Difference in δ13C and gas exchange parameters among Populus tomentosa clones Effects of extracellular ATP on the characteristics of photochemical reaction in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) leaves under different light intensities Estimation model for plant leaf chlorophyll content based on the spectral index content Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics in Response to Seasonal Variations in Two Sabina Trees A STUDY ON THE CUTTING PARAMETERS OF A GENERAL CHAIN SAW Influence of reverse osmosis concentrate on physicochemical parameters of Sini decoction material system and their relevance EFFECTS OF PLASTIC FILM MULCHING ON GROWTH AND PHOTOSYNTHETIC AND PHYSIOLOGICAL
PERFORMANCES OF EXPERIMENTAL POPULATIONS OFAPHIDS, MYZU PERS/CAE(SULZER), FEDON THE RAPE LEAVES EXPOSED TO SO2 Thermostability of PhotosystemⅡ in Low Chlorophyll b Rice Mutant Computer Simulation Model of the Fractional Vegetation Cover and Its Parameters Sensitivity Analysis Photosynthetic mechanisms of northern boundary formation of Quercus wutaishanica forest in Loess Plateau of northern Shaanxi Province. Effects of drought stress and rehydration on chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics in Fragaria×ananassa Duch Characterization of photosynthetic responses to shading and a light/shade switch during the rapid growth phase of tobacco (Nicotianatobacum L.) subjected to different fertilization regimes Effect of Light Intensity on Growth, Photosynthetic and Fluorescence Characteristics of Polygonatum cyrtonema Hua Effects of Seed-coating Agents on Physiological,Biochemical and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics in Leaves of Rice Seedlings Effect of Water Stress on Characteristics of Root Water Uptake and Photosynthesis in Alfalfa Seedlings Preliminary Study on Salt Tolerance Genetic Characters in the Newly Released Salt Tolerant Alfalfa Cultivar "Zhongmu No.1 Analysis on the Genetic Relationship of Quantitative Characters in Jute(Corchorus capsularis L.) Several Physiological Parameters in Relation to Grain Protein Content in Winter Wheat(Triticum aestivum) Comparison of 5 Species C4 Enzymes Activities, Pigments Contents and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters in Leaf and Branch Chlorenchyma of 3 Species C3 Woody Plants Effect of Space Mutantion on Morphological Parameters,Photosynthetic Capacities as well as Contents and Compositions of Secondary Metabolites of Rosmarinus officinalis L. Estimation of Above-Ground Tree Biomass Based on Probability Distribution of Allometric Parameters Study status on compatibility of Chinese materia medica based on pharmacokinetics Comparison on main growth characters of test-tube plants and seeding plants in Bupleurum chinense ACCLIMATION OF CATHAYA ARGYROPHYLLA TO LIGHT ACROSS Physiological and ecophysiological responses of Humulus scandens seedlings to chromium stress Responses and Evaluation of Gas Exchange Parameters and Fluorescence Parameters of Aspen and Crossbreed to Drought Stress and Their Evaluation The photosynthetic carbon fixation characteristics of common tree species in northern Zhejiang Comparative analysis of water related parameters and photosynthetic characteristics in the endangered plant Tetraena mongolica Maxim. and the closely related Zygophyllum xanthoxylon (Bunge) Maxim. Research on dynamic characteristics of photosynthesis in muskmelon seedling leaves Effects of Sea Water at Different Concentrations on the Photosynthesis and Chlorophyll-Fluorescence Properties of Oil Sunflower Seedlings Effects of Salt Stress on Photosynthetic Pigment and Gas Exchange Characteristics of the Leaves of Populus Seedlings The Photosynthesis Characteristics Analysis on a Yellow Green Maize Phytotoxicity of Cu2+ on Physiolodical Indices and Ultrastructural Responses in Leaves of Trapa bispinosa Roxb. A PRELIMINARY STUDY OF SOME PHYSIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS FOR THE BREEDING HIGH YIELD POTENTIAL AND GOOD QUALITY IN WINTER WHEATS Photosynthetic characteristics and chlorophyⅡ fluorescence parameters of different populations of Pinellia ternata Theoretical and experimental studies on solubility parameters of multiple components for traditional Chinese materia medica with HPLC The dynamic and thermodynamic characteristics of soil reactions catalyzed by soil enzymes under long-term fertilization in Loess Plateau Effects of Astragalus membranaceus on the Growth Performance and Carcass Parameters of Finishing Lambs Effects of Seawater Stress on Photosynthetic and Antioxidant Characteristics in Portulaca oleracea Effects of High Temperature Stress on Photosynthetic and ChlorophyⅡ Fluorescence of Festuca arundinacea Quantitative resistance against Bemisia tabaci in Solanum pennellii: Genetics and metabolomics Changes in photosynthetic parameters and antioxidant enzymatic activity of four tea varieties during a cold wave Review of spectral and spatial scale effects of remotely sensed biophysical and biochemical vegetation parameters Influence of Cd2+ or Cu2+ stress on the growth and photosynthetic fluorescence characteristics of Hydrilla verticillata Effect of high-voltage electrostatic field (HVEF) on the growth and fecundity of Sitobion avenae Fabricius (Hemiptera: Aphididae) Analysis on Effects of Different Kinds of Exogenous Chemicals on the Growth of Flue Cured Tobacco Seedlings and Comparison Influence of N Fertilizer on N Accumulation and Distribution of Different Panicle Rice in Irrigated Region of Xiliaohe Plain Effect of Foliar-spraying 6-BA on the Growth and Physiological and Biochemical Indexes of Sweet Pepper Seedlings under High Temperature Stress Effects of Cd2+ Stress on Photosynthetic and Fluorescent Parameters of Five Willow Clones Characteristics of Leaf Epidemic and the Association with Their Environmental Adaptation of Triadica rotundifolia,a Limestone Endemic Species Flame Retardancy of Bark Photosynthetic Characteristics of Red-Leaf Tree Species in Amygdalus and Prunus RESEARCH ON RPIMARY PRODUCTIVITY QUANTITATIVE PARAMETERS AND STRUCTURE OF MANGROVE COMMUNITY IN DAYAWAN BAY OF GUANGDONG PROVINCE RESPONSES OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND PV-PARAMETERS TO WATER STRESS IN POPLAR CLONE SEEDLINGS Determination of Pharmacokinetic Parameters of Shandahuang Xiaoyan Zhixue Capsules Population parameters of two pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum) color morphs at different temperatures A review of grassland carrying capacity: perspective and dilemma for research in China on “forage-livestock balance” Effects of 6-BA pretreatment on photosynthesis characteristics and endogenous hormone
content in pepper seedlings under low temperature and weak light stress
Effects of Nitrogen-limited Culture on Water Content and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters in Chlorella sorokiniana Effects of Growth Regulators on Photosynthetic and Physiological Indices and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters of Pistacia chinensis Comparative physiological responses of cadmium stress on Enteromorpha clathrata and Enteromorpha linza Characterization of the responses of photosynthetic and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters to water stress in seedlings of six provenances of Chinese Pine (Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.) Effects of manganese stress on photosythesis and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of Phytolacca americana Physiological responses of different willow’s clones to NaCl stress Effects of Elevated Atmospheric CO2 Concentration on Soybean Photosynthesis and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters Effect of different N management practices on yield and its main formed factors in two laterseason rice genotypes The interactive effects of nitrogen and calcium on photosynthetic characteristics and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of nectarine under pototected culture Effect of iron fertilizer siphon transfusion on photosynthetic physiological indices and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of iron deficiency chlorosis in apple trees Response of Photosynthesis and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters of Schima superba Resprouts Following the Ice and Snow Storm Milk production, nitrogen excretion and blood biochemical parameter responses to dietary addition of compound yeast cultures in dairy cows Effect of silicon addition on seedling morphological and physiological indicators of Glycyrrhiza uralensis under salt stress Studies on Sequence Dynamic Distribution Pattern of Flower Color
Parameters of Ornamental Crabapple
Studies on Sequence Dynamic Distribution Pattern of Flower Color
Parameters of Ornamental Crabapple
Effects of Methyl Viologen on Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parametersin Rice Cultivars with Different Cold-sensitivity Comparison of Different Light Response Models for Photosynthesis Effects of Waterlogging Stress on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Pak-Choi Relationships between Drought Resistance and Electrical Parameters in Desert Plant Reaumuria soongorica THE EFFECTS OF RICE VARIETIES ON POPULATION DYNAMICS OF BROWN PLANTHOPPER Effects of different magnesium nutrition levels on chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics and excitation energy dissipation in rice leaves

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