Seasonal dynamics of hyperin content in Acanthopanax senticosus at different habitats A new species of Dendropanax (Araliaceae) from China Effect or ecofactors on the growth and physiological characteristics of ginseng under forest Population ecology or Acanthopqnax senticosus Ⅱ. Population statistics Screening and identification of antagonistic bacteria against Panax ginseng pathogeny fungus THE PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FUNGAL ELICITORS ON THE PANAX QUINQUEFOLIUM CELLS IN SUSPENSION CULTURE Effect of continuous cropping and soil treatment on rhizosphere fungal community of Panax quinquefolium PCR-SSCP molecular identification of Panax ginseng and P. quinquefolius based on ITS2 bar coding SNPs Breeding strains of Panax notoginseng by using EST-SSR markers In vivo distribution and pharmacokinetics of multiple effective components contained in Panax notoginseng saponins after intratympanic administration Inhibition of glutathione-S-transferase by total saponins of Panax notoginseng and its kinetics analysis in liver of mice Status and prospective on nutritional physiology and fertilization of Panax notoginseng Effects of culture conditions on biomass and active components ofadventitious roots culture in Panax ginseng Studies on Protective Action of Acanthopanax giraldii Harms Polysccharides Against Experimental Liver Injury in Rats and Mice A Study on AFLP Fingerprinting of Land Races of Panax ginseng L. Determination of Organochlorine Pesticide Multi-Residues in Astragalus membranaceus(Fisch.)Bge.var.mongholicus(Bge.) Hsiao,Panax notoginseng(Burk.) F. H. Chen and P.quin quefolium L. Genetic Transformation of Panax gingseng C.A. Meyer Induced by Root Inducing Plasmid(Ri) of Agrobacterium rhizogenes Studies on the correlation between the branch and leaf morphological variation of Diplopanax stachyanthus and the environmental factors Comparative studies on the growth of Acanthopanax brachypus clone in two habitats of Quercus liaotungensis forest and open land Allelopathy of ginseng root exudates on pathogens of ginseng Anticoagulant Activity of the Extracts from Different Part of Panax notoginseng (Burk.) F.H.Chen Nootropic effect of gensenosides Rg1 and Rb1 and their metabolites Development of real-time fluorescence quantitative RT-PCR assay for β-actin gene of Panax ginseng ISSR Genetic diversity analysis of Panax japonicas var. major by molecular makers Effects of Xueshuantong injection on platelet aggregation in rabbits in vitro Chemical constituents from leaves of Acanthopanax evodiaefolius Isolation of endophytes from Panax quinquefolium and screening and identification of strains with antagonistic activity Cloning and sequence analysis of PqGA2ox gene in Panax quinquefolium Preliminary study on autointoxication and allelopathy of Panax notoginseng Cloning and Bioinformatics Analysis of euFUL Gene in Panax ginseng Estimation of Genome Size of Four Panax Species by Flow Cytometry* Effects of Panax notoginseng saponins on hematoma absorption and serum level of MMP-9 in cerebral hemorrhage Correlation between ginsenoside accumulation and SQS and SQE gene expression in different organs of Panax quinquefolius Study on ultrasound countercurrent extraction technology of Panax ginseng Chemical constituents of Acanthopanax senticosus and their free radical scavenging activities Cloning and bioinformatic analysis of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme-A reductase gene from Panax notoginseng Research history and overview of chemical constituents of Panax notoginseng Correlations between physical properties of raw materials and formability of Panax notoginseng saponins pellets Chemical constituents in acid hydrolysates of total saponins from stems and leaves of Panax ginseng Effect of cold stress on expression characteristic of gene families of ginsenoside biosynthesis pathway GC-ECD Determination of Residual Organochlorine Pesticides in American Ginseng (Panax quinquefolium) The Regulatory Action of Ginseng (Panax ginseng),Huangqi (Astragalus membranaceus) and Chinese Wolfberry (Lycium chinense) on Heart 尾-adrenoceptor of Aged Rats Effects of Total Saponins of Sanchi (Panax pseudo-ginseng var. notoginseng)on TNF, NO and Its Mechanisms X-ray Diffraction of Tall Oplopanax (Oplopanax elatus) Indentification of Proteins from Panax pseudo-ginseng var.notoginseng and Its Confusable Varieties by HPCE Saponins from the Fruit of Panax quinquefolius Collected in Canada Studies on the Seed Storage Behaviour of Panax quinquefolius Studies on the Chemical Constituents in the Fruit of Panax quinquefolius Genetic Transformation of Soybeans by Soaking Its Seeds with the Total DNA of America Ginseng (Panax quinquefolium) Ⅰ. Analysis on the Variation of Soybean Morphologic Characters Induced by Foreign DNA Uptake A Study on Quantitative Assay Method for Total Saponins in Panax quinquefolium Api Studies on the Farm Irrigation Index for Culturing Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer Du Jiang;Gao Lin Accumulation dynamic of acankoreagenin in leaves of Acanthopanax gracilistylus Qualitative characteristics and classification study on commodity specification and grade standard of Panax notoginseng Research on concentration of 5 different ginsenosides in Panax japonica collected from different cultivated geographic regions Screening and identification of indoleacetic acid producing endophytic bacterium in Panax ginseng Studies on chemical constituents from leaves of Diplopanax stachyathus Initial practice of Real Time PCR for the expression of SS gene in Panax notoginseng The Mediation of Defense Responses of Ginseng Cells to an Elicitor from Cell Walls of Colletotrichum lagerarium by Plasma Membrane NAD(P)H Oxidases STUDY ON THE SECONDARY METABOLIC REGULATION OF CALLUS OF Panax quinquefolium L. THE ABSORPTION DISTRIBUTION AND UTILIZATION OF N IN DIFFERENTNITROGENN FOREMS BY AMERICAN GINSENGS Effects of different light transmission rate on American ginseng‘s photosynthesis Study on Culture Media for Micropropagation of Oplopanax elatus Nakai Anatomic Observation in the Process of Somatic Embryogenesis of Acanthopanax senticosus  TRITERPENOIDS FROM NOTHOPANAX DAVIDII HIGH-PERFORMANCE LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OF SAPONINS OF PANAX QUINQUEFOLIUM CULTIVATED IN YUNNAN, CHINA CHEMOTAXONOMY OF PANAX AND ITS APPLICATION OF MEDICAL RESOURCES SAPONINS OF THE RHIZOME OF PANAX JAPONICUS VAR.BIPINNATIFIDUS AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE OF CHEMOTAXONOMY DAMMARANE SAPONINS OF LEAVES OF PANAX JAPONICUS VAR.MAJOR COLLECTED IN QINLING MOUNTAIN, CHINA (1 ) THE ANALGESIC AND ANTIPHLOGISTlC EFFECTS OF TOTAL SAPONINS EXTRACTED FROM PANAX NOT0GINSENG Research progress and thought on processing of Panax notoginseng Catalytic conversion of protopanaxadiol saponins to 20(R)-ginsenoside Rg3 by tartaric acid Comparison on in vitro dissolution behavior of notoginsenoside R1, ginsenosides Rb1 and Rg1 between ordinary fine and ultrafine powder of Panax notoginseng Establishment of traceable management information platform for quality safety of Panax ginseng Comparison on ginsenosides in Panax ginseng from different habitats in northeast China and its processed products Extracting technology optimization of polysaccharides from Panax ginseng by orthogonal test Effect of the sustained release excipients on the release rate of ginsenoside Rg1 and ginsenoside Rb1 in sustained-release tablet of Panax notoginsenosides Study on the Chemical Constituents of the Roots of Commercial Ginseng Studies on Saponin Constituents in Roots of Panax quinquefolium Inhibitory effect of Panax notoginseng saponins on alveolar epithelial to mesenchymal transition