Identify nature N-acylethanolamide-hydrolyzing acid amide (NAAA) inhibitor: effect of Angelicae Pubescentis Radix on anti-inflammation Stability of ferulic acid and its existing form in Ligusticum chuanxiong and Angelica sinensis Application of proteomics to modernization research of Chinese materia medica Promotion of Angelica polysaccharide on inducing chronic myelocytic leukemia cells into dendritic cells Penetration of transdermal enhancers on percutaneous permeation of Sinomenine Gels in vitro Identification by measuring internal transcribed spacer regions of rRNA gene in Radix Angelicae Sinensis Study on the microbial diversity in lake sediments by the method of PCR-DGGE Gene cloning and sequence analysis of caffeic acid O-methyltransferase in Angelica sinensis Seed dormancy release and soil seed bank of three arid desert plants under burial conditions Microbial community diversity in the rhizosphere of wetland plants examined by phospholipid fatty acid and polymerase chain reaction denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis The Ecological Conditions for Nostoc flagelliforme and their Analysis The Soil Habitat Types of Poacynum hendersonii communities in the Tarim Basin of Xinjiang Sublethal effects of Angelica sinensis and Ricinus communis extracts on the growth, development and fecundity of Spodoptera exigua Hübner Response of denitrifying bacteria community structure and abundance to nitrogen in paddy fields Effect of continuous cropping on Angelica sinensis diurnal photosynthetic dynamics Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria communities and their influence on the nitrification potential of Chinese soils measured by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) Application of DG-DGGE to analyze microbial community diversity and population dynamics in fermentative hydrogen-producing system Researches on judging model for reasonable utilization of rangelands An economic analysis of clubmoss control with mechanical treatments in Saskatchewan rangeland, Canada Predation of Agelena difficilis Two-dimensional electrophoresis of proteins in the pre-diapause, diapause and post-diapause larvae of wheat blossom midge, Sitodiplosis mosellana (Gehin) A Study on the Regularity of the Fluctuation of the Natural Population of Chinolyda flagellicornis The Spatial Distribution Pattern of the Larvae of Chinolyda flagellicornis in Diapause and Its Sampling Techniques Analysis of Protein Changes during Oat Seed Germination Cutting Frequency Affects Growth, Development Character and Storage Substance Accumulations in Root of Allium mongolicum Regel Effects of Latitude,Longitude and Altitude on Angelica Growth and Early Bolting in Medicine Formation Period Cytological Effect of 60Coγ Ray Irradiation on Buchloe dactyloides Dry Seeds Starch Gelatinization and Retrogradation Properties under different Basic Fertilizer Regimes and Nitrogen Topdressing at Jointing Stage of Waxy Maize Genetic Research for Gelatinization Temperature (GT) in Japonica Rice Preparation and characterization of epigallocatechin-3-gallate chitosan nanoparticles Identification of medicinal plants in Angelica L. based on ITS barcode label Preparation of hydrogel matrix sustained-release tablets of resveratrol-solid lipid nanoparticles Optimization of processing technology for cream with mixed accessories of oxhide gelatin and honey by central composite design-response surface methodology GC-MS analysis of essential oils from Radix Angelicae Pubescentis Major constituent proteins in donkey hide and their interaction Study on relative bioavailability of ferulic acid of combination Radix Angelicae Sinensis and Cortex Cinnamomi in mice Study on eco-climatic applicability of Angelica sinensis Preparation and quality control of low molecular weight chitosan Studies on judging index of extracting technology of root of Angelica dahurica The dynamics of bacteria community diversity during the fermentation process of traditional soybean paste Interactive mechanism of service function of alpine rangeland ecosystems in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Separation and Purification of Antihypertensive Peptides Derived from Pepper Seed Protein Effects of Additives on the Heat-induced Gel Characteristics of Myofibril Protein From Dosidicus gigas Isolation and Characterization of the Cytoplasmic Membrane from the Terrestrial Cyanobacterium—Nostoc flagelliforme CALLUS INDUCTION AND PLANTLET REGENERATION OF Salicornia bigelovii TORR. ANALYSIS OF WHEAT TRANSLOCATION LINES BY ELECTROPHORESIS The first record of Ensiculifera Balech and Fragilidium Balech (Dinophyceae) from Chinese coast Taxonomic study of Angelica from East Asia: Inferences from ITS sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA Six New Bamboo Species from Guangdong A preliminary analysis on the euclosed experimental results of red tide formation Ⅱ.Phytoplanktou succession and dinoflagellate red tide STUDY ON THE BREEDING OF JAPONICAL GELATINOUS RICE MUTANT VARIETY ZHENUO 36 WITH HIGH YIELD AND GOOD GRAIN QUALITY DEVELOPMENT OF A LOW GELATINIZATION TEMPERATURE MUTANT(Mgt-1) OF RICE AND ITS GRAIN QUALITY CHARACTERS THE EDIBLE GELATIN IRRADIATION STERILIZATION TECHNOLOGY AND QUALITY CONTROL Sol-Gel Method Fabricate SiO2 Aerogel Used in Function of Wood Modification TAXONOMIC STUDIES ON RED TIDE CAUSATIVE ALGAE ON THE GUANGDONG COAST,SOUTH CHINA SEA Analysis of Electrophoretic Pattern of Seed Protein of Four Cultivated Species in Cucurbita Anatomical Studies on Fruits and Petioles of 8 Species of Angelica L.from Sichuan Province Progress Regarding Techniques of Separation and Detection in Proteomics Phylogenetic Position of Anegelica apaensis/Heracleum apaense Based on Evidence from ITS Sequences of Nuclear Ribosomal DNA Rare and Endangered Plants and Conservation in Yinggeling Nature Reserve, Hainan Cloning and Prokaryotic Expression of C-Phycocyanin Gene from Nostoc flagelliforme Leaf Micromorphology of Gelidocalamus Wen and Its Taxonomical Significance Study on Chemical Modification and Antioxidant Activity of Angelica sinensis Polysaccharide with Ultrasonic Extraction Separation and purification of bergapten from Notopterygii Rhizoma et Radix by silica gel column and high-speed counter-current chromatography Preparation of baicalin nasal gel and its permeation through nasal mucosa Identification of 17 species of Angelicae Pubescentis Radix based on ITS analysis Spectrum-activity relationship of Angelicae Sinensis Radix-Chuanxiong Rhizoma supercritical fluid extraction with Carthami Flos against myocardial ischemia Study on decolorization process of Compound Huanglian Injection A new iridoid glycoside from Lonicerae Flos Spectrum-effect relationship of active fraction from Angelicae Sinensis Radix with effect of reinforcing Qi Analysis of Essential Oils in Prepared Chinese Angelica Studies on Chemical Constituents of Radix Angelicae Sinensis Studies on Gel Electrophoresis of Soluble Protein and Two Kinds of Isodynamic Enzyme in Hongqu from Different Producing Areas A Study on Inhibitory Effect of Plant Growth Retardants on Earlier Bolting of Chinese Angelica Observation on Morphology and Histology of Angelica dahurica (Fisch.ex Hoffm.) Hook.f.var. formosana (Boiss.)Shan et Yuan in the Process of in Vitro Cultivation and Polyploid Induction Study on Improving the Dissolution Rate of Tanshinone in Vitro by Solvent Deposition Method Microstructure and distribution of pathogenic fungi of root rot in the root of Angelica sinensis Composition and content analysis of amino acid in authentic Angelica dahurica of Hunan Biological mechanisms of human-derived leukemia stem cells senescence regulated by Angelica sinensis polysaccharide Effect of heating treatment on stability of two coumarins in Angelica dahurica and activity of tyrosinase