On the Mechanism of Developing Forage Industry Effect of Fencing on Lightly and Heavily Grazing Potentilla Fruticosa Shrublands Distribution Patterns of the Shrub Population in the Rhododendron Community of Eastern Qilian Mountains Benefit and Characteristics of Grass-Shrub Vegetation for Reducing Soil Erosion in Loess Hilly Region Effect of Soil Circumstances Biogeochemical Factors on Carbon Dioxide Emission from Mollic-Gryic Cambisols Study on Dietary Composition and Preference of Goats on a Shrubland in the Three Gorges Region of Yangtz River The characteristics of medium and trace element concentrations in the rhizosphere of desert shrubs, Alxa Characteristics of soil nutrients of different vegetation types in the Three Gorges reservoir area Drought resistant physiological characteristics of 4 shrub species in arid valley of MinJiang River Water holding capacity of surface cover and soil of alpine and sub alpine shrub in Western Sichuan, China
Species composition and correlation of understorey woody plants in chinese fir plantation in the lower subtropical area Growth and reproduction and their relationships with soil moisture in artificially established Artemisia sphaerocephala populations of different densities in the Alxa Desert Studies on the Biomass of ,i>Castanopsis sclerophylla+ Quercus fabri Shrubland in Tiantong Region,Zhejiang Province Models for Estimating Biomass of Twelve Shrub Species in Jinggang Mountain Nature Reserve Root distribution in shrub communities of Lijiang ecotone and their relationship to soil properties Changing characteristics of phosphorus in the rhizosphere soil of the xeromorphic shrubs in arid deserts Biodiversity of shrub community in desert steppe and steppe desert on Erdos plateau Relationship between transpiration of shrubs under artificial Acacia mangium stand on hilly land of South China and its microclimate during wet season The thinning regular of the the shrubbery at Tongguling National Nature Reserve on Hainan Island,China Effects of shrub encroachment on biomass and biodiversity in the typical steppe of Inner Mongolia A STUDY ON THE BIOMASS OF SECONDARY SHRUB THICKET AND SHRUB-GRASSLAND IN Yl COUNTY OF ANHUI PROVINCE Population Structure of Shrub in the Southern Five Islands of Miaodao Archipelago and Its Response to the Environmental Factors Effects of Tree Species Composition on Carbon Storage of 11 Years Old Evergreen Broad leaved Plantations in North Subtropical Areas of China A Comparison on Architecture of 7 Psammophyte Shrubs at Lower Reaches of Shiyang River Basin Structural Characteristics and Diversity of Typical Shrub Plant Community in the Urumqi Region Analysis of the problem of food shortage in Southern China based on the study of two grassland ecological-economic regions Discussion on Important Role of Trees in Urban Forest Reviews on Water Physiological Characters of Shrubs on Sandy Land Soil Nutrients,Microorganisms and Enzyme Activities of Model Afforestation Land of Ecological Scenic Forests in Baoan, Shenzhen The Study of Shrub Community Diversity in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area in China RESEARCHES ON BIOMASS AND NUTRIENTACCUMULATION OF UNDERSTOREY IN THE SECONDGENERATION OF YOUNG CHINESE FIR PLANTATION Ⅱ.ACCUMULATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF NUTRIENT ELEMENTS IN UNDERSTORY RESEARCHES ON BIOMASS AND NUTRIENT ACCUMULATION OF UNDERSTORY IN THE SECOND GENERATION OF YOUNG CHINESE FIR PLANTATION I.BIoMASS DYNAMICS OF UNDERSTORY The Seasonal Dynamics of the Biomass of Vitex Shrubland in Mountainous Area of Huairou County in Beiiing Soil microbial biomass and activity under desert shrub canopies Effect of sampling method on the estimation of soil carbon and nitrogen storages in thicketed semiarid grasslands, Inner Mongolia The effect of planted Caragana density on the spatial distribution of soil nutrients in desert steppe A comprehensive evaluation of nutritional value of nine shrubs in the karst area of northwest Guizhou Effect of 3-year fencing on soil seed banks of three alpine grassland communities Response of Polygonum viviparum Species and Community Level to Long-term Livestock Grazing in Alpine Shrub Meadow in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Carbon Dioxide Exchange Between the Atmosphere and an Alpine Shrubland Meadow During the Growing Season on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Lake Level Changes Recorded by Tree Rings of Lakeshore Shrubs: A Case Study at the Lake West-Juyan, Inner Mongolia, China Response of Seedlings of Three Dominant Shrubs to Climate Warming in Ordos Plateau Effects of the conversion from native shrub forest to Chinese chestnut plantation on soil carbon and nitrogen pools. Spatial distribution of aboveground biomass of shrubs in Tianlaochi catchment of the Qilian Mountains. Allelopathic effects of the humus soils from Betula platyphylla and Quercus liaotungensis pure plantations on 9 kinds of common shrubs and herbs. Sap flow patterns of three main sand-fixing shrubs and their responses to environmental factors in desert areas Genetic Diversity of Endangered Shrub Reaumuria trigyna Population Detected by RAPD and ISSR Markers Ecological Anatomy Characteristics of Secondary Xylem Cells of Two Xerophytes in Elaeagnaceae Interspecific Association of Dominant Shrub Species in Cold Temperate Coniferous Forest in Ma Kehe Region of San Jiangyuan National Nature Reserve Leaf Water Use Efficiency and Its Relationship with Hydraulic Characteristics in Eight Dominant Trees and Shrubs in Loess Hilly Area during Vegetation Succession Remote Sensing Classification Technique of Shrub in Tibet Based on ETM+ and DEM Surface Cover and Soil Hydrological Characteristics of Alpine Shrub in Eastern Qilian Mountains Study on the community of Euphorbia hainanensis in the limestone shrubland of Exianling Moutains, Hainan Province Herbaceous Plant Species Diversity and Regeneration in Shrub Gaps in Huoshan Mountain of Shanxi Province Research on transform and optimum technology of the secondary shrub forest of mangrove plant Aegiceras corniculatum Blanco Effects of islanding on plant species diversity in Thousand-island Lake region Multiscale and multiparameter spatial distribution patterns of Seriphidium terraealbae and Artemisia songarica populations in Gurbantunggut Desert of Northeast China. Peashrub Community May Accelerate the Successional Process in a Meadowland-Peashrub-Birch Sere Studies on Anatomy and Desert Adaptability of Stem Secondary Xylem in 6 Species of Calligonum Ecosystem carbon exchange in Artemisia ordosica shrubland of Ordos Plateau in two different precipitation years. Effect of NaHCO3 stress on uptake and transportation of Na+, K+ and Ca2+ in three shrub species. Analysis of the aboveground biomass and spatial distribution of shrubs in the lower reaches of Tarim River,Xinjiang, China Spatial heterogeneity of Caragana microphylla shrub communities in the Otindag Sandland Relationship between Drought Resistance and Leaf Water Balance Ability of Six Shrubs in Yanshan Area Photosynthetic and Physiological Characteristics of Eight Psammophilic Shrub Species in Northeast Ulanbuh Desert during the Late Growing Season Carbon Dioxide Flux Characteristics of Alpine Shrubs in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau beyond the Growing Season The spatial distribution of the aboveground biomass shrub in Tianlaochi catchment in the upper reaches of Heihe River Effects of dominant shrubs on soil microbial composition in the semi-arid Minjiang River valley A research review on "fertile islands"of soils under shrub canopy in arid and semi-arid regions Quality level assessment of lowly efficient Tamarix chinensis secondary shrubs in Laizhou Bay of Yellow River Delta. The effects of blown sand on the shrub belt over the top of the Mogao Grottoes Aboveground biomass of main shrubs in dry valley of Minjiang River Dynamics of carbon in the grassland, fernland and shrubland of Hong Kong The Influence of Long-term Simulating Warming to the Plant Community and Soil Nutrient of Alpine Meadow Soil Properties of Different Alpine Shrub Grasslands in Eastern Qilian Mountains Allelopathic Effects of the Humus Soil of Populus simonii and Robinia pseudoacacia on Tested Common Shrubs and Grasses Influence of grazing disturbance on stoichiometric characteristics of alpine Rhododendron shrublands underground soil nutrient pool Spatial heterogeneity of the psammophytic half shrub community in Mu Us Sandland INTERSPECIFIC ASSOCIATION AND CORRELATION OF SHRUB LAYER IN THE CONIFEROUS BROAD LEAVED MIXED GEOBOTANICAL ZONE OF RUSSIA PLAIN MORPHOLOGICAL VARIATIONS OF CARAGANA POPULATIONS IN THE MAOWUSUS SANDY GRASSLAND

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