Study on mechanism of telomere system regulation and senescence induction of leukemia stem cells by Angelica sinensis polysaccharide Cloning and tissue-specific expression analysis of conserved fragments of DXR gene from Angelica sinensis Optimization for formulation of Zhi Xiong San thermo-sensitive gel by central composite design-response surface method and study on characterization of its nasal mucosal permeability Evaluation on rheological properties of Dange ophthalmic in-situ gel and its common gel Optimization for prescription of Baoxieling Hydrogel Patch using Box-Behnken test design and research on its transdermal permeability in vitro Effects of penetration enhancers on in vitro transdermal permeation of components from total flavones in Scutellariae Radix Gel-unguentum Structural characterization of Guiqi polysaccharides AAP-2A UFLC fingerprint of Huoxiang Zhengqi Dripping Pill Comparison on release and transdermal behavior in vitro between Dinggui Gel Paste and Dinggui Huoluo Rubber Patch Preparation of Wei medicine Kuijiean thermosensitive hydrogel and study on its release properties Preparation of Sanqi Hydrogel Patch used for setting a bone and study on its transdermal permeability in vitro Research progress of structures and pharmacological activities of phthalides from Angelica sinensis Investigation on quality fluctuation of Shuanghuanglian Freeze-dried Powder used for Injection by microcalorimetry Effects of soil factors on yield and quality of Angelica dahurica var. formosana Study on polysaccharide S from Tibetan traditional medicine Nardostachys chinensis Correlation of combinations between Angelicae Sinensis Radix and Carthami Flos Determination of ferulic acid in Yangxue Danggui Capsules by HPLC Design and Realize of Maplayer Management and Map Edit & Pagelayout Module in the Monitoring System of Forestry Ecological Engineering Changes of Polyamines of Chinolyda flagellicornis Preliminary evaluation on drug release and local security of Ranuncoli Ternati Radix extracts-ion sensitive in situ gels Plant Proteomics in the Post-genomic Era Characteristics and Distributions of Isozymes of Superoxide Dismutase in Leaf Cella of Peanut and wheat Cloning,Expression,Purification of Sec7 Domain of hEFA6A Protein Proteomics Analysis of Ram Sperm by Heavy Ion Radiation The Hydrolysis of Edible Gelatine and Formaldehyde-Removal Activity of It’s Hydrolysate Extraction, Purification and Synchronous Determination of Endogenous Hormones in Angelica Dahurica with HPLC THE LATEST PROGRESS IN SINGLE CELL GEL ELECTROPHORESIS (SCGE) BASED ON DNA DAMAGE DETECTION COMPARATIVE PROTEOMICS ANALYSIS OF SHEEP SPERM UNDER TWO DOSES OF HEAVY ION TO IRRADIATION Study on the Spatial Quantitative Distribution of Chinolyda flagellicornis Process of SiO2 Gels Impregnation Wood by Lowry Method Fabrication and Performance of Bamboo-Based SiC/C Biological Ceramics Studies on cutaneous permeation in vitro of Kushen recipe gel Comparative Study on in vitro drug-release between Tuizhang ophthalmic gel and Tuizhang oculentum A review on liquid-filled hard gelatin capsules Analysis on chemical components of volatile oil and determination of thymoquinone from seed of nigella glandulifera Effects of different package materials and storage methods on qualityand shelf life of Angelica sinensis Inhibition of winter seedling raising in greenhouse of prematurebolting in Angelica sinensis Drought resistance of Angelica dahurica during seedling stage underpolyethylene glycol (PEG-6000)-simulated drought stress Comparative study on pharmacokinetics of six major alkaloids in Zuojin Wan microemulsion based gel and hydrogel Study on chemical constituents of Scutelliaria regeliana Pollen viability and stigma receptivity of Angelica dahurica from Sichuan and Hebei province Simultaneous determination of three sesquiterpene lactones in Inula hupehensis by RP-HPLC Preparation and pharmacodynamics studies on anti-inflammatory effect of catechu gel Study on application of bioassay method in drug-release evaluation in vitro of Salvia miltiorrhiza hydrophilic gel matrix tablets Preparation of Kushen-Dilong nanoemulsion gel and transdermal characterization in vitro In vitro transdermal behavior of effective constituents in Chonghe gel Effect of microemulsion technology on release of compounds in Zhitong cataplasm and content variation Preparation and in vitro permeation of tetramethylpyrazine hydrochloride transdermal gel Analysis of bacterial flora during the fahua-fermentation process of fuzhuan brick tea production based on DGGE technology Distribution of dinoflagellate cysts in surface sediments from Changshan Archipelagoin the North Yellow Sea Dinoflagellate heterotrophy The community structure and abundance of microcystin-producing cyanobacteria in surface sediment of Lake Taihu in winter Relationship between cell volume and cell carbon and cell nitrogen for ten common dinoflagellates Structural change analysis of cecal bacterial flora in different poultry breeds using PCR-DGGE Toxicological study of three veterinary drugs on Eisenia foetida Proteomic Analysis of Seedless Litchi at Embryo Developmental Stage Ecological Characteristics of Plants of Harboi Rangeland, Kalat, Pakistan DISTRIBUTION FEATURES OF DINOFLAGELLATE CYSTS IN DAPENG BAY ELECTROPHORETIC ANALYSIS OF THE GLUTELIN PROTEINS FROM AMARANTHUS CRUENTUS R104 Effect of Four Brands of Gelling Agents on Callus Induction from Mature Seeds of Several Turfgrass Species Tyrosinase inhibitor from Angelica dahurica roots Studies on comparison and classification of Angelica sinensis  from different areas in Gansu province Swelling property of common hydrophilic polymers and their use in push-pull osmotic-pump tablets Preparation and release in vitro of Sarcandrae extract from injectable thermosensitive in situ gel Preparation and release in vitro of injectable thermosensitive in situ gel of Glabrous Sarcandra herb extract Preparation of paeonol microemulsion gel its and transdermal characterization in vitro Effect of angelica polysaccharides co-erythropoietin on JAK2/STAT5 signal transduction pathway in hematopoietic stem/ progenitor cells Effect of angelica polysaccharides co-erythropoietin on JAK2/STAT5 signal transduction pathway in hematopoietic stem/ progenitor cells Study on total alkaloids content and its influential factors in medicinal materials of Tripterygium Preparation and evaluation in vivo of scutellaria thermosensitive gel Study on drug release of gastrodin ion-activated nasal in situ gel in vitro Pathogen identification and occurrence regularity of a novel disease——Angelica anthracnose Effects of intercropping patterns on growth characters and yield of Angelica sinensis under continuous mono-cropping planting Responses of soil particulate organic carbon and nitrogen along an altitudinal
gradient on the Helan Mountain, Inner Mongolia
Effects of seedlings with different root diameters on Angelica sinensis early bolting and physiological changes during the medicine formation period Morphological and Anatomical Studies of Floral Organogenesis and Development in Catalpa speciosa Development of Method for Preparation of High Molecular Weight DNA from Citrus grandis (L.) Osbeck‘Guanximiyou’ A Study of Rangeland Productive Potential and Limiting Factors in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Analysis on Factors Causing the Seed Dormancy of Buchloe dactyloides(Nutt.) Engelm. Influences of Chinolyda flagellicornis on Volatile Organic Compounds of Cupressus funebris in Natural Conditions