Isolation,identification and phenotype microarrays analysis of an antagonistic bacterial strain X-60 against tobacco bacterial wilt Effects of cotton root exudates on the biofilm formation and root colonization of Bacillus subtilis strain NCD-2 Identification of a biocontrol strain Z2 against pomegranate dry rot and optimization of its cultural conditions Regulation of fengycin biosynthase by regulator PhoP in the Bacillus subtilis strain NCD-2 DETERMINATION OF MOLE PERCENT OF G+C IN DNA OF BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS SEVEN SUBSPECIES Effects of Water Content and Lactobacillus on the Quality of Fermented Bristlegrass(Setaria viridis(L.) Beauv.) biological control| tomato bacterial wilt| Bacillus spp| antagonistic activity| nematicidal activities and identification of a biocontrol bacterium YC-10 strain Purification and characterization of surfactin produced by Bacillus subtilis strain BAB-1 Effect of lactic acid bacteria and fermentation substrates on the quality of Mulberry (Morus alba) leaf silage STUDIES ON THE FERMENTATION OF BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS II .FERMENTATIVE CONDITION OF 14L FERMENTOR AND PREPARATION PRODUCTION Study on insect pathogenic Bacilli in store ecotope of China Extraction and Structure Analysis of the Nematicidal Active Substances Produced by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens JK-JS3 Identification of Pathogenic Strain of No-Sporeforming to Parocneria orienta and Its Toxicity Identification and Biocontrol Effects of Antagonistic Bacterium DS-1 Strain Against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum Disease preventing and growth promoting mechanisms of Bacillus cereus strain AR156 on pepper QUANTITATIVE METHOD OF TOXIC PROTEINS IN BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS PRODUCTS BY SDS-PAGE-TLC COMPARISON OF SOME DETOXIFICATION ENZYME AND MIDGUT PROTEASE ACTIVITIES BETWEENRESISTANT AND SUSCEPTIBLE COTTON BOLLWORM POPULATION TO Bt TOXICITY AND FIELD EFFECT OF MIXTURES OF BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS WTTH ENDOSULFANAND HEXAFLUMURON TO THE COTTON BOLLWORM HELICOVERPA ARMIGERA THE INACTWATION OF BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS PARASPORAL CRYSTALS BY ULTRAVIOLET ANDTHE PROTECTIVE ACTION OF HUMIC ACIDS Establishment of a screening system for Tn5 insertion mutants of Bacillus pumilus DX01 with different anti-phytopathogenic activities Effect on antioxidative activities of dried flower of Carthamus tinctorius processed by microbes fermentation Cloning of Mn-SOD gene from Bacillus subtilis and expression in Escherichia coli Effect of Lactobacillus buchneri on the quality and aerobic stability of green corn-stalk silages Isolation and Identification of the Antagonistic Bacterial Strain ZL7-5 Against Root Rot Disease of Cymbidium hybridium Isolation and Identification of the Antagonistic Bacterial Strain ZL7-5 Against Root Rot Disease of Cymbidium hybridium Proceeding in Plant Anti-Insect Genetic Engineering Inhibition of Bacillus pumilus AR03 on Alternaria alternata and Erysiphe cichoracearum on tobacco. Degradation of lignocellulose in the corn straw by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens MN-8. Impact of biocontrol agent Bacillus subtilis on bacterial communities in tobacco rhizospheric soil. Display of Functionally Active Lipases on the Escherichia coli Cell Surface Application of 3 DNA Fingerprinting Techniques in Strain Identification Isolation of a Chitinase-producing Strain Brevibacillus laterosporus and Its Enzymatic Properties Detection of Paenibacillus polymyxa spores by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) and its application in organic compost fermentation Control of watermelon fusarium wilt by using antagonistenhanced biological organic fertilizers Preliminary purification and characterization of antifungal substance produced by Bacillus cereus strain, BC98-I THE MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES AGAINST RESISTANCE OF PESTS TO Bt-TRANSGENIC PLANT THE APPLICATION OF DETACHED-LEAF BIOASSAY FOR EVALUATING THE RESISTANCE OF Bt TRANSGENIC RICE TO STEM BORERS DEVELOPMENT OF A NPV COMPOUND BIOCONTROL AGENT Study on the Air Sowing of Seeds Mixed with Two Antagonistic Bacteria STUDIES ON PRODUCING BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS WITH YELLOW RICE WINE RESIDUE Research on New Antagonistic Prote in L37 against Fusarium oxysporum Effects on controlling banana Fusarium wilt by bio-fertilizer, chitosan, hymexazol and their combinations Optimization of fermentation process and bacteria strain for Paeoniae Radix Alba Cultivable bacterial diversity in rotting roots of Panax notoginseng based on 16S rDNA sequence analysis Optimization and fermentation conditions of antagonistic strain xj063-1 and its effect on jujube black spot Isolation, purification and inhibitive effect of antifungal protein of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens HRH317 Effects of pseP gene on Bacillus cereus 0-9 biofilm formation and its control to wheat sharp eyespot Highly efficient cloning of functional genes relating to antimicrobial activity of Bacillus pumilus Root colonization by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens B1619 and its impact on the microbial community of tomato rhizosphere Molecular identification of Bacillus strains isolated from rhizosphere of Betula platyphylla in Qinghai Beishan timberland and its antagonistic activity analysis Cloning antagonistic protein TasA gene in Bacillus CQBS03 and its prokaryotic expression Analyses for the colonization ability of Bacillus subtilis XF-1 in the rhizosphere Screening of synergistic inorganic compounds for Bacillus thuringiensis engineering strain WG-001 WP The effects of biological control of Bacillus subtilis strains on downy mildew and anthracnose diseases of harvested litchi fruits Identification of the endophytic bacterial isolate Itb57 from tobacco plant and its control efficacy on tobacco black shank caused byPhytophthora nicotianae Purification and characterization of an antifungal protein from endophytic Bacillus amyloliquefaciensLP-5 Isolation and characterization of antagonistic bacteria against three major fungal pathogens of greenhouse melon Isolation and identification of siderophore producing bacteria CAS15 from the soil Screening of Bacillus sp. combination BCL-8 for growth-promotion and disease control Prevention of postharvest anthracnose pathogen on apples by calcium salt synergetic with Bacillus subtilis Cross-resistance of Cry1Ac-selected Asian corn borer to other Bt toxins Optimization of the solid medium and fermentation conditions for high-yield conidia of Paecilomyces cicadae Effect of Psedualetia unipuncta granulovirus on the degradation of δ-endotoxin from Bacillus thuringiensis Optimization of spore formation conditions for antagonistic strain 6-59 of Bacillus megaterium against Ceratosphaeria phyllostachydis The effect specialty of EpNPV-Bt preparation Identification of antagonistic strain BL-21 and its active metabolites Characteristics and inhibitory action of antifungal protein produced by Bacillus subtilis strain G8 Analysis on the colonization of entophytic bacteria B47 and its control on tomato bacterial wilt The mechanism of insect resistance to Bt toxin and the resistance management tactics Evaluation of control effect of Bacillus thuringiensis strain HBF-1 against larvae of Scarabaeoidae Effect of additives on the quality of Asparagus officinalis stem leaf silage Optimization of culture conditions of a biocontrol agent Bacillus mojavensis ZA1 to antagonize Phoma foveata Isolation, identification and preliminary investigation of population succession of two endocellular bacteria from Acremonium strictum Gams. Identification and Biocontrol Effects of Antagonistic Bacterium DS-1 Strain Against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum Control efficacy of Bacillus subtilis sf 628 on pear anthracnose Effect of the endophytic Bacillus subtilis EBT1 isolated from banana on Cloning, expression and insecticidal activity of two cry9Aa genes from Bacillus thuringiensis strains The isolation and characteristics of antifungal substances produced by Bacillus pumilus strain BSH-4 Characterization, identification and control effect against banana Fusarium wilt of antagnistic strain C-4

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