Research on physiological adaptability of three mangrove species to salt stress
LIAO Yan, CHEN Gui-Zhu*
Carbon cycling of forest ecosystems in response to global nitrogen deposition:
a review
A comparative study in photosynthesis heterogeneity of Viola baoshanensis and V. yedoensis Ecophysiological response and morphological adjustment of Haloxylon ammodendron towards variation in summer precipitation Effects of exogenous nitric oxide on photosynthetic characteristic of Indocalamus barbatus under a simulated acid rain stress condition Photosynthetic characteristics of C4 desert species Haloxylon ammodendron and Calligonum mongolicum under different moisture conditions THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN DIURNAL CHANGES OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND TRANSPIRATION OF PUCCINELLIA TENUIFLORA AND THE CLIMATE FACTORS Relationship between Canopy Photosynthesis Characteristics of Nitraria sphaerocarpa and Environmental Factors in Hexi Corridor Desert Response of Photosynthesis and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters of Schima superba Resprouts Following the Ice and Snow Storm Relationship between Photosynthesis and Physio ecological Factors of Dianthus plumarius Introduced Diurnal Variance of Photosynthesis Characteristics of Flue-cured Tobacco at Different Altitudes Photosynthetic Physiological Responses of Saplings of Eucalyptus grandis and Cinnamomum pedunculatum to Sulfur Dioxide Stress Accumulation and Distribution of Cobalt in Broad Bean and Its Effects on the Photosynthesis and Antioxidant Enzyme Activities Photosynthetic characteristics of Chlorophytum capense var. medio-pictum under short duration high light intensity Influences of precipitation regimes and elevated CO2 on photosynthesis and biomass accumulation in Leymus chinensis Correlation analysis of photosynthetic rate and biomass of different leaf positions with seed yield of Elymus sibiricus STUDY ON THE CHARACTERISTICS OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS IN GINKGO BILOBA L CHANGE OF PHOTOSYNTHETIC RATE AND RESPONSE TO LOW WATER POTENTIAL OF EVERGREEN TREE SPECIES IN THE PROCESS OF HIBERNATION Study on Allelopathy of Aqueous Extract from Peganum multisectum (Maxim.) Bobr. on Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and Its Physiological-biochemical Manifestation Study on the Diurnal Variation Characteristics of Net Photosynthesis Rate and Transpiration Rate of Turfgrass in Tianjin Seashore Region Study on the Photosynthetic Eco-physiological Characteristics of Degenerated Haloxylon Ammodendron in Jilantai A Study on Response of Water Stress of Microula sikkimensis Ecophysiological responses of vegetative propagule of Cynodon dactylon to simulated summer flooding Photosynthetic responses of Phyllostachys edulis‘Pachyloen’to doubled CO2 concentration Map-based Cloning and Functional Analysis of Low Chlorophyll Fluorescence Gene LCF3 in Arabidopsis thaliana The Effect of Magnesium Deficiency on Photosynthesis of Longan (Dimocarpus longana Lour. ) Seedlings Effect of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Micropagated Taro (Colocasia esculenta Schott. ) Inorganic Carbon Utilization Traits of Three Woody Species Growing in the Mountain Area of Guizhou Province Effects of Exogenous Spermidine on the Growth and Quality of Pakchoi Seedlings under Calcium Nitrate Stress Photosynthetic Rate of Function Leaf of Strong Gluten Wheat with Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium Fertilizer Management in the Semi-Moisten Farm Ecological Region Effects of Herbicides on Photosynthesis Characteristics,Yield and Quality of Winter Wheat Changes of Growth, Development and Photosynthesis Indicators of Jerusalem artichoke The Preliminary Research on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Apocynum venetum under Different Shading Effects on Strawberry Photosynthesis and Relations to Anti-oxidant Enzymes of ALA Effects of Sea Water at Different Concentrations on the Photosynthesis and Chlorophyll-Fluorescence Properties of Oil Sunflower Seedlings Effects of NaCl Stress on Growth and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Cucumber (Cucumber sativus L. ) Seedlings Effects of Alkaline Stress on Growth,Photosynthesis and Antioxidation of Helianthus tuberosus Seedlings Research Progress in the Mechanism for Drought and High Temperature to Affect Plant Photosynthesis Diurnal Photosynthetic Change in the Canopy of Greenhouse Watermelon at the Fruit-setting Stage Physiological and Biochemical Injuries of Alternaria zinniae Phytotoxins Extracted to Solidago canadensis Leaves Photosynthesis and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characters of Xantha Wheat Mutants Dynamic Response of Photosynthetic System to Light Intensity Step Change on Tomato Leaf Dynamic Response of Photosynthetic System to Light Intensity Step Change on Tomato Leaf Effects of Low Sink Demand after Fruit Removal on the Photosynthetic Characteristics and Photoprotection in Strawberry Plants Effect of Silicon on Photosynthesis and Its Related Physiological Parameters of Brassica campestris L. ssp. chinensis(L.)Makino Grown Under Cd Stress Study on the Difference of Adaptability to Replant Soil in Five Apple Rootstock Seedlings Effects of Temperature and Light Treatments on PSⅡ Photochemical Activity in‘Roufurong’Tree Peony Leaves Effects of Exogenous ALA on Thinning and Fruit Quality in‘Hosui’Pear(Pyrus pyrifolia) Effects of Exogenous Nitric Oxide on Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters and Photosynthesis Rate in Malus hupehensis Seedlings Under Water Stress 常绿阔叶园林6树种(品种)对模拟酸雨的生理响应及敏感性 Fruit Setting Rate and Major Photosynthetic Characteristics of Purple Chili Peppers During Summer Conditions Effects of Shading and Girdling on Shoot Growth and Photosynthesis in Litchi Responses to Doubled CO2 in Medicago sativa: Studies on Ecophysiology and Simulation Modelling Effect of Elevated Carbon Dioxide Concentration on Photosynthesis of Seedlings of Two Woody Species in a Subtropical Forest A Much Over-due Account of a Scientific Research Project That Lasted Over Half a Century The Photosynthetic Characteristics of Wheat Ear A Mathematical Model for Leaf Photosynthesis of Mulberry Combined effects of elevated O3 concentration and UV-B radiation on photosynthetic characteristics of soybean Regulation of exogenous nitric oxide on photosynthetic physiological response of Lolium perenne seedlings under NaHCO3 Stress Photosynthesis and transpiration in relation to ion accumulation in Vitex trifolia under varied light intensity Response of photosynthetic characteristics to water stress of maize leaf in seeding Influences of Cadmium Stress on Photosynthesis and Endopeptidase Activities in Salix matsudana Influence on Soil Properties and Different Plant Photosynthesis,Growth by Different Amelioration Methods EFFECT OF PLANT DENSITY ON PHOTOSYNTHESIS CAPABILITY OF NEW MAIZE HYBRID LUYUANDAN 22 EFFECTS OF SPACE ENVIRONMENT ON CHLOROPHYLL FLUORESCENCE AND PHOTOSYNTHESIS CHARACTERISTICS OF WHEAT Effects of different film mulching on photosynthesis, transpiration rate and leaf water use efficiency of maize Photosynthesis and water use characteristics among different habitats and plant
functional types in Horqin sandy land
Effect of different nitrogen supply methods on yield and photosynthesis of maize under the alternative fallow high stubble about narrow row and wide row Photosynthetic responses of four dominant species to environmental gradient along the oasis-desert ecotone of Minqin, China Effects of Drought Stress Treatments on Photosynthesis and Proteins Related to Photosynthesis of Spiraea fritschiana and S. thichocarpa Effects of Nitrogen Rate on Plant Growth of Autumn Potato Crop and Gene Expression of Nitrate Reductase and Ammonium Transporter Effects of Carbonized Powder of Apple Branch on the Growth and Root Architecture of Malus hupehensis The Photosynthetic Characteristics of Phalaris arundimacea in the Beigu Mountain Wetland Comparison of Gas Exchange Traits of 30 Plant Species in Subalpine Meadow in Foping National Reserve of Qinling Mountains Effects of Alkalinity on Photosynthesis Activity and Ultrastructure of Microcystis aeruginosa FACHB 905 The Effects of Several Environmental Factors on the Photosynthesis of Botryococcus braunii Effects of Waterlogging Stress on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Pak-Choi Optimal Light Regime for the Rare Species Magnolia wufengensis in Northern China Studies on Properties of Photsynthetic Ecology in Melilotides ruthenica Effects of Rewatering after Drought Stress on Photosynthesis and Yield during Flowering and Boll-Setting Stage of Cotton Under- Mulch-Drip Irrigation in Xinjiang