Activation of Plasma Membrane NADPH Oxidase and Generation of H2O2 Mediate the Induction of PAL Activity and Saponin Synthesis by Endogenous Elicitor in Suspension-Cultured Cells of Panax ginseng Effect of Armillaria mellea Elicitor on Accumulation of Tanshinones in Crown Gall Cultures of Salvia miltiorrhiza Effects of Fungal Elicitors on Cell Growth and Artemisinin Accumulation in Hairy Root Cultures of Artemisia annua THE PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FUNGAL ELICITORS ON THE PANAX QUINQUEFOLIUM CELLS IN SUSPENSION CULTURE A Elicitor-induced Semi-biological Synthesis Methods of Vinblastine in Catharanthus roseus Establishment of suspension cell line of Atractylodes lancea and effect of endophytic fungal elicitors on its essential oil accumulation Effect of Elicitors on the Activity of L-Phenylalanine Transaminase in Plantlets of Thymus Research Progress on Production of Taxol by Plant Cell Engineering Elicitation on Artemisinin Biosynthesis in Artemisia annua Hairy Roots by the Oligosaccharide Extract from the Endophytic Colletotrichumsp. B501 Herbivore-induced plant volatiles: from induction to ecological functions EFFECTS OF PENICILLU M CITRINU M ELICITOR ON THE BIOSYNTHESIS OF TAXOL IN SUSPENSION CELL CULTURES OF TAXUS CHINENSIS Active Oxygen Release and Membrane Lipid Peroxidation in the Interaction of Marssonina brunnea Elicitor and Poplar Suspension Cell Selecting Preparation Methods and Isolating Components of Fungal Elicitor to Enhance Taxol Biosynthesis Fractionation and Biological Activity of Aspergillus oryzae Elicitor Promoting Biosynthesis of Shikonin Derivatives Advances in studies on strategies of enhancing plant triterpene saponin synthesis by cell and gene engineering technology Fungal elicitation to plants and its application in natural medicines Induced resistance and mechanism of protein elicitor PevD1 against Verticillium dahliae in cotton Interaction between putrescine and hydrogen peroxide on regulating triterpenoid production in Betula platyphylla Research progress in preparation of diosgenin EFFECTS OF ELICITOR AND PRECURSOR ON THE VANILLIN FORMATION IN BATCH SUSPENSION CELL CULTURE OF VANILLA PLANIFOLIA Expression of Protein Elicitor-Encoding Gene pemG1 in Tobacco (Nicotiana tobacum cv. Samsun NN) Plants and Enhancement of Resistance to TMV Influence of biotic and abiotic elicitors on production of tanshinones in Salvia miltiorrhiza hairy root culture Methyl Jasmonate-Induced Defense Responses of Apple Suspension Cells Methyl Jasmonate-Induced Defense Responses of Apple Suspension Cells Signal transduction pathway of active oxygen species in Polyporus umbellatus induced by elicitor from Armillaria mellea Mechanism of Oxidative Burst in Tobacco Leaves and Cells Induced by Palmin from Phytophthora palmi Effects of five allelochemicals on enzyme activity in Panax ginseng roots Dynamics and Interaction of Ca2+ and Nitric Oxide in Wheat Suspension Cells in the Hypersensitive Response Effects of elicitors on accumulation of phenolic acids and tanshinones in Salvia miltiorrhiza hairy root Effect of elicitors on induction and manipulation of secondary metabolic effective ingredients in Salvia miltiorrhiza Effect of endophytic fungal elicitors on growth and atractylodin accumulation of cell suspension cultures of Atractylodes lancea Effects of salicylic acid on membrane-lipid peroxidation induced by fungal elicitor and taxol synthesis in Taxus chinensis suspension cell cultures Role of lipoxygenase in taxol production induced by elicitor in Taxus chinensis cell cultures Induction of Pericarp Resistance of Postharvest Grapes by Fungus-originated Elicitor Effects of Mechanical Wounding and Elicitors on Camptothecin Content in Camptotheca acuminata Seedlings Effects of fungal elicitors on growth of Dend robium candidum protocorms Effects of P-Glycoprotein Inhibitor and Elicitor on the Salt Tolerance of Rice Seedlings Advances in metabolic regulation mechanism of herbivore-induced plant volatiles Advances in Biocontrol to the Postharvest Diseases of Mango & Banana Cloning, prokaryotic expression and purification of the elicitor gene SsCut from Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Effects of Rifampicin on Rice ROS Metabolism with Salt Stress Research progress of biological protein elicitor The Physiological Effects of Elicitor Ginseng-oligosaccharides on oell Culture of Carthamus tinctorius Acting Point in Taxol Biosynthesis Pathway of Elicitor in Suspension Cultures of Taxus chinensis var. mairei Influence of elicitors on growth and baicalin biosynthesis in hairy root ofScutellaria baicalensis INDUCTION FOR SALT TOLERANCE OF RICE SEEDLING BY ELICITOR Signal transduction of atractylodin biosynthesis in Atractylodes lancea cell induced by endophytic fungal elicitor mediated with nitric oxide followed by salicylic acid Polyamine-mediated triterpenoid synthesis in suspension cells of Betula platyphylla induced by fungal elicitor Advances in studies on biosynthesis and genetic engineering of artemisinin Effects of fungal elicitors on accumulation of indole alkaloids in Catharanthus roseus calli Application of elicitor to cell culture of medicinal plants Activity Dynamics of Related Defense Enzymes Induced by an Elicitor CSBⅠ from Magnaporthe grisea Spatio-Temporal Expression Pattern of Six Novel Candidate Genesin Ginsenoside Biosynthesis from Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer Studies on the Enhancing Accumulation of Indole Alkaloids in Crown gall Cells of Madagascar Periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus) Overexpression of Elicitor Protein Encoding Gene Hrip1 Improves Tolerance to Drought and Salt Stresses in Arabidopsis Signal mechanism of secondary metabolites accumulation in plants induced by fungus and its application in medicinal plants Signal mechanism of secondary metabolites accumulation in plants induced by fungus and its application in medicinal plants Nitric Oxide Potentiates Oligosaccharide-induced Artemisinin Production in Artemisia annua Hairy Roots The Mediation of Defense Responses of Ginseng Cells to an Elicitor from Cell Walls of Colletotrichum lagerarium by Plasma Membrane NAD(P)H Oxidases Elicitation of the Hypersensitive Responses in Tabacco by a10.6 kD Proteinaceous Elicitor from Phytophthora palmi Effect of EGTA and La2+ on induction of sesquiterpene cyclase gene expression in leaves of Capsicum annuum by several abiotic elicitors Effect of calcium on lignin synthesis induced by chemical elicitors Effect of fungal elicitors on N and P utilization and triterpene synthesis of Betula platyphylla suspension cell culture system Cloning and expression analysis of a tyrosine decarboxylase gene from Rehmannia glutinosa Accumulation of Triterpenoids in Betula platyphylla Suspension Culture Induced by a Fungal Elicitor Screening of Interacting Proteins with Fungal Elicitor PevD1 by Yeast Two Hybrid System and High Expression of Recombinant in E. coli Roles of phospholipase A2 in induction of reactive oxygen species production in Taxus chinensis cells culture Research progress in medicinal plant cell suspension culture Affect of Ag+ and La3+elicitors on growth and accumulation of adventitious roots of Periploca sepium Advances in application and mechanism of fungal elicitor to cell culture of medicinal plants H2O2 Mediated Synthesis of Betulin in Cells of Betula platyphylla Induced by Fungal Elicitor Studies on influence of funal elicitor on hairy root of Panax ginseng biosynthesis ginseng saponin and biomass Synergistic effects of biotic and abiotic elicitors on the production of tanshinones in Salvia miltiorrhiza hairy root culture Regulation on biosynthesis of active constituents in medicinal plants by endophytic fungal elicitor

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