Screening DNA barcode of quarantine Phytophthora Correlation between RAPD-based Parental Genetic Distance and Filial Performance of Chinese Fir Use of AFLP Marker to Predict the Hybrid Yield and Yield Heterosis in Maize Genetic Dissection for the Reproductive Fitness of Liriodendron Derived from Offsprings of Complete-Diallel Crosses Relationship between Growth Traits Heterosis and Genetic Distance among Parents of Pinus elliottii×P.caribaea Based on SSR Molecular Markers The Relationship of the Fertility of F1 Hybrid Rice with Cheng‘s Index Difference and Isozyme Genetic Distance SSR of Genetic Distance and Clustering Analysis on Different Populus Section Clones RAPD Analysis of the Genetic Diversity of 16 Natural Wheatgrass Populations(Agropyron Cristatum) A Study on Esterase Isozymes of 10 Species Poa L. Possible Mechanism Analysis for Heterosis of Hybrid Liriodendron Based on Seedling Growth and SSR Markers Polymorphism analysis of Botrytis cinerea and its pathogenicity differentiation in Xinjiang Gliadin Genetic Diversity Analysis of 119 Wheat Germplasms Karyotype Evolution Trend in Ginkgo biloba Special Germplasms Correlation between Molecular Genetic Distances among Parents and Growth Traits of Progenies in Populus Method of Establishing Ramie Core Collection Correlation Analysis of SSR Genetic Distance and Heterosis on Alfalfa The genetic relationship analyzed of characteristic Mulberry resources based on ITS, TrnL~F and rps16 sequence Genetic relationship and parent selection of some Sarcandra glabra resources based on ISSR Studies on Sampling Schemes of Core Collection of Canarium album L. in Eastern Guangdong, China EST-SSR Molecular Marker Development from Dendrocalamus latiflorus and Its Application on Genetic Diversity Analysis of Variation Types from Bambusa emeiensis RAPD analysis in 12species of Allium Species Delimitation of Pterygiella (Orobanchaceae), a Genus Endemic to Southwestern China on the Basis of Morphometric and Molecular Analyses A Method of Selecting Parental Lines for Directional Breeding Purposes Genetic diversity analyse of Thailand Babylonia areolata with RAPD markers STUDIES ON GENETIC DIVERSITY OF CHINESE BEECHES IN NANJIANG,SICHUAN PROVINCE Detection and identification of the genus Fusarium by DNA barcoding Studies on Relationship between Genetic Distance of Parents and Yield Heterosis in Hybrid Cotton Utilization of RAPD Markers to Predict Fruit Yield of Hybrid in Cucumber The RAPD Markers Linked to DownyMildew Resistant Gene in Non-headingChinese Cabbage ( Brassica campestris ssp. chinensis Makino) Molecular Genetic Variation in a Clonal Plant Population of Leymus chinensis (Trin.) Tzvel. Molecular marker heterozygosity and its relationship to hybrid performance in seventeen elite maize inbreds DNA barcoding and its utility in commonly-used medicinal snakes Effect of Geographical Factors on Genetic Variation of Elymus nutans Indigenous in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Relationship between Hybrid Performance and Genetic Distances amongPinus massoniana Clones Based on ISSR Molecular Marker Seasonal changes in the genetic diversity of Brachionus calyciflorus population in Lake Jinghu Study of Gliadin Variation in Wheat Cultivars Genetic Diversity and Relationships Among Species of Lonicera in Gansu Province RAPD MARKERS USED FOR THE HYBRID IDENTIFICATION AND PARENTS CHOICE IN LIRIODENDRON RAPD Analysis and Taxology Discussion on Loropetalum chinense var. rubrumMaterials from Different Fountainhead Areas Genetic Diversity in Wild Grapes Native to China Based on Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) Analysis SCoT Analysis of Genetic Polymorphism for Wild Germplasm of Pleurotus eryngii var. tuoliensis from China SCoT Analysis of Genetic Polymorphism for Wild Germplasm of Pleurotus eryngii var. tuoliensis from China Assessment of Phylogenetic Relationships of Some Lilium Species and Cultivars Using EST-SSR Markers Assessment of Phylogenetic Relationships of Some Lilium Species and Cultivars Using EST-SSR Markers RAPD Analysis and Taxology Discussion on Loropetalum chinense var. rubrumMaterials from Different Fountainhead Areas Comparative study on triploid Siraitia grosvenorii and their parents by isozymes analysis Study on genetic diversity of mangrove plant Aegiceras corniculatum populations in Guangxi Utilization of RAPD Markers to Predict Fruit Yield of Hybrid in Cucumber RAPD Analysis of Genetic Relationships among the 23 Ornamental BambooSpecies in Phyllostachys RAPD Analysis of Genetic Relationships among the 23 Ornamental BambooSpecies in Phyllostachys Phylogenetic Rela tionsh ip Ana lysis among 13 Spec ies of P rim u la South-west Sichuan Using RAPD Marker Analysis of genetic diversity in Anemone obtusiloba populations with ISSR markers DNA Sampling Strategy and Calculation of Genetic Distance between Maize (Zea mays L.) Populations The RAPD Markers Linked to DownyMildew Resistant Gene in Non-headingChinese Cabbage ( Brassica campestris ssp. chinensis Makino) Analysis of Relationships for Indica Local Rice from Different Places of China Analysis of Relationships among the Main Commercial Species of Lac Insects Using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) Identification of Notopterygii Rhizoma et Radix and its adulterants using DNA barcoding method based on ITS2 sequence ITS2 sequence analysis of eight medicinal plants in Inula L. Screening and application of SSR primers in plants of Clerodendrum L. RAPD Analysis of Phylogenetic Relationships in Chinese Gallnut Aphids (Homoptera: Pemphigidae) and Genetic Differentiation in Four Populations of Schlechtendalia chinensis Analysis on genetic relationship of Brown-eared pheasant (Crossoptilon mantchuricum) based on ISSR molecular marker Genetic Differentiation Research on Populations of Wild Soybeans in Different Scales The Important Concept of Molecular Ecology——Genetic Distance and Its Measuring THE STUDY ON RELATIONSHIP OF LARCHES IN NORTHEAST CHINA BY RAPD CHLOROPLAST DNA VARIATION AND PHYLOGENETIC RELATIONSHIP AMONG SECALE SPECIES ITS Sequence analysis of Chinese and Japanese medicinal plants of Angelica L. Phylogenetic Analysis of Three Domestic Pig Breeds in Guizhou Province ANALYSIS ON GENETIC DISTANCE BASED ON SSR MARKER AS RELATED TO GRAIN APPEARANCE QUALITY TRAITS IN RICE HYBRID PROGENIES F1 Heterosis of Populus×xiaozhuania cv.‘popularis’ Improved Hybrids F1 and Cluster Analysis for Clones according to Genetic Distance Analysis of Ploidy Segregation and Genetic Variation of Progenies of Different Interploidy Crosses in Actinidia chinensis Analysis of Ploidy Segregation and Genetic Variation of Progenies of Different Interploidy Crosses in Actinidia chinensis Identification of nine common medicinal plants from Artemisia L. by DNA barcoding sequences Identification of nine common medicinal plants from Artemisia L. by DNA barcoding sequences Study on DNA barcoding of medicinal plants in Chaenomeles Lindl. Analysis of genetic diversity in Reaumuria soongorica populations in Gansu using ISSR markers Identification of Notopterygii Rhizoma et Radix and its adulterants using DNA barcoding method based on ITS2 sequence