Mechanisms of action and efficacy of Bacillus subtilis BS80-6 active against postharvest anthracnose pathogen on apples Isolation, purification and structure analysis of the antagonistic substance produced by Bacillus subtilis SN-02 Antifungal activity of antagonistic strain BMP-11 against Pythium aphanidermatum and its identification Screening of mutation high-yielding biocontrol bacterium Bs-916 by ion implantation and the effect of inhibiting pathogenes and controlling disease Cloning and expression of cry 1C gene from Bt strain active to Lepidoptera pests Interaction among antagonistic Bacillus spp. strains and their suppression against rice sheath blight Co-operative action between jinggangmycin and Bacillus subtilis Bs-916 against rice sheath blight THE SYNERGISM OF THURINGIENSIN IN THE MIXTURE WITH ENDOGENOUS Bt CRYSTAL ON DIAMOND-BACK MOTH Physiological responses of Lonicera japonica container seedlings to plant growth- promoting rhizobacteria inoculation under drought stress Mutation Breeding of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens BGP20-γ and Its Biocontrol Effect Bioaccumulation Capacity and Mechanisms of Cadmium by Bacillus Licheniformis OPTIMIZATION OF CONDITIONS FOR LIPOXYGENASE PRODUCTION FROM RECOMBINANT Bacillus subtilis BY RESPONSE SURFACE METHODOLOGY Effects of fructo-oligosaccharides on mucosal morphology, digestive enzyme activity, organic acid and Lactobacillus of the gastrointestinal tract of unweaned piglets Review for effect of Lactobacillus buchneri on the silage Effects and Mechanism of Copper and Zinc Elements on Controlling Fusarium-wilt Disease of Banana Effects and Mechanism of Copper and Zinc Elements on Controlling Fusarium-wilt Disease of Banana Identification and Inhibitory Effects of Antagonistic Bacteria Against Strawberry Root Rot(Fusarium oxysporum) Transformation of baicalin and wogonoside through liquid fermentation with Bacillus natto Determination of the Capacity to Antagonistic towards Pathogenic Fungi and Identification of Anaphalis lactea Endophytic Bacteria RC14 Directed evolution of β-glucanase from Bacillus subtilis by Error-prone PCR Isolation and structure elucidation of antifungal metabolites from marine Paenibacillus polymyxa strain L1-9 Screening and identification of an antifungal chitinolytic bacterium and its gene cloning and expressing Effects of disease control and growth promotion of Polygonum viviparum endophytic bacteria Bacillus mojavensis on potato STUDY ON THE TECHNIQUE OF BACILLUS THURINGINENSIS AEROSOLS BY PULSE-JET FOGGER ANALYSIS OF INSECTICIDAL CRYSTAL PROTEIN AND ITS CRY-TYPE GENES OF BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS ISOLATES FROM CHINA A STUDY ON THE INTRODUCTION OF MALE STERILITY OF ANTIINSECT TRANSGENIC Populus nigra BY TA29-BARNASE GENE CONSERVATION OF Bacillus thuringiensis CULTURE Effect of Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria on Photosynthetic Characteristics in Walnut Seedlings under Drought Stress Study on main pharmacodynamics and underlying mechanisms of 999 Ganmaoling STUDIES ON THE ULTRAMICRO STRUCTURE OF BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS SPORANGIUM Isolation and Identification of a Mycorrhiza Helper Bacteria(MHB)—Brevibacillus reuszeri on Pinus massoniana Roots Effects of Fermentation of Lactobacillus plantarum on the Nutrient Composition of Exopalaemon carinicauda Screening and identification of low temperature-adapted antagonistic Bacillus isolated from Kekexili region of West China and the analysis of the isolates lipopeptide compounds. Lead adsorption by Trametes gallica, Bacillus cereus,and their co-immobilized biomaterial. Isolation, screening and characterization of phytopathogen antagonistic endophytes from wild Artemisia argyi Cloning, expression, and biological activity of a new cry1Ie gene from Bacillus thuringiensis strain Functional analysis of quorum sensing regulator ComA on the production of antifungal active compounds and biofilm formation in Bacillus subtilis NCD-2 Effects of sublethal concentration of Bt on development of Hyphantria cunea and the parasitic wasp Chouioia cunea Yang Construction of A Pine Needle Symbiotic Engineered Bacterium Exhibiting the Insecticidal Activity to Dendrolimus punctatus Selection of Bacillus thuringiensis Strain against the Longhorned Beetles and Preliminary Characterization of Its Insecticidal Gene Study on Culture Condition of Bacillus mucilaginosus Isolated from Rhizosphere of Kentucky Bluegrass Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Bacillus mucilaginosus Determined by Inter-simple sequence repeats Markers Effects of Bacillus pumilus on Biomass and β-carotene Accumulation in Dunaliella salina SZ-05 ISOLATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF A RADIATION RESISTANT THERMOPHILIC BACTERIUM FROM RADON HOT SPRING Study on Inhibition Mechanism of Antimicrobial Peptide Producing by B.Subtilis Y-6 on Rhizopus stolonifer Saturation Mutagenesis and the Enzyme Properties of the Alpha-Amylase from Geobacillus sp. Isolation and Primary Identification of Salt-tolerant Bacillus in Northeast of China Effect of Bacillus megaterium on Gluconobacter oxydans in mixed culture IMMOBILIZATION OF PROTEINASE BY RADIATION TECHNIQUE LETHAL AND DAMAGED EFFECTS OF HIGH HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE ON Bacillus cereus Purification and Characteristics Analysis of the Antifungal Protein Produced by Paenibacillus sp. Bg1 THE APPLICATION OF B.T.EMULSION AGAINST COTTON BOLLWORM AND ITS PRESERVING EFFECT FOR NATURAL ENEMIES TO SUPPRESS SUMMER COTTON APHID MONITORING OF INSECTICIDE RESISTANCE IN DIAMONDBACK MOTH,PLUTELLA XYLOSTELLA(L.)TO CHLORFLUAZURON AND BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS IN GUANGZHOU AND SHENZHEN THE EFFECT OF Bt PRETREATMENT ON ACETYLCHOLINESTERASE IN COTTON BOLL WORM Colonization,promotion growth and biocontrol for anthracnose of endophytic bacterium BS-2 from Capsicum annuum in cabbage Study on key technology in the industrialized production of Bacillus subtilis Bs-916,the rice sheath blight control agent Biological research on Bacillus thuringiensis strain B-Pr-88 The Ecological Distribution of Bacillus thuringiensis of the Northwest Arid Region in China Distribution of Bacillus thuringiensis in Forest Soil of Four Nature Reserves in China THE TOXICITY OF THREE STRAINS OF BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS WITH DIFFERENT FORMS OF PARASPORAL CRYSTAL Isolation,Identification and Fermentation Characterization of a Bacitracin Producing Bacteria Colonization of Double-resistance Strain of Marine Bacterium L1-9 and Its Biocontrol Effect on Fusarium Wilt of Cucumber Colorimetric Method in the Determination of 1-Deoxynojirimycin Isolated from the Mutant Strain of Bacillus subtilis Research on the Expression of Porcine Circovirus Capsid Protein in the Bacillus subtilis Isolation and Utilization of a Thifensulfuron-methyl-degrading Bacterium,Bacillus subtilis LXL-7 Identification of a Moderately Halophilic Bacterium Halobacillus dabanensis N522 and Study of Its Antimicrobial Activity The Isolation and Identification of an Efficient Fe/Mn-oxidizing Bacterial Strain P1,and the Optimization of Its Oxidizing Conditions Isolation and Identification of Microorganisms from Spoilage Vinegar The Identification and Analysis of Sulfate-assimilation Related Genes in Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans Identification and Analysis of a Nattokinase-producing Strain The Optimization of Fermentation Condition in Flask for Bacillus amyloliquefaciens LJ1 Screening of multifunctional bacillus of biological fertilizer and the study of its mechanism Expression and Secretion of Bacillus subtilis Fibrinolytic Enzymic (BSFE) Gene from Transgenic Tobacco Tissues Screening of Antagonistic Bacteria Against Botrytis cinerea and Identificationof Strain X-75 Identification of an Endophytic Bacterium XZNUM 033 from Ginkgo biloba L.and Its Physicochemical Characteristic of Anti-sapstain Fungus Activity Fermentation transformed ginsenoside by Lactobacillus plantarum Biological Control of Plant Diseases and Plant Growth Promotion by Bacillus subtilis B931 Study on Volatile Flavor Components of Loquat Juice Fermented by Lactobacillus plantarum R23 Study on Breeding of High LI-F Type Antibiotics Producing Mutant Strain of Paenibacillus Polymyxa JSa-9 The Optimization of Conditions for Bacillus Subtilis Fermenting Peanut Meal Feed

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