Preparation of sinomenine hydrochloride nanoparticle thermosensitive gel for intra-articular injection and its characteristic investigation Effects of Yifuning soft gelatin capsules on pathology and biomechanical indexes of ovariectomied ra Optimization of extraction process of Codonopsis pilosula polysaccharides and study on its composition In vitro percutaneous penetration studies of Jinhuang Gel based on principal component analysis Chemical constituents from Notopterygium incisum Effect of isolated garlic sprouts on germination properties of Angelica sinensis seeds under simulated continuous cropping stress Studies on the Chemical Constituents from the Water-Soluble Part of Euphrasia regelii Comparative Study on Angiogenesis Effect of Astragalus membranaceus and Angelica sinensis in Chick Embryo Choriollantoic Membrane Genetic diversity of Radix Angelicae Dahuricae germplasmic resource based on ISSR analysis Studies on the Identification of Dahurian Angelica (Angelica dahurica) Using GC Retention Index Spectrum Studies on Different Methods of Fertilizer Application to Curtail Earlier Bolting for a Better Yield of Taiwan Angelica (Angelica dahurica var. formosasa) Effect of the Oil of Angelica sinensis on the Contractile Function of Isolated Uterine Smooth Muscle of Mice Studies on Gel Electrophoresis Atlas of Soluble Protein in Bungarus Stellera chamae jasme induced apoptosis of HL-60 cells and regulated expression of bcl-2 protein in SGC-7901 cells Morphology and structure of gel-based water-absorbent slow release nitrogen fertilizers and the influence of salt Comparative Proteomics Analysis of Anther Proteins between Ven Cytoplasmic Male Sterile and Fertile Plants on the Early Stages of Pollen Development in Wheat Microbial diversity in petroleum reservoirs analyzed by PCR-DGGE Comparative analysis of leaf proteomes between tobacco plants growing in different ecological regions of China Construction of Protein Two-Dimensional Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis System for Brassica napus Identification and Analysis of Differentially Expressed Proteins of BNS Male Sterile Line and Its Conversion Line of Wheat Proteomic Analysis of Leaves of the Chlorophyll-Deficient Wheat Mutant Mt6172 and Its Wild-Type through 2D-Difference Gel Electrophoresis Regulation of leucocyte adhesion molecule CD11b,CD44 by Qichou decoction in the rats with largely partial nephrectomy Authentication of Pinellia pedatisecta and their adulterants by AS-PCR In vivo and in vitro effect of peptide HP-6 derived from donkey serum albumin on hematopoietic system Research on Chinese medicine pairs (Ⅶ) —— Angelicae Sinensis Radix-Chuanxiong Rhizoma Identification of Chinese traditional medicine Angelicae Pubescentis Radix from different places by fourier transform infrared spectrometry Effect of combined administration of Angelica polysaccharide and cytarabine on liver of human leukemia NOD/SCID mouse model Studies on chemical constituents of aqueous extract of Lonicera japonica flower buds Analysis on physiological and biochemical characteristics of bolting Angelica sinensis plant Effect of different cropping rotations on enzyme activities in rhizosphere soil and production quality of Angelica sinensis Comparative Research on Gel Properties of Inulin Flour and Inulin The Response of Enzymatic Active Oxygen Scavenging System in Leaves of Buchloe dactyloides to Differences Photoperiod Morphological and Anatomical Studies of Floral Organogenesis and Development in Catalpa speciosa Proteomic Analysis of R17 Cucumber Differentially Expressed ProteinsInduced by Powdery Mildew Fungus Cyclopeptides from Three Arctic Caryophyllaceae Plants, Chemotaxonomy and Distribution Significance of Caryophyllaceae Cyclopeptides The Relationship between Ovule Development and Isozymes after Pollination in Phaius tankervilliae (Aiton) Bl. Analysis of β-EST Isoenzymes Related to Sterility Changeover in Temperature-sensitive CMS of Chinese Cabbage (Brassica campestris L. ssp. pekinensis) with Two-dimensional GEL Electrophoresis The Relationship between Ovule Development and Isozymes after Pollination in Phaius tankervilliae (Aiton) Bl. Phenotypic Variation of Gelidocalamus stellatus Wen Complex (Bambusoideae) New Plants of Stigonema from Jilin A Study on Karyotypes and Geographical Distribution of Angelica and Related Genera (Umbelliferae) in China Adjustment Effect of Dadix Astragalus and Dadix Angelicae Sinensis on TNF-α and bFGF on Renal Injury Induced by Ischemia Reperfusion in Rabbit Application of β-Cyclodextrin Inclusion Technique in New Dosage Form of Angelica Sinensis Essential Oil A Study on Characterisistics of Transdermal Absoption of Radix Angelieae Sinensis and Its Compound Formula Extraction and Separation of Antitumor Components from Ganoderma lucidum (Leyss.ex Fr.) Karst. RAPD Analysis of Germplasm in "Baizhi Enrichment process of scoparone from Yinchenhao Decoction with macroporous resin Study on chemical constituents of Trachyrhamphus serratus Purification technology of Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii
and Radix Angelicae Pubescentis in Fufang Xuelian dropping pills
by macroporous resin
Preparation and characterization of thermosensitive in situ gel containing berberine bovine serum albumin nanoparticles for ophthalmic drug delivery Influence of humic acid fertilizer on biomass accumulation and quality of Angelica sinensis Advances in research on drug release mechanisms and modes of thermosensitive gel Analysis on chemical components of volatile oil and determination of thymoquinone from seed of nigella glandulifera Preparation of paeonol microemulsion gel and transdermal characterization in vitro Non-alkaloid constituents of Gelsemium elegans Swelling property of common hydrophilic polymers and their use in push-pull osmotic-pump tablets Population structure and ecological distribution of rhizospheric microorganisms of Angelica sinensis Development of ion sensitivity in situ Gel Study on feasibility of cutting process of fresh Angelica sinensis Radix Quantitative analysis of five components in the rhizome of Angelica polymorpha by RP-HPLC under different UV wavelengths Formulation optimization of gel matrix of Saussurea involucrate by orthogonal design Quality control and discrimination of angelica different processed products based on HPLC fingerprints combined chemometrics methods INFLUENCE OF DENSE PHASE CO2 ON GEL PROPERTIES OF MINCED MUTTON PCR-DGGE analysis of soil bacterium community diversity in farmland influenced by biochar herders‘ desirable stocking rates and methods for implementing a sustainable grass-animal balance in the rangeland regions of northern China Determination of gelsemine and koumine in human plasma by HPLC-UV Comparison of polysaccharides between hairy root of Astragalus membranaceus and its cultivation Extraction of essential oil fromAngelicas inens is by supercritical-CO2 fluid in comparison with that by steam dist illation Affect of ANGELICA INJECTION on superoxide dismutase and lipid peroxide in blood of climacteric rats Analysis on Genuineness of Angelica sinensis by RAPD Quantitative Analysis of Raddeanoside D in Radde Anemone Rhizome (Anemone raddeana) from Different Habitats by HPLC Protective Effects of Sodium Ferulate and Ethanol Sediments from Danggui (Angelica sinensis) on Immunological Liver Injury Determination of Ferulic Acid in the Root of Angelica sinensis Influence of Blood Replenishing Angelica Decoction on EnhancedEndothelial Permeability Induced by Histamine Effects of Chinese Angelica Tuber (Angelica sinensis) Ethanol Sediments on Mice Spleen and Thymus Lymphocytes Proliferation in vitro An Experimental Study on the Neuroprotective Effects of Chinese Angelica (Angelica sinensis) on Cerebral Ischemia injury in Rat A NEW VARIETY OF STELLARIA CHINENSIS REGEL STUDY ON ANNUAL GROWTH RHYTHM AND PHYSIOLOGICAL CHARACTER OF MATURE PLANTS OF ADONIS AMURENSIS NOTES ON SOME DOUBTFUL SPECIES OF THE GENUS VALERIANA LINN TWO NEW FORMS OF PULSATILLA CHINENSIS (BUNGE) REGEL FROM SHANDONG