Relationship between Leaf Morphological Type and Chromosome Doubling of Non-heading Chinese Cabbage Induced by Colchicine Pollen Morphology and Evolutionary Trend in Polygonum multiflorum Thunb.Germplasms Seed Morphology of Nine Species in the Genus Hypericum L.and Its Systematical Significance Pollen Morphology of Sixteen Pimpinella Species (Apiaceae) and the Systematic Analysis Two New Records of Mycena Collected from Shandong Province, China A Morphological Study on the Proventriculi of Sixteen Species of Bark Beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) Bred in Pinus armandi Tree Geometrical 3 D Modeling from Terrestrial Laser Scanned Point Clouds: A Review External Morphology and Microstructure of the Compound Eye of Hyphantria cunea (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae) Root morphology and nitrogen accumulation in soybean (Glycnie max L.) under different nitrogen application levels Micro-morphological Characteristics of Taraxacum F. H. Wigg. Seeds from Northeastern China and Taxonomic Significance Effect of phosphorus stress on the pigment and morphology of different maize genotypes Morphology of wheat roots under low phosphorus stress Isolation and Characterization of Arabidopsis rei1 Mutant SLC/AGO1 Coordinates Cell Division and Expansion in Arabidopsis Morphological and Phylogenetic Analysis of Karlodinium veneficum Isolated from the East China Sea in China Stigma Receptivity, Stigma Morphology and Fruit Set of Yantai Sweet Cherry (Cerasus avium) Effect of NaCl Stress on Growth, Cell Ultrastructure and Ion Homeostasis in Poplar Seedlings Modern Pollen Morphology of Euphorbiaceae In vitro-cultured Morphological Changes in Huperzia serrata and Accumulation of Huperzine A SEM Observations and Measurements of Vestured Pits of the Secondary Xylem in the Tribe Rhizophoreae A Study of Pollen Morphology of Sparganium from China The Pollen Morphology and Exine Ultrastructure of Paeonia L in China Responses of root morphology of peanut varieties differing in drought tolerance to water-deficient stress Metal uptake and root morphological changes for two varieties of Salix integra under cadmium stress Physio-ecological effects of endophyte infection on the host grass with elevated CO2 Research on diaspore morphology and species distribution of 80 plants in the hill-gully Loess Plateau Effect of localized phosphorus supply on root morphological traits and their contribution to phosphorus uptake in wild soybean The Biology of Troides helena spilotia Rothschild and the Preliminary Study of Its Large-scale Breeding Relationship between External Morphology and Anatomical Structure of Precocious Walnut during Pistillate Flower-bud Differentiation Study on Difference and Primarily Mechanism of Nitrogen UseEfficiency (NUE) in Populus nigra Seedlings Genotypes Introduction and Early Evaluation of Species and Provenances of Spruce Variation of Seed Morphology and Germination Within and Among Species of Banksia Study on the Pollen Morphology of Masson Pine and Other Pine Species and Varieties The Leaf Abaxial Epidermis Structures of Cyperus from Shandong 中国春ph2b突变体×华山新麦草F1自交和回交一代细胞遗传学研究 Cytogenetics Study of Chinese Spring ph2b mutant ×Psathyrostachys huashanica Keng Selfing(S1) and Backcross(BC1) Systematic Relationships among Rehmannia (Scrophulariaceae) Species Morphologies and Structures of Seedlings and Their Phylogenies for Three Species in Three Genera of Ranunculaceae Seed Morphology and Germination Characteristics of 15 Species of Genus Artemisia in Xiaowutai Mountains Pollen Morphology of Lactucinae Subtribe (Compositae) in Shandong Microsporogenesis Comparison of Genetic Male Sterility Line and Its Allele Fertile Line in Brassica napus L. Pollen Morphologies of Sisymbrieae(Brassicaceae) in China Pollen Morphologies of Seven Species of Zygophyllum L. in Alashan Desert Cyto-morphological Observation of the Microsporogenesis of Male Sterility Materials in Pepper (Capsicum annuum L. ) Morphological and Cytological Observation of Somatic Embryogenesis and Development in Torreya grandis‘Merrillii’ Identification of the Genetic Loci for Tomato Fruit and Plant Height Using a Solanum pennellii Introgression Line Population The Ecology of Four Ephemeral Plants Use of genotype-environment interactions to elucidate the pattern of maize root plasticity to nitrogen deficiency Studies on the Pollen Morphology of Family Salicaceae in Gansu FINE ROOT MORPHOLOGY OF TWENTY HARDWOOD SPECIES IN MAOERSHAN NATURAL SECONDARY FOREST IN NORTHEASTERN CHINA REVIEW OF PROGRESS OF STUDIES ON SALT-TOLERANCE MECHANISMS OF ANNUAL HALOPHYTES BET HEDGING IN HETEROMORPHIC ACHENES OF HETERACIA SZOVITSII (ASTERACEAE), A DESERT EPHEMERAL EFFECTS OF BIOLOGICAL CRUSTS ON THE GERMINATION OF FIVE DESERT VASCULAR PLANTS WITH DIFFERENT SEED MORPHOLOGIES EFFECTS OF WATERLOGGING STRESS ON MORPHOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF CAMPTOTHECA ACUMINATA Effect of media and light on asymbiotic germination of Malaxis monophyllos seeds Fine root morphology, anatomy and tissue nitrogen and carbon contents of the first five orders in four tropical hardwood species in Hainan Island, China Responses of Nitraria tangutorum Branch and Leaf Growth to Simulated Rainfall Effects of nitrogen and carbon addition and arbuscular mycorrhiza on alien invasive plant Ambrosia artemisiifolia. Formation, morphology, and structure of special root hairs on nodal roots of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in middle and late growing period Pollen Morphology of Nine Chinese Species of Uncaria Schreb. (Rubiaceae) Photosynthesis and Water Relations in Eight Urban Landscape Climbing Plants Effects of Chlorine Dioxide on Contents of Chlorophyll a, Proteins and DNA in Phaeocystis globosa Pollen Features of 6 Species in Sect. Theopsis of Genus Camellia Pollen Morphology of Osmanthus (Oleaceae) in China and Its Systematic Significance Pollen Morphology of Five Species of Manglietia (Magnoliaceae) Leaf Epidermal Morphology of Ormosia Jacks. (Leguminosae) in China Pollen Morphology of the Genus Calamus L. from China Detection of Citrus Yellow Shoot Pathogen in Shatianyou Pommelo by Electron Microscopy and PCR Method Pollen Morphology of Bauhinia Species Endemic to China (Caesalpiniaceae) PHYLOGENETIC RELATIONSHIPS IN LYSIMACHIA (PRIMULACEAE): A CLADISTIC ANALYSIS FLORAL MORPHOLOGY AND ANATOMY OF ORCHIDANTHA CHINENSIS(LOWIACEAE) POLLEN MORPHOLOGY OF LOWIACEAE FROM CHINA POLLEN MORPHOLOGY IN GENUS PUERARIA DC. FROM CHINA THE MORPHOLOGY AND ANATOMY OF SONNERATIA LINN. f. IN CHINA Changes of root morphology and rhizosphere processes of wheat under different phosphate supply Growth andMorphology Differences between and within Aesculus Species Extracting Farmland Shelterbelt Automatically Based on ZY-3 Remote Sensing Images Relationship between Growth and Endogenous Hormones of Chinese Fir Seedlings under Low Phosphorus Stress An Improved Algorithm of Veneer Knot Image Recognition Based on Mathematical Morphology Floral Syndrome and Breeding Systems of the Flower Color Polymorphic Plant Lagerstroemia indica