HPLC fingerprint of Angelica sinensis (Ⅰ) Triptolide in different populations and individuals of three species ofTripterygium Hook.f. Seed germination character of Radix Angelica Pubescentis Determination of ferulic acid in plasma of mice plasma administered with Danggui Hujiao Decoction by HPLC Effect of extracts of Ligusticum chuanxiong and Angelica sinensis on MAPK pathway and cycle proteins in vascular smooth muscle cells Analysis of polysaccharide from broken cellular wall and unbroken spore of Ganoderma lucidum IEF Electrophorogram of protein in Rhizoma Pinelliae Effect of root diameter on early bolting rate and yield in seedling of Angelica sinensis Analysis of aconitine alkaloids in compatible application of Radix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata with different flavour herbs by ESI-MS spectrometry The Effect of Sheep Rotational Grazing Intensities on Forage and Animal Production of Qinghai-Tibet Alpine Rangeland in the Summer and Autumn Isolation and Characteristics of N2-fixers From Rhizosphere of Plant Leymus chinensis in the Rangeland of Inner Mongolia Sheep Raising Method During the Ecological Frangibility Period of Grassland Effect of Planting Density on the Productivity and WUE of Three Legumes in Highland of Loess Plateau Rooting in the Sustainable Utilization of Rangeland Resources for Sandstorm Prevention Molecular Detection and Take-all Response Assays of TiERF1-RC7 Transgenic Wheat Genetic Relationship among Wx Gene, AC, GC and GT of Rice A Two-dimensional Gel Electrophoresis Protocol Suitable for Rice Microsome Proteins and the Analysis of Bentazon Tolerance-Related Proteins in Rice Investigation on the additional alkaloid-types on Gelsemium elegans Late Miocene Palaeocarya (Engelhardieae: Juglandaceae) from Southwest China and its biogeographic implications Energy Transfer from Phycobilisomes to Photosystems of Nostoc flagelliforme Born. Et Flah. During the Rewetting Course and Its Physiological Significance Effect of angelica polysaccharide on bone marrow macrophage and its relationship to hematopoietic regulation Micromorphological Characteristics of Pericarp Surface of Angelica s.s.(Apiaceae) from China and Its Taxonomic Significance Spatial Structure Characteristics of Quercus aliena var.acuteserrata Secondary Forest on South Slope of Qinling Mountains Separation and Identification of Thylakoid Membrane Proteins in Nostoc flagelliforme on Dehydration Studies on chemical constituents in the seeds of Nigella glandulifera Preliminary studies on physicochemical properties of Angelica sinensis polysaccharide-iron complex Analysis of the volatile components of YL2000 decoction by GC-MS Clinical study on a randomized, double-blind control of Shenwu gelatin capsule in treatment of mild cognitive impairment Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism Analysis of Large Subunit rDNA of Symbiotic Dinoflagellates from Scleractinian Corals in the Zhubi Coral Reef of the Nansha Islands Spatial Patterns and Interspecific Associations of Three Canopy Species at Different Life Stages in a Subtropical Forest, China Role of GA3, GA4 and Uniconazole-P in Controlling Gravitropism and Tension Wood Formation in Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr. var. japonica Maxim. Seedlings Gene Expression Profile Changes in Germinating Rice ALK, The Key Gene for Gelatinization Temperature, is a Modifier Gene for Gel Consistency in Rice Cloning and tissue expression of 4-coumarate coenzyme A ligase gene in Angelica sinensis Protective effect of Angelica sinensis polysaccharides on subacute renal damages induced by D-galactose in mice and its mechanism Chemical constituents from lipophilic parts in roots of Angelica dahurica var. formosana cv.Chuanbaizhi A cell membrane chromatography method for screening 5-HT receptor agonists from drug pair of Chuanxiong Rhizoma and Angelicae Dahuricae Radix Production regionalization study of Chinese angelica based on MaxEnt model Autotoxicity of water extracts from rhizosphere soil of cultivated Angelica sinensis and identification of their allelopathic compounds Isolation and purification of gelsenicine and gelsevirine from Gelsemium elegans by high-speed counter-current chromatography Dynamic changes of ammoniaoxidizing archaea community structureduring aerobic composting of chicken manure Preliminary study on scavenging mechanism of dissolved aluminum by phytoplankton IDENTIFICATION OF WHEAT PROTEINS BY ELECTROPHORESIS Inheritance of Gel Consistency in Indica Rice (Oryza sativa L.) DESCRIPTION OF A NEW SPECIES HYLOBITELUS XIAOI (COLEOPTERA:CURCULIONIDAE) THE EFFECT OF DROUGHT STRESS UPON PROTEIN COMPONENT IN LEAVES OF BETULA PLATYPHYLLA SEEDLINGS Rapid and Efficient Recycling DNA Fragments from Non-denaturing Polyacrylamide Gel Seasonal dynamics of Batrachospermum gelatinosum growth and distribution in Niangziguan spring,China Cloning and sequence analysis on Actin gene fragment from Angelica sinensis Studies on the Soil s for Growth of Angelica dahurica(Fisch.)Benth.et.Hook. Research on the Processing of Angelica Based on the Analysis of Water Soluble Constituents Enriching blood effect comparison in three kinds of blood deficiency model after oral administration of drug pair of Angelicae Sinensis Radix and Chuanxiong Rhizoma and each single herb Proteome analysis on interaction between Anoectochilus roxburghii and Mycorrhizal fungus Optimization of formulas of Quban gel by uniform design Study on molecular identification of water extracts from Gelsemium elegans and Lonicera japonica and its close species by specific PCR amplification Study on transport mechanism of baicalin in Scutellariae Radix extracts and effect of Angelica Dahurica extracts on transport of baicalin by Caco-2 cell monolayer model Studies on new co-processed excipient consisting of lactose and gelatinized starch Herbal textual research on origin and development of traditional Chinese medicine “Duhuo” and “Qianghuo” EVALUATING THE MOLECULAR WEIGHT AND CHARACTERISTICS OF \=HUMIC ACIDS GRADATIONS USING GEL FILTRATION \=AND RADIOISOTOPE TRACER TECHNIQUE Newly Recorded Plants from Hainan Island, China (Ⅺ) Optimization of Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis for Proteome of Chinese Fir Leaves Changes in Specific Proteins in Embryos of Longan at Different Development Stages Anti-inflammatory Effect of Radix Angelicae Sinensis Studies on Purity Identification of Maize Seed with Albumin Polymorp-hism Application of sealing technique in hard gelatin capsule Dynamic characteristic of dry matter accumulation and isoimperatorin in Angelica dahurica Coumarins of Angelica dahurica var.formosana (Ⅱ) Effect of APS on recoverable ability from cryopreservation damage of UCB hematopoietic cells Separation and purification technology of ferulic acid in Angelica sinensis by macroporous adsorption resin The Storage of Biomass Carbon under Different Land Use in Liupan Mountain Forest Zone Separation and purification of tanshinone from Salvia miltiorrhiza by combination of silica gel and high-speed counter-current chromatography Establishment of tissue culture and rapid propagation system of Typhonium flagelliforme Chemical constituents from Gelsemium elegans Chemical constituents from Gelsemium elegans Effects of preparation methods and technologies on in vitro characteristics of curcumin-phospholipid complex-chitosan microspheres Cloning and sequence analysis on Actin gene fragment from Angelica sinensis Preparation technology for hydrogel cataplasm of Chinese materia medica in industrialization Honey-steam processing technology of Ploygonatum odoratum by multi-index comprehensive evaluation Study on prescription technology of Compound Zhizi Gel Preparation of curcumin thermoresponsive nanogels and their characteristics