Breeding of a Phenazine-1-carboxamid-producing Strain by ARTP Mutation and Its Optimization of Fermentation Carbon dioxide emission of Mat cryo-sod soil in the Haibei alpine meadow ecosystem The adaptation to leaf water stress caused by high root temperature in tomato Features of both water and architecture of Salix matsudana seedlings under various air temperature regimes Effect of temperature on the population increase of Liriomyza sativae and Liriomyza huidobrensis(Diptera:Agromyzidae) Research on artificial reproduction of Acipenser schrencki in lower temperature environment The formation of amylose content in rice grain and its relation with field temperature Impacts of global climate changes on the water and heat factors in the Songnen Steppe Effect of bulking agent and aeration on sewage sludge composting process INFLUENCE OF TEMPERATURE ON THE EXPERIMENTAL POPULATION OF Stethorus punctillum RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN KIRA′S INDEXES AND DISTRIBUTION OF DOMINANTS AND COMPANIONS OF SUBTROPICAL EVERGREEN BROADLEAVED FOREST IN CHINA THE OBSERVATION AND SIMULATION OF DEW FORMATION OVER MAIZE CANOPY EFFECTS OF TEMPERATURE AND RELATIVE HUMIDITY ON SURVIVAL OF THE OVERWINTERING ASIAN COCCINELLID, HARMONIA AXYRIDIS EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH ON EFFECTS OF THE ATMOSPHERIC CO2 CONCENTRATION INCREASE ON THE CANOPY TEMPRATURE,EVAPOTRANSPIRA TION ANDSOIL MOISTURE DIRSTRIBUTIONI IN ROOT ZONE OF SPRING WHEAT SEASONAL VARIATION IN THE BIOMASS OF SOIL DECOMPOSER MICROBES AND ITS RELATIONSHIP TO THE SOIL HABITAT IN THE LEYMUS CHINENSIS GRASSLANDS IN NORTHEAST CHINA EFFECTS OF TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY ON THE BIOLOGICAL CHARACTER OF ARTEMIA STRAINS EFFECTS OF TEMPERATURE ON THE POPULATION OF ARTEMIA SINICA ARRANGEMENT OF EAST-ASIAN VEGETATION-CLIMATE TYPES ON COORDINATES OF TEMPERATURE AND PRECIPITATION Effects of temperature on Keratella quadrata life table demography and morphometric characteristics. Relationships between urban green belt structure and |temperature-humidity effect. Effects of high temperature on leaf photosynthetic characteristics and photosystemⅡ photochemical activity of kernel-used apricot. Effects of asymmetric warming on the growth characteristics and yield components of winter wheat under free air temperature increased. Effects of compaction on diurnal variation of soil respiration in Larix gmellinii plantation in summer. Relationships between reactive oxygen metabolism and endodormancy release of peach bud under short-term heating. Effects of exogenous Ca2+ on |morphological and photosynthetic characteristics and chlorophyll fluorescent parameters of squash seedlings under high temperature and strong light stress. Effects of exogenous melatonin on ascorbate metabolism system in cucumber seedlings under high temperature stress. Effects of exogenous nitric oxide on highbush blueberry PSⅡ photochemical activity and antioxidant system under high temperature stress. Effects of elevated temperature and CO2 on desert algal crust photosynthesis. Responses of Rubisco and Rubisco activase in cucumber seedlings to low temperature and weak light. Impact evaluation of low temperature to yields of maize in Northeast China based on crop growth model Temperature sensitivity of soil respiration: uncertainties of global warming positive or negative feedback Temporal and spatial variability in soil respiration in five temperate forests in Xiaoxing‘an Mountains, China The dynamics of soil respiration in a winter wheat field with plastic mulched-ridges and unmulched furrows Diel variations and seasonal dynamics of soil respirations in subalpine meadow in western Sichuan Province, China Behavior characteristics and habitat adaptabilities of the endangered butterfly Teinopalpus aureus in Mount Dayao Effects of pattern and timing of high temperature exposure on the mortality and fecundity of Aphis gossypii Glover on cotton The impact of rainfall on soil respiration in a rain-fed maize cropland Research progress on the mechanism of improving plant cold hardiness Relationship between temperature and δ13C values of C3 herbaceous plants and its implications of WUE in farming-pastoral zone in North China Effects of the different width of urban green belts on the temperature and humidity Sensitivity analysis for main factors influencing NPP of forests simulated by IBIS in the eastern area of Northeast China An experimental study on the the effects of different diurnal warming regimes on single cropping rice with Free Air Temperature Increased (FATI) facility Impact factors and uncertainties of the temperature sensitivity of soil respiration Correlation of topographic factors with precipitation and surface temperature in arid and cold region of Northwest China: a case study in Gansu Province Studies on the Application of Electrolyte Leakage Rate and the Distribution of the Lowest Temperature to Introduction Decision of Eucalyptus in the Centre of Fujian Province The Allelopathy of Aqueous Extracts from Galinsoga parviflora Cav. under Low Temperature Stress Responses of Vegetative Growth and Photosynthesis to Temperature in the Invasive Species Alternanthera philoxeroides and Its Indigenous Congener A. sessilis Studies on the Growth Characteristics of Toxic Alexandrium tamarense (Hong Kong Strain Ⅱ ) Effects of Illumination, Temperature and Soil Miosture Content on Seed Germination of Hopea hainanensis EFFECT OF AIR TEMPERATURE CHANGE ON THE PRODUCTIVITY OF PINUS MASSONIANA POPULATION IN DINGHUSHAN Root respiration in a natural forest and two plantations in subtropical China: seasonal dynamics and controlling factors A comparative study on the growth and energy budget of Chinese shrimp (Fenneropanaeus chinensis Osbeck) at constant and diel fluctuating temperature EFFECTS OF ECOLOGICAL FACTORS OF PROTEIN AND AMINO ACIDS OF RICE Effects of Different Air Temperature in Different Cropping Years on Development of Seed Endosperm and Germination Characteristics in ‘Over-expression OsPIN1a’and Wild Type Rice Effects of Night Temperature on Flowering and Physiological Index of Poinsettia Under Short-day Study on the Effects of Cesium on Photosynthesis of Spinach Simulation of Oilseed Flax Development Duration Based on APSIM Methylation-sensitive Amplified Polymorphism Analysis of DNA Methylation in Hot Pepper under High Temperature and Air Humidity Stress Cloning of Heat Shock Protein Gene Hsp70 in Agasicles Hygrophila and its Expression in Relation to High Temperatures Effects of Storage Temperature on Quality and Postharvest Physiologies of Chili Fruits Response of Mineral Elements and Physiological Characteristics in Garden Plants Osmanthus Fragrans Lour Leaves to Unusual Low Temperature in Winter THE VARIATIONS OF SOIL RESPIRATION AT THE ERODED AND DEPOSITED SITES OF THE CULTIVATED SLOPES DURING EARLY SPRING TIME CLONING AND EXPRESSION PROFILE ANALYSIS OF ChWRKY1 FROM Corylus heterophylla Fisch. NITROGEN ISOTOPIC COMPOSITIONS OF WINTER WHEAT
Effect of high temperature on jasmonic acid (JA) concentration and antioxidation of Anthurium andraeanum seedling leaf Effects of high temperature and doubled CO2 on antioxidant enzymes and lipid peroxidation in Larix principis-rupprechtii Mayr seedlings Adaptability of Cucurbita moschata Duch. seedlings to low-temperature stress Changes in per-hectare yield of wheat and related factors in Shajiang black soil region of the Huaibei Plain Effect of elevated CO2 concentration and increased temperature on physiology and production of crops Effect of light and temperature on the germination of three annual plants Influence of global warming on winter wheat yield in Henan Province Effects of different pre-winter management practices on soiltemperature and winter wheat seedling growth Influence of over expression of CsRCA on photosynthesis of cucumber seedlings under high temperature stress. Effects of temperature and photoperiod on body mass, energy budget and digestive tract morphology in Pycnonotus sinensis. #br# Effects of exogenous melatonin on nitrogen metabolism and osmotic adjustment substances of melon seedlings under sub-low temperature. Temperature sensitivity of soil organic carbon mineralization and βglucosidase enzyme kinetics in the northern temperate forests at different altitudes, China. The effect of moisture and temperature on soil C mineralization in wetland and steppe of the Zoige region, China Influence of environmental factors on seed germination of Bombax malabaricum DC. Cloning and Expression Analysis of Heat-Shock-Protein LsHsp70-3701 Gene From Leaf Lettuce Under High Temperature Stress Effect of Exogenous 24-epibrassinolide on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Maize Under Different Stress