Chlorophyll-Protein Complexes of Blue-Green Algae Isolated by a New Gel Electrophoresis System with High Resolving Power Corn Starch Gel and Plant Tissue Culture I. Effects of Corn Starch Gel Medium on Differentiation and Growth of Malus Zumi and M26 Effects of cadmium stress on the activities of antioxidant enzymes, digestive enzymes and the membrane lipid peroxidation of the mangrove mud clam Geloina coaxans (Gmelin) Studies of hemocytes DNA damage by two pesticides acetamiprid and chlorpyrifos in predaceous spiders of Pardosa astrigera Koch RADIATION CROSSLINKING OF HEAT SHRINKABLE MATERIAL OF LDPE Water Physiological Characteristics of Nostoc flagelliforme STUDIES ON THE ACTIVITIES OF ENZYMES OF PROTECTIVE SYSTEM DURING DIAPAUSE OF SAWFLY CHINOLYDA FLAGELLICORNIS THE GRASSLAND RESOURCES AND UTILIZATION IN SOUTH CHINA Differential Expression and Gene Cloning of Ferritin from Nostoc flagelliforme Subjected to Desiccation Study on the Relationship between Embryo Genesis and Isozymes Divergence in Doritis pulcherrima Lindl. Mapping QTLs for Seminal Root Architecture and Coleoptile Length in Wheat Study on Karyotypes of Six Species in Angelica from Sichuan, China A Fast Method for the Detection of TrypsinInhibitors Using Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis Genetic diversity analysis on Angelica sinensis from different habitats in Gansu province based on ISSR Preparation of emulsion-hydrogel transdermal patch of essential oil from Artemisiae Argyi Folium and its transdermal characteristics Chemical constituents from flowers of Hydrangea macrophylla var. thunbergii Preparation of ethosomes-based gel of demethylzeylasteral and its transdermal behavior in vitro New natural product from lipophilic parts in roots of Angelica dahurica Effect of altitude on ferulic acid in Angelica sinensis and analysis on key factors Development of gas chromatographic-mass spectrometry-pattern recognition method for the quality control of Chinese Angelica Forecast on shelf life of Chinese Angelica based on its chemical components variation Study on biligustilides from Angelica sinensis Determination of paeoniflorin in rat plasma by HPLC-MS/MS and
its pharmacokinetics
Analysis of principal composition of ethyl acetate part in
Huangqi Danggui decoction by HPLC-ESI-TOF-MS
Comparative study on transdermal osmosis in vitro of Aconitum brachypodiumliniment,gel and patcher Effect of various rotation systems on yield of Angelica sinensis and microbial populations in its rhizosphere Effects of cultivation methods on dry matter accumulating and growth dynamics of Angelica sinensis Optimization for formulation of Ginkgo biloba liquid-filled hard gelatin capsules by orthogonal design Species-specific PCR Primers for Identification of Carpomyia vesuviana Comparison of Protein Assays for Ejiao Preliminay Studies on Polyvinyl Alcohol Gel and its Transderman Therapeutic System Determination of Columbianetin, Columbianetin Acetate and Osthol in Angelica pubescens Maxim .f. biserrata Shan et Yuan by HPLC Effect of Essential Oil of Radix Angelicae Dahuricae on β-endorphin,ACTH,NO and Proopiomelanocortin of Pain Model Rats Study on the Physicochemical Properties of Cultivated Soil of Genuine Crude and No-enuine Crude Chinese Angelica Laboratory Study of the Yi-Fu-Ning Soft Gelatin Capsules in Treating Climacteric Syndrome Effects of Angelica sinensis Polysaccharides on Hepatic Drug Metabolism Enzymes Activities in Mice Research on the Grazing Degradation Model of the Main Steppe Rangelands in Inner Mongolia and Some Considerations for the Establishment of a Computerized Rangeland Monitoring system Membrane Lipids and Their Fatty Acid Composition in Nostoc flagelliforme Cells Isolation of High Molecular Weight DNA from Plant Nuclei Ultrastructure of the Vegetative Cells of Nostoc flagelliforme Prepared with High Pressure Freezing and Freeze Substitution Technique Comparison and Improvement of Polymorphism Amplification Methods Used for Detecting DNA Diversity of Plants The Specific Proteins of Sperm Cells of Lilium davidii The Cytoultrastructure of Nostoc flagelliforme Under Cultured Condition Identification of Corn Varieties Using Lactate Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis of Seed Albumins and Globulins Preliminary Study on Cis-Trans Interaction in Transcriptional Regulation of a Wheat High-Molecular-Weight (HMW) Glutenin Gene Allelopathy of Angelica sinensis at vegetative stage Evaluation of the role of microorganisms in composting The influence of the application amount of N,P,K and its provision on the yield of Angelical dahurica var. formosasa Application Research Progress of Proteomics Mechanism and scheme of ecological compensation for alpine rangeland in the northern Tibet, China Physiological responses of Salicornia bigelovii to salt stress during the flowering stage Ecosystem dynamics in the ‘Returning Rangeland to Grassland’ programs, China The Proteinase Activity and Types of Osmanthus fragrans Petals During Flower Opening and Senescence Phenotypic Variation of Gelidocalamus stellatus Wen Complex (Bambusoideae) Chemo-preventive effect of Angelica sinensis’ supercritical extracts on AOM/DSS-induced mouse colorectal carcinoma associated with inflammation Experimental study on aging effect of Angelica sinensis polysaccharides combined with cytarabine on human leukemia KG1α cell lines Qualitative and quantitative research on sulfur fumigation of Angelicae Dahuricae Radix (Baizhi) by near-infrared spectroscopy Analysis of variation of coumarin and volatile compounds in Angelica Dahuricae Radix in different drying methods and conditions Study on release kinetics for gel of Aconitum brachypodum based on nonlinear mixed effect model Quality control of Angelica sinensis with standard reference extract Pharmacological Studies on the Chinese Drug Radix Angelicae Dahuricae Studies on the Physico-chemical Identification of Seven Shake-drugs Analytical Studies on Amino Acids and Trace Elements in Donkey-hide Celatin Experimental Studies on the Effects of Danggui Buxue Decoction on IL-2 Production of Blood-deficient Mice Studies on Identification of Fruits of Xanthium sibiricum Patr,and X. mongolicum Kitag. Chemical constituents in aerial parts of Pulsatilla chinensis Inhibition of matrix seedling raising in winter on premature bolting of Angelica sinensis Effects of Exogenous Spermidine on the Content of Polyamines in Salicornia bigelovii Torr.under NaCl Stress Effect of Water on Physiological Activity of Nostoc flagelliforme Effect of different fractions from DANGGUI BUXUE TANG on immunological function in normal and blood-deficiency mouse Advance in research of Angelica sinensis Effects of ethanol sediments from tuber of Angelica sinensis and its litmusless component on secreting TNF-α and IL-1 of macrophages in vitro Survey of studies on TCM gel preparation Comparative identification of Magnolia officinalis and its easily confusable bark of Engelhardria roxburghiana Determination of toal steroid in Trachyrhamphus serratus Effects of Angelica polysaccharide and its sulfates on coagulation and platelet aggregation Chemical constituents from Engelhardtia roxburghiana Effects of combined injection of Angelica sinensis polysaccharide and cytarabine on bone marrow mononuclear cells of transplanted human leukemia mice Study on chemical materials and drug nature association of efficacy orientation of different parts from Angelicae Sinensis Radix Research progress on clinical application of Sophorae Flavescentis Radix gelatum