Arabidopsis WRKY8 Transcription FactorAssociated Genes VQ10 and VQ11 are Responsive to Multiple Abiotic Stresses Productivity Pattern of Picea Schrenkiana Var. Tianschanica Forest Analysis of microsatellite loci from Bactrocera dorsalis based on transcriptome dataset. Identification and Function Analysis of Anthocyanin Biosynthesis Related MYB Genes in Mulberry Cloning and Expression Profiles Analysis under Abiotic Stresses of Cold Stress Transcription Factor Gene DcICE1 from Daucus carota Cloning and Expression Analysis of GhWRKY44 in Cotton Clone and Transformation into Potato of AtCDPK1 Gene from Arabidopsis thaliana GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT STUDY ON PHYLLOSTACHYS IRIDENSCENS Interaction of Hydraulic Failure and Carbon Starvation on Robinia pseudoacacia Seedlings During Drought Manufacture of dsDNA Microarrays of DRE Cis-acting Element Spatial Pattern Heterogeneity of Picea schrenkiana var. tianschanica Natural Forest in the Tianshan Mountains, Northwest China Molecular Characterization of Anthocyanin Accumulation under Different Temperatures in Winter Plant Hongcaitai (Brassica rapa L.) The Phylogenetic Relationships of an Endemic Genus Sinadoxa in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau:Evidence from ITS Sequence Analysis (in English) Infrageneric and Sectional Relationships in the Genus Rhododendron(Ericaceae) Inferred from ITS Sequence Data Identification of Amino Acids of Cladosporium fulvum CfHNNI1 Required for Function of Necrosis Induction in Plants Virus-induced PVX Coat Protein Gene Silencing and Methylation in Transgenic Tobaccos Comparison Analysis of Transcripts from the Halophyte Thellungiella halophila Comprehensive Functional Analysis of the Catalase Gene Family in Arabidopsis thaliana Advance on targets and drugs for anti-HIV Cloning and molecular characteristics analysis of a MYB gene from Fagopyrum dibotrys Study on inhibitory effect of medicated serum of SLW on estrogen production by human endometrial cells of endometriosis Effect of partial replacement of NH4+ by NO3- on nitrate reductase activity and their genetic expression patterns in rice Cloning and Functional Analysis of CiNAC1 from Caragana intermedia Cloning and Expression Analysis of LlHsfA1 from Lilium longiforum In Silico Cloning and Expression of Flower Development Related Gene of Cucumis melo SNP Mining in Pepper Transcriptome and the Polymorphism Analysis Advances in Research of the Mechanism of Transcription Factors Involving in Regulating Fruit Ripening and Senescence Regulation of Carotenoids Biosynthesis in Horticultural Crops Classification and Gene Expression Analysis of HSFs from Aquilegia coerulea and Sub-cellular Localization of AyHSF1 Molecular Characterization of a Transcription Factor BrWRKY75 Related to Leaf Senescence of Chinese Flowering Cabbage Sequencing and Analysis of the Transcriptome of Gynura bicolor Analysis on SSR Information in Transcriptome and Development of Molecular Markers in Lonicera caerulea Development and evaluation of genic-SSR markers based on shoot tip transcriptome information of Gossypium hirsutum L. Cloning and Expression Characterization of a SbDREB gene from Salicornia bigelovii Torr. Effects of Dry Matter Accumulation and Photosynthate Transporation of Stem and Sheath and Grain Production Under Different Water and Nitrogen Management in Rice Cloning and Analysis of a Salt Stress Related Gene TabHLH13 in Wheat Phytochrome-regulated Gene Expression Autoradiographic Study of Gamma-Ray Induced Unscheduled DNA Synthesis in Bean Root Meristem Cells THE CLONING AND SEQUENCING OF THE rDNA INTERNAL TRANSCRIBED SPACER 1 REGIONS OF CHINESE FIR Fruit Ripening-related Transcription Factors in Tomato EIN3/EIL and AP2/ERF are Involved in Transcriptional Regulation on Fruit Quality Cloning and Expression Analysis of an AP2/EREBP Transcription Factor Gene BjABR1 in Brassica juncea var. tumida The Analysis of Digital Gene Expression About Kernel Apricot Flower Buds at Three Development Stages Classification and Gene Expression Analysis of HSFs from Aquilegia coerulea and Sub-cellular Localization of AyHSF1 Subcellular Localization and Functional Analysis of a NAC Gene VvDRL1 from Vitis vinifera‘Yatomi Rosa’ Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Saponins of the Stems and Leaves of Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer Research advances on analysis of medicinal plants transcriptome Cloning and expression analysis of transcription factor gene DoWRKY1 in Dendrobium officinale Mechanism of sophocarpine in treating experimental colitis in mice The Measurement of Tyrosine Hydroxylase Activity in the Brain of Conscious Rats Ribosomal DNA ITS Sequences Analysis of the Chinese Crude Drug Fructus Schisandrae Sphenantherae and Fruts of Schisandra viridis Isolation of MsWRKY33 transcription factor and its genetic transformation in Medicago sativa Transcriptome characteristics of Paspalum vaginatum analyzed with Illumina sequencing technology Functional analysis of drought-resistant transcription factors PeDREB2a
and HhERF2 in Lotus corniculatus
Cloning and subcellular localization of a WRKY transcription factor gene of Medicago sativa The Gene Expression Pattern of NAD-IDH Subunit 1 during the Development of Pollen and Seed in Brassica napus Candidate Sterility-Related Mitochondrial Genes of NCa CMS in Brassica napus L. and Its Transcription Regulated by Restorer Gene Cloning and Expression of a Pathogen-induced ERF Gene in Thinopyrum intermedium Expression Pattern of Special Genes Resistant to Powdery Mildew (Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici) in SSH-cDNA Library of Wheat Global Genome Expression Analysis of Transcription Factors under PEG Osmotic Stress in Rice Root System ITS Region of rDNA in Common Wheat and Its Genome Origins A comparison of light environmental characteristics for evergreen broad-leaved forest communities from different successional stages in Tiantong National Forest Park Cloning and Expression Analysis of WRKY4 Gene from Juglans regia L. GENOME-WIDE SEQUENCE CHARACTERIZATION ANALYSIS OF MADS-BOX TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR GENE FAMILY IN CUCUMBER (Cucumis sativus L.) ADVANCES IN RESEARCH ON FUNCTION OF THE WRKY GENE FAMILY IN RICE Cloning and Genetic Transformation of Transcription Factor JAMYB and ERF3 in Rice Advance in Expression and Regulation of Cold-resistant Genes of Plants Tomato Cell-wall Invertase cDNA Cloning and Antisense Silencing Cloning and Expression Analysis of DEFICIENS(DEF)- and GLOBOSA(GLO)-like Genes From Paphiopedilum Cloning and Expression Analysis of GhMYB113 Gene in Gossypium hirsutum GA Synthesis-regulated Transcription Factor RSG in Response to Methanol and Ethanol Stimulation in Tobacco Cloning and Functional Verification of R2R3-MYB Transcription Factor TaMYB3-4D in Wheat Cloning and expression of ZjNAC from Zoysia japonica Effects of α-amylase on fermentation of rice (Oryza sativa) straw Chromosomal Distribution of the 18S-5.8S-26S rDNA Loci and Heterogeneity of Nuclear ITS Regions in Thinopyrum intermedium (Poaceae: Triticeae) Progress of Molecular Basis of Biosynthesis and Transcriptional Regulation of Anthocyanins Progress of Molecular Basis of Biosynthesis and Transcriptional Regulation of Anthocyanins Identification of α-Linolenic Acid Metabolism Pathway Based on Transcriptome Data of Vernicia fordii Kernels during Tung Oil Synthesis Stage SSR Mining and Development of EST-SSR Markers for Cunninghamia lanceolata Based on Transcriptome Sequences Corneal penetration of PAMAM dendrimers-coated puerarin liposomes