistance of Dendrobium officinale Seedling under High Temperature Stress Related Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Diploid and Tetraploid Cymbidium Hybrids under High Temperature Stress Physiological Effects and Chronergy for Exogenous Salicylic Acid on Fritillaria anhuiensis Seedling under High Temperature Stress Effects of Longterm High Temperature Stress on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Antioxidant Activity in Festuca arundinacea Effects of Short-term High Temperature Stress on Antioxidant System in Poinsettia Effect of Triadimefon on Physiological Characters in Leaves of Cucumber Seedlings under High Temperature Physiological and Biochemical Effects of High Temperature Stress on the Seedlings of Two Rhododendron Species of Subgenus Hymenanthes Effects of High Temperature on the Activity and Expression of Antioxidative Enzymes in Rice Flag Leaves during the Flowering Stage Effects of Exogenous Spd on the Fast Chlorophyll Fluorescence Induction Dynamics in Tomato Seedlings Under High Temperature Stress Cloning and Expression Analysis of LsHsp70 from Lactuca sativa   Physiological response mechanism of three kinds of Acer rubrum L. under continuous high temperature and drought stress Transcription of the Small Heat Shock Protein Genes in Tomato Anthers Effects of High Temperature Stress on Photosynthesis and ChlorophyllFluorescence in Sweet Pepper ( Capsicum f ructescens L. ) Effects of High Temperature Stress on the Activities and Isozymes of Antioxidant Enzymes in Kentucky Bluegrass Responses of Different Secondary Provenances of Jatropha curcas to Heat Stress Studies on several physiological and biochemical indices of the heat-resistance of Lilium longiflorum and its comprehensive evaluation Changes of photosynthesis parameters and chlorophyll fluorescence around sprout tumble of Pinellia ternata under high temperature stress Effects of High Temperature Stress on ATPase Activity of Plasma Membrane and NH4+ Absorption Rate in Roots of Early Rice Response of Flag Leaf Lipid Peroxidation and Protective Enzyme Activity of Wheat Cultivars with Different Heat Tolerance to High Temperature Stress after Anthesis Effects of high temperature stress on photosynthetic parameters and chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics of Xinjiang hybrid hazels. Cloning of heat shock protein gene, HSP70, in Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici and its expression under high temperature stress EFFECT OF HIGH TEMPERATURE STRESS ON CELL MEMBRANE PERMEABILITY AND PHOTOSYNTHETIC PIGMENT IN LEAVES OF PEACH AND POMELO Screening and Evaluation of Heat Tolerance of Introgression Lines with Japonica Chaoyou 1 Background Antioxidation of Anthocyanins in Photosynthesis Under High Temperature Stress Thermotolerance of Chrysanthemum morifolium Induced by Heat Acclimation Effects of high temperature stress on net photosynthetic rate and photosystem Ⅱ activity in Citrus Physiological Effect of Salicylic Acid on Heat Stress of Celosia cristata Effects of High Temperature on Chlorophyll Fluorescence, Active Oxygen Resistance Activity, and Grain Quality in Grain-Filling Periods in Rice Plants Physiological changes and heat tolerance comparison of five Rhododendron species under high temperature stress The change of activity of protective enzyme around sprout tumble of Pinellia ternate under high temperature stress Effects of high temperature stress on pollen characters and anther microstructure of rice Effects of High Temperature Stress on the Physiological and Biochemical Characters of Alfalfa Analysis of Different Expression of Genes in Zoysia Matrella Exposed to High Temperature Treatment Effects of high temperature stress on root vitality and leaf biochemical indexes in different populations of Pinellia ternate Effects of Short-term High Temperature Stress on Antioxidant System in Poinsettia Effects of temperature and density on the mortality and reproduction of cotton aphid Aphis gossypii. Effects of High Nocturnal Temperature on Photosynthetic Organization in Rice Leaves Effects of combined high temperature and drought stress on amylose and protein contents at rice grain-filling stage Effect of interval sowing on agronomic traits and thermo-toleranceof japonica rice from Northeast China Effects of pattern and timing of high temperature exposure on the mortality and fecundity of Aphis gossypii Glover on cotton Effects of High Temperature Stress on Photosynthesis Rate, Contents of Chlorophyll, Ca2+-ATPase,Mg2+-ATPase in Chloroplast and Ca2+ Distribution in Peanut Seedlings Effect of High Temperature Stress on Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy Parameters of Chrysanthemum Effects of high temperature stress on physiological characteristics of Huperzia serrata Effects of high temperature on the mortality and fecundity of two co-existing cotton aphid species Aphis gossypii Glover and Acyrthosiphon gossypii Mordvilko.  Effects of exogenous spermidine on lipid peroxidation and membrane proton pump activity of cucumber seedling leaves under high temperature stress. Effects of high temperature on leaf photosynthetic characteristics and photosystemⅡ photochemical activity of kernel-used apricot. Effects of exogenous melatonin on ascorbate metabolism system in cucumber seedlings under high temperature stress. Effects of exogenous nitric oxide on highbush blueberry PSⅡ photochemical activity and antioxidant system under high temperature stress. Cloning and Expression Analysis of Heat-Shock-Protein LsHsp70-3701 Gene From Leaf Lettuce Under High Temperature Stress Full-length cDNA Library Construction and Analysis of Rice Panicle at Early Milky Stage Under High Temperature Stress

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