Effect of adding wet hulless barley distillers’ grains on fermentation quality of mixed ensilage of hulless barley straw and tall fescue in Tibet Ecological significance of redundancy in tillers of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) and effect of reducing redundancy on water use efficiency Quantitative analysis of prolonged reproductive growth of the tillers of Puccinellia chinampoensis population in alkalized meadow in the Songnen Plains of China Grass Tillering Provide New Insights into Regulation of Shoot Branching Analysis of the Generation Mechanism of a Ds-inserted Rice Mutant with Double Tillers at One Tillering Node Effects of Endophyte Infection on the Growth of Lolium perenne L.Under drought Stress The Effects of Grazing on Age Structure in Clonal Populations of Agropyron michnoi Effect of sewage sludge compound fertilizer on soil enzyme activity and growth of Poa annua Linn. Effect of intercropping with tillered onion on mineral nutrient uptake and gray mold disease occurrence of tomato Effects of corn flour and lactic acid bacteria on quality of mixed silage made from sweet potato vines, distiller’s grains and rice straw Effect of substituting hulless barley straw for tall fescue on early fermentation quality and aerobic stability of mixed-ration silage in Tibet Effect of Plant Growth Regulators on the Growth of Rice Tiller Bud and the Changes of Endogenous Hormones Comparison of Sugar Yield and Nitrogen Utilization in Tiller Removing or Remaining of Sweet Sorghum Difference of Endogenous Hormones in Leaves between Main Stem and Tillers and Its Effect on Spike Formation in Large Spike Winter Wheat Cultivar LanKao Aizao 8 under Different Plant Densities Effects of grazing systems on the growth of Stipa breviflora community Clone growth and its age structure of Leymus secalimus modules in the Songnen Plain of China Responses of winter wheat tillers at different positions to low temperature stress at stem elongation stage and their freezing resistance evaluation. Responses and regulation of canopy microclimate on formation spike from tillers of two types of wheat Tiller redundancy in winter wheat in irrigated arid areas Ramets and Genets in the Tillering Clonal Herb Panicum miliaceum in Hierarchical Response to Heterogeneous Nutrient Environments Studies on the Sensitive Stage to Environment during Differentiation and Development of Tiller Buds in Rice Plant Comparitive Study on Characters of Two Divergence Types of the Clone Population Leymus chinensis in the Songnen Plain of China Analyses of Inheritance and Combining Ability of Tillering and Prolificacy in Maize An Analysis of Age Structure and the Strategy for Asexual Propagation of Aneurolepidium chinense Population Effects of ethephon sprayed at early tillering stage on the activities of peroxidase, IAA oxidase and acid invertase in sugarcane in correlation to tillering The effects of light intensity and fertilization on the growth of Elymus nutans Study on Age and Bunch Structure of Four Stipa Species in Inner Mongolia Plateau PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS OF A RICE TILLER MUTANT A STUDY ON THE SHOOT NUMBER CHANGING OF STIPA BREVIFLORA AND THE RALATIONS WITH ITS POPULATION YIELD Influence of different clipping intensity and R/FR ratio in light radiation on tillering of weeping lovegrass Dynamics of age structures on Agropyron michnoi and Leymus chinensis in different communities Response of Morphological Character to Aridification of Habitat for Two Plants of Genus Kobresia Research on the Relationship between Wheat Tillering Dynamics and Endogenous Hor mone The compensation capacity of tillering and production of main stem nodes in rice A comparative study on metabolic bases of tiller growth of different spike-type cultivars in wheat The Effects of Winter Grazing and Spring Burning on Plant Growth and Seed Yield in Russian Wildrye Population Age Structures of Calamagrostis macrolepis under Two Habitats in Yili of Xinjiang Effects of Biofertilizer on Growth of Three Landscaping Grasses under Different Soil Moisture Contents Age structures of Agropyron michnoi in Hulunbeier Sandy Grassland Effect of Nitrogen and 6-BA on Development of Tillering Bud and Its Physiological Mechanism Characterizations of a Mutant Gene hw-1(t) for Green-revertible Albino, High Tillering and Dwarf in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Genetic Basis of the High-Tillering Dwarf Trait in the Rice DUS Test Standard Variety Cong’ai 2 Effect of Tillage Practices on Growth and Development and Yield of Winter Wheat in Double Cropping Area in North China Variations of Water-Soluble Carbohydrate Contents in Different Age Class Modules of Leymus chinensis Populations in Sandy and Saline-Alkaline Soil on the Songnen Plains of China Effects of nighttime temperature increase on the yield of double season rice Components and age structures of Calamagrostis pseudophragmites population modules in the Yily River Valley area, China Testing the generalization of artificial neural networks in predicting rice tillering dynamics Analysis of the Reproductive-Tiller Quantitative Characters of Bothriochloa ischaemum Populations A Study on Photosynthetic Physiological Characters of Vegetative and Reproductive Tillers of Axonopus Compressus The Effect of Population Density in the Perennial Ryegrass/White Clover Mixed Swards under Different Grazing Intensity Study on the Synchronous Development of the Vascular System and the Leaves and Tillers of Winter Wheat Plant A Supplement for the Calculation of Theoretical Number of Tillers in Rice,Wheat and Barley Effect of soil conditioner on the growth of Lolium multiflorum A study on growth characteristics of different cultivars of oat (Avena sativa) in alpine region A model to predict dry matter accumulation dynamics in wheat based on the normalized method Endogenous Phytohormone changes in the Release of Dormant Tillering Bud in rice Tillering Characteristics of Multi-tiller Maize and Influence of Plant Density and Sowing Date Tillering Characteristics and Its Relationship with Population Productivity of Super-High Yield Rice Population of Yongyou 12 The criterion for the rice hybrids suitable for shifting partial nitrogen fertilizer from basal-tillering to panicle initiation in water-logged paddy fields Callus Induction and Plantlets Regeneration of Tillered-onion from the Shoot-tip Age structure of Pennisetum flaccidum populations during vegetation restoration in coal ash storage pools of Coal Power Plant in the Kerqin grassland region THE TILLERING RULE ON EULALIOPSlS BINATA AND ITS CONTROLLING FACTORS A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF “MALE” AND SMUTTED TILLERS OF ZIZANIA CADUCIFLORA HAND. -MAZZ. Genetic Analysis of a Multi-tiller Mutation by T-DNA Insertion in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Tillering Characteristics and Its Relationships with Population Productivity of Super Rice under Different Cultivation Methods in Rice-wheat Cropping Areas Effects of 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene on Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Rice at Top Tillering Stage Tillering Characteristics of Indica Hybrid Rice under Mechanized Planting Analysis and Simulation of Impact of Light and Temperature on Rice Tillering Tillering and Panicle Formation Characteristics of Machine-transplanted Early Rice and Its Parameters of Basic Population Formulae Effects of small amount precision seeding on winter wheat yield Effects of cutting on dynamics of tiller and leaves regrowth for perennial ryegrass and its productivity Effects of Endogenous Hormone Balance on Dormancy and Germination of Tiller Bud Mechanisms of Tiller Occurrence Affected by Exogenous IAA, GA3, and ABA in Wheat with Different Spike-types Map-Based Cloning of a Green-Revertible Albino and High-Tillering Dwarf Gene hw-1(t) in Rice Age structure of tillers of Hordeum brevisulatum clone in Songnen plain of China Vegetative propagation characters of clonal populations of Hierochloe glabra in Songnen Plain COMPARISON OF AGE STRUCTURES OF THE TILLERS IN THE Leymus chinensis POPULATION,A CLONAL GRASS SPECIES UNDER DIFFERENT ECOLOGICAL CONDITIONS Effect of N fertilizer application on apex development of different tiller positions at different spike development stages Photosynthetic Rate of Function Leaf of Strong Gluten Wheat with Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium Fertilizer Management in the Semi-Moisten Farm Ecological Region Callus Induction and Plantlets Regeneration of Tillered-onion from the Shoot-tip

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