Genetic Mapping and Functional Analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana Male Sterile Mutant ms1142 Isolation and Characterization of Arabidopsis rei1 Mutant GATL12 is Essential for Chloroplast Biogenesis in Arabidopsis Genetic Mapping and Analysis of a Chloroplast Division Mutant cpd111 in Arabidopsis thaliana H2S Induced by H2O2 Mediates Drought-induced Stomatal Closure in Arabidopsis thaliana Arabidopsis Callose Synthase Gene GSL8 is Required for Cell Wall Formation and Establishment and Maintenance of Quiescent Center Cu2+ Induced Local Toxicity and DNA Damage, Cell Death in Roots of Arabidopsis thaliana Alleviation of Cd Toxicity in Arabidopsis thaliana Seedlings by Exogenous Ca2+ or K+ Isolation and Characterization of Regulators Involved in PHOT2-mediated Phototropism of Hypocotyls in Arabidopsis The Effect of Leaf Number-altered Mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana Effect of Different Times of UV-B Radiation on Seedling Growth of Arabidopsis thaliana Mechanism of AtCPL1 in Regulating Flowering of Arabidopsis Research of PKS2 Interaction with CAM4 in Arabidopsis thailana Identification of ZmCI-1B Promoter and Its Seven Deletions in Transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana Study of Gene Silencing by Artificial miRNA Comparison on Stress-resistent Phenotypes Between Arabidopsis pumila and Arabidopsis thaliana and Expression Analysis AtEDR1 Mediated Resistance to Magnaporthe oryzae in Arabidopsis thaliana AtWRKY63-overexpression in Arabidopsis Confers Resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Characteristics of the Point Mutants of PKS5 Respond to the Salt-alkali Stress in Arabidopsis Function of AZI1 in Arabidopsis Resistance against Pseudomonas syringae UV-B Activates Different Sources of H2O2 and Induces Stomatal Closure in Arabidopsis thaliana Leaves Microstructure and Ultrastructure Observasion of Primary Root Development in Arabidopsis thaliana with Proteasome Malfunction Diversity and Ecological Characteristics of Wild Liana in Hunan Huangsang National Nature Reserve Expression Analysis of the Arabidopsis High Mobility Group Protein B Family Genes (AtHMGB) Overexpression of AtNHX5 Increases Salt Tolerance of Arabidopsis thaliana Study on Arabidopsis thaliana Calmodulin binding Protein Responding to Multiple Stresses Response of the Arabidopsis Receptor-like Protein Kinase Encoding Gene CRK45 to Exogenous Calcium Ion Roles of Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Cascades in ABA Signaling Regulation of Plant Development Changes of Membrane Stability in PotassiumStressed Plants Expression Profiles of Arabidopsis thaliana VQ Gene Family in DefenseRelated Hormones Treatments ST273 Is Essential for Tapetum and Microspore Development in Arabidopsis thaliana* Modification of pFGC5941 Construct and Transfer of Double Antisense Genes of NAC1 and SIP1 into Arabidopsis thaliana Genetic and Mapping Analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana Male Sterile Mutant filament no elongation Isolation and Identification of an Arabidopsis thaliana Mutant with Serration Leaf Margin 拟南芥光形态突变体的筛选与基因鉴定 Proteomics Reveal the Molecular Mechanism of Arabidopsis thaliana on Bacterial Signal N-3-oxo-hexanoyl-homoserine-lactone (OHHL) Patterns of Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of the Clonal Herb, Potentilla fragarioides var. sprengeliana (Rosaceae) in Korea ADAPTIVE ECOLOGY OF LIANAS IN AN EVERGREEN BROAD-LEAVED FOREST OF TIANTONG NATIONAL FOREST PARK, ZHEJIANG II. CLIMBING CAPACITY AND CLIMBING EFFICIENCY Adaptive Ecology of Lianas in Tiantong Evergreen Broad-Leaved Forest, Zhejiang, China I. Leaf Anatomical Characters COI1 is involved in jasmonate-induced indolic glucosinolate biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana Changes of liana species diversity in different restoration stages of monsoonal broad-leaved evergreen forest Tomato SlMIP gene is involved in osmotic adjustment in the transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana Effects of Di-butyl Phthalate on morphogenesis of Arabidopsis thaliana in vitro Edge Effects of a Natural Secondary Forest on Liana Communities in Bawangling, Hainan Island Liana Species Diversity and Relationships with Its Host Trees in the Moist Evergreen BroadLeaved Forest in the Ailao Mountains, Southwest China Ultrastructure of the Floral Nectary of Arabidopsis thaliana L. Prepared from High Pressure Freezing and Freeze Substitution Chemical constituents in leaves of Actephila merrilliana (I) Effects of aluminum stress on the activity of PIN2 protein in Arabidopsis thaliana apical roots Reproductive characteristics and adaptive evolution of pin and thrum flowers in endangered species, Primula merrilliana MS1516 is Essential for Tetrad Formation and Microspore Development in Arabidopsis thaliana Lipid Peroxidation Induced by Metal Ion Stress is Positively Related to Lonic Polarization in Plants Genetic and Functional Analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana Male Sterile Mutant ms214 MS1521 Gene is Required for Anther Development  of Arabidopsis thaliana Effect of Low-phosphate Supply on the Root System Architecture in Arabidopsis thaliana Overexpression and Phenotype Analysis of GH3.9 Gene in Arabidopsis thaliana Tolerance and Physiological Response of Four Lianas to Soil Manganese Contamination Construction and utilization of a yeast two-hybrid cDNA library from Arabidopsis thaliana infected by powdery mildew Characterization of Rice High-Tillering and Dwarf 1 (HTD1) Gene Promoter in Transgenic Arabidopsis Identification of effective pollinators of Primula merrilliana and effects of flower density and population size on pollination efficiency
Notes on Changes in Classification of Liliaceae (s. l.) and Perspective in China Cloning and function analysis of ats1A gene promoter from Arabidopsis thaliana Studies on Morphogenesis and Development of Arabidopsis thaliana Stomata Using Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope The Role of Arabidopsis AtDAD1 in the Tolerance to Hydrogen Peroxide Stress The Studies on Flora and Ecological Features of Liana in Fanjing Mountain National Nature Reserve,Guizhou,China ——Attach a List of Liana in the Fanjing Mountain. Separation and purification of G protein from Arabidopsis thaliana Electrophysiological mechanism of root length growth of Arabidopsis thaliana inhibition by JA-Me Response of sinapate esters in Arabidopsis thaliana to UV-B radiation Studies on Numerical Taxonomy of the Malus halliana Koehne Cultivars inHenan Expression analysis of NTMADS1 gene in Narcissus tazetta var. chinensis and study on its transformation in Arabidopsis thaliana Expression analysis of NTMADS1 gene in Narcissus tazetta var. chinensis and study on its transformation in Arabidopsis thaliana The Role of Banana MaASR1 in Drought Stress Tolerance Study on Immobilization of Suspension Cultured Cells of Berberis julianae Responses of Chlorophyll Fluorescence to Simulated SO2 Pollution in Eight Liana Species in South China Clone and Transformation into Potato of AtCDPK1 Gene from Arabidopsis thaliana Cloning and Transformation of MsMYB2 Gene from Medicago sativa L. TAXON0MIC STUDIES ON THE GENUS UNCINULIELLA OF CHINA I.UNCINULIELLA AUSTRALIANA (MCALP.) C0MB. N0V. RNAi Vector Construction of AtDof1.7 Transcription Factors and Genetic Transformation into Arabidopsis thaliana Morphological Difference of Arabidopsis thaliana Ethylene Mutants Affected by Drought Stress STUDIES ON THE RELATION BETWEEN RESISTANCE TO SPHACELOTHECA REILIANA (KIIHN) CLINT VAR.ZEAE PASS.AND 1,4-DIHYDROXY-7-METHOXY-2H-1,4-BENZOXAZIN-3(4H)-ONE IN CORN Expression of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Hem1 Recombined with Arabidopsis thaliana hemA1 Promoter in Transgenie Tobacco

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